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Black Myth Wukong Non-White Boss Guide

Here is the Black Myth Wukong Non-White boss guide which will help you bring down a 2 phase boss who will ambush you initially then fly away waiting for you at the summit of the mountain and is tough considering he can use both Frost and Venom banes with deadly effect.

Location: The New West, Valley of Ecstasy, Mindfulness Cliff.
Rewards: x1,847 XP, x1,189 Will, x2 Cold Iron Leaves, Blood of the Iron Bull, Non-White Spirit.
Head up from the Mindfulness Cliff shrine where the Non-White will appear and come at you with blistering fast Freeze based combos which can devastate your health bar, that combined with the boss’s ability to block a good number of your attacks until you break his guard can significantly hamper your chances of survival.

Fortunately you only need to bring the Non-White down to around 50% where he will then disappear up the mountain to the summit where you will need to make your way up. Before ascending you can collect the following items:


With these items collected head up the top of the mountain where Non-White will be waiting for you. I do strongly recommend running past the enemies you will encounter as you go as you will need every resource possible to stand a chance of bringing this guy down who will come at you initially with Frost bane designed to freeze you in place leaving you open for heavy punishment from fast combo attacks.

You will have all manner of attacks including stabs, thrusts, swipes, jumping attacks and pounces all of which hit brutally hard so do your best to dodge and counter just ensure you save your resources for the second half of the fight as when the Non-White gets brought down to around half health he will change elements and begin attacking with Venom bane which can shred your health bar.

The Venomous Non-White is a next level boss compared the 2 versions you will have fought already favouring ethereal attacks which negate your own offensive moves getting round them like they weren’t a thing then leaving you defenceless as you endure hard hitting combos with even harder follow up attacks. The move set will be an enhanced version of the Frost Non-White except with one addition, the ability to pelt you with venom-laced knives designed to inflict Venom as well as do decent damage.

You will need to perform multiple dodges to avoid the majority of the Non-Whites attacks and don’t be surprised if you get put down several times in a row before you manage to come out the win and with spirits such as Wandering Wight or the Second Rat Prince as well as the Red Tides Transformation you will hopefully be able to pull the win soon enough.

That’s the Black Myth Wukong Non-White boss guide complete, which phase did you find the most challenging? Frost or Venom?.




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