Black Myth Wukong Tiger Vanguard (Chief) Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Soulslike.
Black Myth Wukong directory.
Here is the Black Myth Wukong Tiger Vanguard (Chief) boss guide which will help you find and take down a powerful Tiger who is guarding the sands of Sahali and protecting his King in the secret, Kingdom of Sahali area.
Location: Yellow Wind Ridge, Kingdom of Sahali, Sandgate Pass.
Rewards: x1.102 XP, x1,008 Will, x1 Stone Spirit, x1 Yaoguai Core, Tiger Tally Curios.
The Tiger Vanguard (Chief) can be fought in the Kingdom of Sahali which is accessible once you have completed the Drunken Boar quest, rest at the Sandgate Bound Shrine then go through to the arena where the Tiger Vanguard will come at you with some brutally powerful attacks and given then small window you have to dodge it might be a short fight the first time round until you learn the attack patterns and even then it’s a tough battle.
One of the Vanguards most dangerous attacks is where he lunges at you then slashes which can easily half your health bar or finish you off if you have already taken a few slaps. You may be slammed by the hilt of the sword which then follows up with more slashes which can easily overwhelm you so use Immobilize or Cloud Step to create some respite for you to get some distance or heal.
The Vanguard can easily chain combos together whilst mixing up attacks meaning it can be hard to gauge what’s coming next. You might get slashed, stabbed or pounced on or you could have a lunging attack that then turns into a spinning double sword slash that can wipe you out. Agility will be one of the most useful things you can have here, keep mobile and avoid the attacks then punish as he recovers.
This boss fight is a test of skill and one you need to be proficient at to come out the other side of. You will more than likely die several times until you manage to scrape the win. Make good use of your Spirits, Spells and Abilities as well as jumping heavy attacks to create openings. This is by no means one of the toughest bosses in the game but for this early stage it might be the toughest you have faced to this point. With practice, you will come away with the win.
That’s the Black Myth Wukong Tiger Vanguard (Chief) boss guide complete, I hope it helped you take on and defeat this powerful Feline.
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