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Black Myth Wukong Kang-Jin Loong Boss Guide

Here is the Kang-Jin Loong boss guide which will help you bring down a very powerful lightning Dragon who is blocking your path through the story out on a frozen lake in Mirrormere. Tough fight this one.

Location: The New West, Snowhill Path, Mirrormere.
Rewards: x4,088 Will, x2,660 Will, x3 Cold Iron Leaves, Stalit Cloud-Bidden Antler.
Kang-Jin Loong is a powerful lightning based boss who favours aerial combat and can be found by going out on to the frozen lake from the Mirrormere shrine which triggers a cutscene, however, before taking on Kang-Jin Loong you may want to spend an hour or so farming XP to increase your chances of survival and if you are struggling invest some Sparks in the Pillar Stance as being able to stay off the ground will help you avoid some of the electrical blasts which ransack across the ice.

This Dragon can be a fairly irritating fight as it is very fast and can stay aerial for a good time where it is effectively safe from attack seeing as you have no ranged attacks so wait for it to slam back down avoiding the AOE then get in there with a good few attacks which can be rough given the limited amount of Spells and abilities you will have at this point in the game. Immobilize and a triple focus point charged heavy will come in handy here as will jumping heavy attacks which not only help you stay off the ground they also have a chance of staggering the Loong leaving it open for a barrage of your best attacks.

When they Loong rears up it will strike at you very fast so timing your dodges is critical to avoid the impact then watch as it turns around and slams back down with either its tail or arms either of which can easily knock you down and by the time you recover you will have to move quickly to avoid the next series of attacks which could be electrical blasts, more tail slams or rearing up for another rush attack.

Every so often Kang-Jin will raise up to the sky and rain lightning blasts down on you, if you get caught out by a few of these blasts they can easily send you back to the shrine and they can be hard to avoid so do your best then heal any damage before the Loong slams back on the ground trying to finish whatever’s left of your health bar.

Kang-Jin has a nasty lightning based breath attack which can half health you if you take all of it which is usually followed by either lightning raining down on you or a nasty tail attack you need to dodge through just before it hits to avoid the impact then ensure you punish as it recovers then use Transformation if you are low on Gourd uses and try to inflict as much damage as possible before your transformed state either runs out or is defeated then continue your assault until you manage to bring Kang-Jin Loong down.

That’s the Black Myth Wukong Kang-Jin Loong boss guide complete, how did you get on bringing down the lightning Dragon?.




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