Black Myth Wukong Non-Pure Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Soulslike.
Black Myth Wukong directory.
Here is the Black Myth Wukong Non-Pure boss guide which will help you find and defeat a powerful Monk who is hiding out in one of the buildings in New Thunderclap Temple.
Location: The New West, New Thunderclap Temple, Mahavira Shrine.
Rewards: x1,270 XP, x890, x2 Silk, x1 Cold Iron Leaves, Blood of the Iron Bull, Non-Pure Spirit.
Rest at the Mahavira Shrine then either run pass or defeat the Overlords at the bottom of the stairs and run left into the small building where the Non-Pure boss will be waiting for you and he is a bit of a nothing boss, he’s got a few combos, slams and the ability to block your attacks but his guard is easily broken with repeated attacks.
He does have a nasty combo where he spins around then finishes with a jumping overhead slam that can finish you off if you allow yourself to get caught up in the combo but with spells like Immobilize, Cloud Step or a transformation you should be able to get away or interrupt the combo easily enough.
As for weaknesses, Non-Pure doesn’t really have anything he isn’t weak to, you can use any Bane you have such as fire or shock but given this guy is a bit of a limp boss and considering the story bosses you have taken down, Non-Pure should be little more than a small bump in the road.
That’s the Black Myth Wukong Non-Pure boss guide complete, I hope it helped you find and take down one of the optional bosses hidden away in the New Thunderclap Temple.