Bloodborne Yharnam Pthumerian Queen Trophy Guide

Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen
Defeat Yharnam, Blood Queen of the Old Labyrinth.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror, RPG, Souls.
Bloodborne directory.
Here is the Bloodborne Yharnam Pthumerian Queen Trophy Guide. I strongly recommend leaving this as one of your last trophies in Bloodborne, as completing 99% of the other trophies will set you up perfectly for what you will face here, you will especially need to collect all 3 Chalices;
- The Pthumeru Chalice which you receive for defeating the Blood-starved Beast.
- The Ailing Loran Chalice, which you receive for defeating Amygdala.
- The Great Chalice of Isz, which you receive for defeating Ebrietas, Daughter of the Cosmos.
Chalice Dungeons
You can access the Chalice Dungeons in the Hunter’s Dream, the gravestones that lead up to the left. You need to make your way through the Chalice Dungeon layers 1 by 1, the dungeons themselves aren’t that difficult to navigate once you get a feel for them, as long as you’re roughly level 150+ you shouldn’t really have many issues here. At the end of each layer will be a boss you’ll need to defeat, some of these bosses are fairly simple, others can be some of the hardest in the entire game. Ultimately, you’ll need to defeat every boss you come to in order to move forward, there’s no other way around this, if you’re really struggling, go off and level up, strengthen your gear, farm for more blood vials, whatever you need to do to move through the layers.
Special Materials
You will need a variety of materials to create the Chalice Dungeons, some of these are very simple to acquire such as Ritual Blood and Blood Echoes, some are unique items deep inside certain dungeons. As for the latter Chalice Dungeons, you will need a lot of Arcane Haze, you can get this to drop from certain enemies, however, it is a lot easier to acquire if you find the Workshop Haze Extractor, which is located from a chest in the second layer of the Lower Pthumerian Chalice.
To make a Chalice Dungeon, go to any of the available Ritual Altars (gravestones in the Hunter’s Dream, select the Chalice and as long as you have the required materials you can make that particular Chalice Dungeon). Some of the Chalices will require you to collect some special items as you make your way through, below I will give you a breakdown of the Chalices requires, how many layers they have and what materials are needed where appropriate. Most of the time you will receive the next Chalice by defeating the final boss in a particular Chalice Dungeon to move ever closer to the Pthumerian Queen.
First Chalice Dungeon: Pthumeru
- Chalice required: Pthumeru Chalice.
- Materials required: 1000 Blood Echoes, 2 Ritual Blood (1).
- Chalice location: Defeat the Blood-starved Beast.
- Layers: 3.
- Chalice received: Central Pthumeru Chalice (defeat layer 3 boss).
Second Chalice Dungeon: Central Pthumeru
- Chalice required: Central Pthumeru Chalice.
- Materials required: 1800 Blood Echoes, 6 Ritual Blood (2).
- Chalice location: Defeat layer 3 boss in Pthumerian Chalice Dungeon.
- Layers: 3.
- Chalice received: Lower Pthumeru Chalice (defeat layer 3 boss).
Third Chalice Dungeon: Lower Pthumerian
- Chalice required: Lower Pthumeru Chalice.
- Materials required: 3200 Blood Echoes, 9 Ritual Blood (3).
- Chalice location: Defeat layer 3 boss in Central Pthumerian Chalice Dungeon.
- Layers: 4.
- Chalice received: Defiled Chalice.
Fourth Chalice Dungeon: Ailing Loran
- Chalice required: Ailing Loran Chalice.
- Materials required: 5500 Blood Echoes, 9 Ritual Blood (4), 4 Coldblood Flowerbud.
- Chalice location: Defeat Amygdala.
- Layers: 3: You need to acquire 2, The Bastard of Loran from layer 3, just before the boss fight will be 2 chests, open both of these to acquire the 2, The Bastard of Loran, which is an item required for the next Chalice Dungeon, you won’t need to defeat the layer 3 boss, simply use a Bold Hunter’s Mark to leave the Chalice Dungeon.
- Chalice received: None.
Fifth Chalice Dungeon: Cursed Pthumerian Defilement
- Chalice required: Defiled Chalice: You will only be at 50% health here, so take care as you make your way through this Chalice Dungeon.
- Materials required: 5500 Blood Echoes, 9 Ritual Blood (4), 2 Bastard of Loran, 22 Arcane Haze.
- Chalice location: Layer 4 of the Lower Pthumerian Chalice Dungeon.
- Layers: 3.
- Chalice received: Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice.
Sixth Chalice Dungeon: Pthumerian Ihyll
- Chalice required: Great Pthumeru Ihyll Chalice.
- Materials required: 11500 Blood Echoes, 9 Ritual Blood (5) 4 Red Jelly, 25 Arcane Haze, 1 Living String.
- Chalice location: Cursed Pthumerian Defilement Chalice Dungeon, layer 3 boss.
- Layers: 3.
Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen Boss Fight
It’s at layer 3, you will face off against, Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen. The fight itself isn’t that bad as long as you aren’t to aggressive. If you try taking her out quickly, she’ll show you how it’s done. Take your time with this fight, hit her a couple of times when she’s not firing off blood then back off, avoid her combos / attacks then go back in for 1 or 2 more hits, when she summons her clones, defeat them as a matter of priority, if they all hit you at once, you’ll be straight back to the Hunter’s Dream.
Whittle her health down, to be honest, considering everything you’ve had to go through to get to her, you should be more than equipped to take her out. Once you have defeated, Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Bloodborne Yharnam Pthumerian Queen Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you find and defeat Yharnam the Blood Queen.
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