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Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 4 Psycho Krieg And The Fantastic Fustercluck Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 4 Psycho Krieg And The Fantastic Fustercluck Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS4, Xbox One, PC.
  • Trophies: 7: Silver: 5, Bronze: 2.
  • Release Date: 11-Sep-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 3/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 10 Hours.

This guide will help you open the gates to Vaulthalla as well as completing all side missions and Crew Challenges throughout the psychedelic’s dream of Kriegs mind as you make your way through the fourth DLC pack for Borderlands 3.

Borderlands 3 Meet and Greet trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Meat and Greet
Complete mission “Enter the Psychoscape”.

Complete the first story mission to unlock your Trophy.

Borderlands 3 The Blast and the Furious trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Blast and the Furious
Defeat Evil Lilith.

Finish the story mission, Siege of Castle Crimson to unlock your Trophy.

Borderlands 3 Brain Pain Train Slain trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Brain Pain Train Slain
Defeat Locomöbius.

Once you have completed the story mission, What Love Remains, your Trophy will unlock.

Borderlands 3 Trauma Center trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Trauma Center
Defeat Dr. Benedict.

After you have finished the story mission, Inhuman Trials, your Trophy will unlock.

Borderlands 3 Red Wrath and Beyond trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Red Wrath and Beyond
Defeat Psychoreaver.

Complete the story mission, Locus of Rage, this is the final mission in the DLC, bring a lot of ammo, you’re going to need it if you haven’t got an infinity build with Moze. Once you have defeated Psychoreaver, your Trophy will unlock.

Borderlands 3 Ye Who Enter trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Ye Who Enter
Open the gates to Vaulthalla.

Bit of a strange one for Borderlands this, you’re going to need to shoot a series of 24 nodes as you make your way through the map Vaulthalla. These are scattered throughout the map, I will give you their locations below. Originally, the nodes will be yellow, they turn green after you have shot them, once you have shot all 24 nodes a secret chamber will open. Node locations are split into 3 main areas which are Vaulthalla Entrance, Boss Fight area and finally Vault Room.

Vaulthalla Starting Area

As soon as you enter the map Vaulthalla your first 3 locations are in front of your starting position look up and to the left and right, next up after you travel through a mini portal you will have another 3 which are straight in front of you, just to the right on a broken piece of brick work on the floor and above your starting position.

Boss Fight

3 more nodes are in the boss fight area, make sure you defeat the boss first then look above the boss fight entry point and to the left and right of the starting point.

Vault Room

Take the left jump pad then left jump pad again, before finally the only jump pad to land on a pillar with a hidden breakable surface then with this surface broken, node number one will appear, now, return back to the left hand route of the vault and node number 2 will appear as a broken piece of brick work on the floor in front of a small set of steps. Now proceed as high as you can until you reach the forcefield door where your final large node will appear opposite the door, this removes the forcefield and gains you entry into the inner chamber.

You will now be in the inner chamber where another 9 nodes will appear but these nodes are much smaller than the previous ones, node 1 is above your entry into this chamber, nodes 2 and 3 are on the left and right side looking back towards your entry point, head to the north wall and look up for node 4 and from this point look to the upper left and right side for nodes 5 and 6.

Next, take the jump pad in the middle of the room and turn around followed by looking up for 3 nodes on the far diamond emblem in the distance which gives you nodes 7, 8 and 9, finally return to the blocked door and shoot the bottom left and right and look up for nodes 10, 11 and 12, with all three nodes shot the final blocked door will open and you will have solved this puzzle. Upon successfully opening all 3 portals you will then unlock your Trophy.

Borderlands 3 Fustercluck Off trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Fustercluck Off
Complete all side missions and crew challenges in Krieg’s Mind.

In total, there are 13 side missions as well as 1 Crew Challenge (Signal to Noise probes) to be completed in this DLC. We’ll go over the side missions first, here is the locations of where you can find them.

Side Missions

The Psychoscape

  • A Good Egg.

Castle Crimson

  • Blast Requests.
  • Hot And Unbothered.
  • Laid To Rust.

Sapphire’s Run

  • Brainstorm.
  • Check, Please.
  • Krieg’s On Parade.
  • Scratch, Don’t Sniff.
  • That Rings A Something.

Benediction Of Pain

  • Does A Body Good.
  • Don’t Call it a Rorschach.
  • It’s an Allergy.
  • Remodel Behavior.

With the side missions out of the way, we’ll now move on to the Crew Challenge. The only crew challenge in this DLC requires you to find and then shoot a series of orbs to complete the Signal to Noise probes. Some of these are fairly simple, others, you will need to mantle various nearby platforms in order to be able to shoot all of the orbs, bring a high accuracy, high magazine weapon with you.

You only need to shoot the orbs once, however, some of them go a distance away from the orb so you won’t want to be reloading. You are on a strict time limit for each orb, you can re-interact with the probe to start again should you need to as many times as it takes. There are a total of 9 probes you will need to find across 3 mapsCastle CrimsonSapphire’s Run and Benediction of Pain. Please Note: the second probe on Sapphire’s Run is actually the third probe, this appears to be an error from the dev’s. Here are the probes locations:

Castle Crimson

Borderlands 3 Castle Crimson image 1
Castle Crimson 1st Probe
Borderlands 3 Castle Crimson image 2
Castle Crimson 2nd Probe
Borderlands 3 Castle Crimson image 3
Castle Crimson 3rd Probe

Sapphire's Run

Borderlands 3 Sapphire's Run image 1
Sapphire's Run 1st Probe
Borderlands 3 Sapphire's Run image 2
Sapphire's Run 2nd Probe
Borderlands 3 Sapphire's Run image 3
Sapphire's Run 3rd Probe

Benediction of Pain

Borderlands 3 Benediction of Pain Image 1
Benediction's 1st Probe
Borderlands 3 Benediction of Pain image 2
Benediction's 2nd Probe
Borderlands 3 Benediction of Pain image 3
Benediction's 3rd Probe

Once you have successfully completed all 13 side missions and have shot every orb from the 9 Noise to Signal Probes, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Borderlands 3 DLC Pack 4 Psycho Krieg And The Fantastic Fustercluck Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you with the pack.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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