Bloodborne Childhoods Beginning Trophy Guide

Childhood’s Beginning
You became an infant Great One, lifting humanity into its next childhood.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror, RPG, Souls.
Bloodborne directory.
Here is the Bloodborne Childhood’s Beginning Trophy Guide. This will require you to unlock one of the 3 endings in Bloodborne and this one will unlock the secret ending. To have an easier time unlocking the trophies, when you get back to the Hunter’s Dream after defeating Mergo’s Wet Nurse, and the Dream is on fire, back your save up so you can get one ending then come back to the same point in the game, so you’re ready to get another of the endings without needing to complete the entire game again.
As you make your way through the game, there are very rare items you can find called one third of umbilical cord, even though they are called one third, there are actually 4 of them you can find and collect, in order to unlock the secret ending, you need to consume 3 of these umbilical cords, before you speak to Gherman, when the Hunter’s Dream is on fire. You can collect these umbilical cords in any order you wish, just don’t drop them or sell them as this will negate the trophy and you’ll need to playthrough the game again to find them again. Below, I’ll list off all 4 of these umbilical cords and how to find them.
First One Third of Umbilical Cord
Abandoned Workshop.
First up, you need to have defeated the Blood-starved Beast, with that done, make your back to the Cathedral Ward lamp. From the lamp, head through the now open door on the right, take the elevator up, then head around the building, go through the open doorway, be very careful in here as one slip and you’re going to have a lot of time to think about the mistake before you hit the bottom.
First off you need to have a fairly decent lifebar just to survive the falls you need to make, on the starting platform, walk forward a few paces then turn around, face the doorway you just came through, stand on the far right side of the ledge, then roll off up and diagonally right to land on a platform, heal immediately, before moving, back up to full health. From this platform, as long as you’re still facing the wall, walk off to your right fall down onto another ledge below, you will find a door, go through this door to be in a copy of the Hunter’s Dream called the Abandoned Workshop. Once there, run inside the building, then on the rune counter will be the one third of umbilical cord.
Second One Third of Umbilical Cord
Iosefka’s Clinic.
Before defeating, Rom the Vacuous Spider (compulsory boss), and after having defeated any 3 bosses, you need to make your way to lower Cathedral Ward. From the Cathedral Ward lamp, take a left then follow the path down pass the giant to a group of houses, go to the house with the red lantern and talk to the NPC (Arianna) there, tell her about the sanctuary at Iosefka’s Clinic, then go off and defeat Rom the Vacuous Spider.
Once its defeated, the blood moon will appear in the sky. After this, head to the Forbidden Woods, head down to the village and take a left, follow the slope up, keep going up and through the path to the right to be in a swamp, go to the back of the swamp to find a ladder, go all the way up the ladder, follow the path, go up another ladder to be on a rooftop, go through the open window at the end to get to Iosefka’s Clinic. Head up the stairs to find Arianna in pain on a hospital bed, kill her to get your one 2nd one third of umbilical cord.
Third One Third of Umbilical Cord
Mergo’s Loft: Middle.
Defeat the penultimate / final boss (depending on your choices at the end of the game, Mergo’s Wet Nurse where you will receive the one third of umbilical cord automatically.
Fourth One Third of Umbilical Cord
Cathedral Ward.
Defeat Rom the Vacuous Spider (compulsory boss) then head back to the Cathedral Ward lamp, go back toward the Father Gascoine boss fight area, drop down the ladder, you will see an NPC kneeling in front of a chair, kill her to receive your 4th one third of umbilical cord.
When to use the Umbilical Cords
Use the 3 one third of umbilical cords, after you have defeated Mergo’s Wet Nurse and are back at the Hunter’s Dream, when you talk to Gherman, refuse his offer and defeat him, using as few blood vials as possible. After which a cutscene will begin where the Moon Presence will appear, you will need to fight and defeat the Moon Presence, this is a fairly standard fight, it has a few swiping attacks and can be fairly agile, try and stick to the Moon Presences side and whittle its health down. Once it’s been defeated, sit back and watch the secret ending at which point your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Bloodborne Childhoods Beginning Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you unlock the required ending.
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