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Black Myth Wukong Yellowbrow Boss Guide

Here is the Black Myth Wukong Yellowbrow boss guide which will help you take down the final boss in The New West which is a 3 phase fight that will take a long time complete it all compared to most other bosses in the game.

Location: The New West, New Thunderclap Temple, Mahavira Shrine.
The Yellowbrow boss fight will take part across 3 phases with lots of cinematic interruptions in between and can be a challenge so you might want to spend some time levelling up before you go through into the Mahavira Hall. I also recommend having points in Thrust Stance as well as having the Ebon Flow Transformation which you will receive for defeating the optional Yin Tiger boss as it will make the second phase a lot easier to manage. The 3 phases of the fight will see you take on Yellowbrow, then the Macaque Chief for the final time and finally, Yellowbrow in his complete form. As such, I have broken this guide down into the 3 respective fights which are:


Fortunately if you die after having defeated one of the bosses then you won’t need to replay that boss fight and you may well die a good number times to each of the 3 bosses with the 2nd Yellowbrow fight being particularly challenging especially when the boss turns himself to gold which makes all attacks bounce off so ensure your heavies are going to land before using them.


The first Yellowbrow fight can be tough enough never mind what’s to come after, you will need to work around AOE lightning stomps which can have delayed blast on them as well as heavy, Shock bane based mace attacks some of which will be cinematic, others will spin around and slam into you.

Yellowbrow can also teleport to another part of the arena in an instant so Immobilize before using a charged heavy, it won’t feel good if you waste 3 or even 4 focus points on a powerful attack just for it to hit nothing but teleportation dust.

A very nasty attack comes in the form of a powerful AOE lightning blasts which you need to be about half the arena away to avoid so use Cloud Step to create some distance then get ready for a barrage of swinging mace attacks that end in a powerful nova you need to either jump over or use Pillar Stance to avoid, don’t worry about the next fight that is coming up as if you die you won’t have to fight Yellowbrow again, just keep the pressure on, throw everything you have it him then once you have relieved Yellowbrow of his health bar, a cut-scene will begin throwing you into the next fight.

Macaque Chief

Rewards: 1,847 XP, x1,186 Will, x2 Cold Iron Leaves, Umbral Abyss Transformation.
Once you have been collected by Yellowbrow you will be in his bag fighting against the true version of the Macaque Chief who is tougher than the first encounter and the second encounter versions combined. You will have Zhu Bajie fighting alongside you but other than throwing out the occasional bit of healing he doesn’t do a lot in terms of damage or drawing fire away from you so forget him and focus on the fight.

The main things that make the Macaque Chief a challenge are its sporadic movements, delayed attacks, and multiple shockwaves that come at you when the Chief is up out of the way from your attacks. These can all throw you off in the fight and the fact you are fighting in a blood red arena really doesn’t help matters as the primate can blend in for the most part. I found watching for the sword a big help as light reflects off of it well.

At the top of the guide I recommended you have the Ebon Flow Transformation equipped as every one of Yin Tiger’s attacks are so powerful they either stagger or knock the Macaque down meaning you can get in some more damage as he recovers. If you have a Spirit such as the Second Rat Prince or Wandering Wight, you can Immobilize, hit with the Spirit then transform, the Macaque will be taking a beating giving you more opportunities for follow up attack.

Just like with Yellowbrow, you won’t need to concern yourself with conserving resources, use anything and everything you have available as after the fight you won’t be yourself anyway and will come back fully restocked.

Yellowbrow 2

Rewards: Hubris Nose Relic, x4,330 XP, x2,267 Will, Cosmo Radiance, x2 Fine Gold Thread, x3 Cold Iron Leaves, x1 Gold Tree Core, x2 Refined Iron Sand, Mind Core, Apramana Bat Spirit.
Run through the levels as the Macaque Chief until you complete your Transformation then enter the arena to begin the final fight against Yellowbrow and this is one that can be a challenge given how hard the guy can smack and his defence has had some considerable upgrades whilst you were fighting the Macaque in the bag including now having the ability to turn to gold where all of your attacks will bounce off so ensure you Immobilize before using a triple focus attack.

Attack wise, Yellowbrow will fight fairly similarly to how he did the first time round he just hits harder and his attacks have a bit more zip to them with one powerful addition being the ability to turn his mace into an arena spanning greatsword that slams down with incredible force causing Shock Bane as well as half healthing you so dodge to the side to avoid that.

Do your best to avoid the combos, slams, stomps and lightning attacks, use Cloud Step if things get a bit heavy or Rock Solid to deflect but be aware his timings are tight and if Yellowbrow does turn to gold, ensure you used jumping heavy attacks or a charged focus depending on the stance you are using to remove the gold leaving him open to some severe punishment as he recovers.

There will be several interruptions to the fight as there are a good few cinematic events to contend with so try to keep yourself above half health as even though they are cinematic, the damage you take can still leave you open for a death if you have run out of Gourd so be efficient, aggressive and back off as you need to  without getting greedy where you will soon learn the timings and put Yellowbrow down.

That’s the Black Myth Wukong Yellowbrow boss guide complete, I hope it helped you take down all 3 bosses and conclude The New West.




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