Black Myth Wukong Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Soulslike.
Black Myth Wukong directory.
Here is the Black Myth Wukong Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang boss guide which will help you find and take down this optional cryo Frog who is waiting for you on a frozen lake and even has the ability to eat you if you allow it to.
Location: The New West, Valley of Ecstasy, Forest of Felicity.
Rewards: x1,270 XP, x904 Will, x2 Silk, x1 Cold Iron Leaves, Tadpole.
After sliding down the hill following the Non-White boss fight, rest at the Forest of Felicity shrine then turn around and go through the small opening in the cliff which leads through to the Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang arena where the Frog will begin its assault as soon as you get close and it can be a nasty fight as being frozen on place leaves you open to some heavy follow up attacks as well as dramatically slowing your movement speed.
The Frog will pounce, slap and lick you in an attempt to inflict damage then usually perform a powerful frost breath attack which is then followed up by more hard hitting combo attacks or a shriek which forms ice crystals that explode inflicting decent damage on you as well as trying to freeze you in place so stay as mobile as you can.
Try to face Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang head or side on as if you try to hurt from behind you will be rewarded with a powerful double kick for your efforts then either a spinning or jumping follow up that can have you back at the shrine if it connects.
Towards the end of the fight, the Frog will try and swallow you which can cause a lot of damage so ensure you stay above 50% health as much as you can to survive the attack which might not kill you on its on but the speed of this Amphibian can make it hard to heal in time before the next barrage comes your way. Immobilize followed by a charged heavy and the Red Tides transformation are all decent ways to inflict damage then practice the timing of the attacks until you manage to come away with the win.
That’s the Black Myth Wukong Lang-Li-Guhh-Lang boss guide complete, how did you get on with becoming a Frogs frozen dinner?.