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Black Myth Wukong Macaque Chief (Second Encounter) Boss Guide

Here is the Black Myth Wukong Macaque Chief (second encounter) boss guide which will help you bring down the Macaque Chief for the 2nd time in this mandatory story fight.

Location: The New West, Pagoda Realm, Warding Temple.
Rewards: Ring of Fire Spell, x1,600 Will.
The 2nd encounter against the Macaque Chief will take place from the Snow-Veiled Trail by following the path up the stairs which triggers a cut-scene with the Old Man. The Chief will then come at you with a barrage of swipes, stabs and slashes most of which inflict Frost bane just for that extra bit of damage and if your Frost meter fills you will be frozen in place for a short time so button mash to get out of it.

There will also be a good number of energy pulse attacks that come your way and when they’re combined with the Macaque’s speed and sporadic nature it is easy to get caught out then punished with combos as you recover from the initial attack. Cloud Step is a good way of avoiding the heavier attacks as the Chief will focus on the decoy allowing you to either heal or re position yourself to deliver a heavy kick to its back then follow up with some fast combos.

Some of the attacks he sends your way will cause ice to form in a line or circle depending on the trajectory of the attack which then explodes causing considerable damage and should be avoided even if it means taking a hit from the sword as ice damage is a big concern in this battle. Then its a case of using your Spells, Spirit and abilities as well as heavy jumping attacks until you manage to reduce the Macaque’s health o around 95% where he will then disappear again.

That’s the Black Myth Wukong Macaque Chief (second encounter) boss guide complete, how did you get on against this freeze inducing Primate?.




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