Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 2 Guns Love And Tentacles A Hunter Through And Through Trophy Guide

A Hunter, Through and Through
Find and kill all 4 rare spawns.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, FPS, RPG.
Borderlands 3 directory.
Here is the complete Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 2 Guns Love And Tentacles A Hunter Through And Through Trophy Guide. Please Note: There seems to a be a lot of inconsistencies with this for XBOX Players. A lot of people have reported the Rare Spawns won’t appear until after the main story has been beaten. However, this issue isn’t there for PS4 players. You can kill these rare spawning enemies in any order you wish. That said, with them being rare spawning enemies, they might take a good few attempts for them to appear. The easiest way to grind these is out is to go to the location where they should be. If they’re not where they should be, save & quit until they finally spawn. The locations are as follows:
Rare Spawn 1: Amach
Proceed directly forward from the fast travel down to a building, if he spawns in, get ready for a decent fight. Make sure you bring a shock weapon to take his hefty shield down. Once the shield is gone, he’ll fall shortly after.
Rare Spawn 2: Fungal Gorger
The Cankerwood.
Continue through the level until you find the Fermentation Station, proceed north from the station. Stay to the right when you get to the end of the valley, look up to your right to see a cave where the Fungal Gorger should spawn in front of. Once it spawns, use an incendiary weapon to rinse its health bar.
Rare Spawn 3: Shiverous the Unscathed
Negul Neshai.
Not long after entering Negul Neshai, you can make your way up and around to a ledge (there is a respawn station just up from the start of this ledge to make the rare spawn easier to farm) at the end of this ledge. Shiverous The Unscathed will hopefully spawn, this definitely seems to be the rarest of the rare spawns. Save & quit until it appears, thankfully its’ barely got a health bar so it should be a short fight.
Rare Spawn 4: Voltborn
Negul Neshai.
Just after you use the cannon to blast a hole in the side of the mountain to proceed through the DLC, you want to make your way into the area behind the cannon, there are a lot of shock enemies in here. Hopefully, Voltborn will spawn on the ledge at the far side of this area. Using a Transformer Shield will negate all damage you’ll receive in this fight.
Once you have taken down all 4 rare spawns your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 2 Guns Love And Tentacles A Hunter Through And Through Trophy Guide I hope it helps you find and kill all 4 rare spawns.
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