Borderlands 3 Tales From The Eridian Slab Trophy Guide

Tales From The Eridian Slab
Decipher all of the Eridian Slabs.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, FPS, RPG.
Borderlands 3 directory.
Here is the Borderlands 3 Tales From The Eridian Slab Trophy Guide. There are a total of 30 Eridian Slabs across the Galaxy in Borderlands 3, however, the in game counter for these (main menu> map> galaxy map> press L3 to view) is possibly the most broken counter imaginable in the medium of video games. First off you need to have defeated Troy Calypso to gain access to the Eridian Analyzer, this will allow you to decipher the slabs that are dotted around. Simply go up to the slab and press Square to decipher that particular Slab.
Please Note: Not all of these slabs will actually register, regardless of how many times you scan them, but there is a workaround, in Tannis’ Lab. I’ll list all 30 locations below and go into more details about fixing the glitch afterwards.
Eridian Slab 1
Pandora, The Droughts, Varkid Valley.
Head left down towards where you can face off against Crawley (legendary hunt) then go into the cave opposite to the back to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 2
Pandora, The Droughts, Eridian Dig Site.
Go back to where you first met Tannis, drop down behind her shack then go to the back of the area to the right to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 3
Pandora, Ascension Bluff, Puttergunks Perch.
Head to Puttergunk’s Perch then take a left following the back wall down a slope to find this Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 4
Pandora, Devil’s Razor, Roland’s Rest.
Once you have access to the Devil’s Razor area, go round to the right to an alcove inside of which will be the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 5
Pandora, Devil’s Razor, Echonet Hub 37.
Go round to the left to find the Echonet Hub 37 location, Go to the back of the area to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 6
Pandora, The Splinterlands, Sifted Mar.
To the left of the area will be a small cave, go inside it to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 7
Pandora, Carnivora, Nr. Azlan’s Stash.
At the back of the area out in the desert will be a cliff face near Azlan’s Stash upon which will be the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 8
Pandora, Guts Of Carnivora, Mack’s Head Room.
Clear out the control room in the Guts of Carnivora then look up just above the monitor’s at the back of the room to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 9
Pandora, Konrad’s Hold, These Are No Mines.
Complete the Demon In The Dark side quest in order to gain access to the These Are No Mines area, once inside go to the bottom left area heading to the back to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 10
Pandora, Cathedral Of The Twin Gods, Fateward Walk.
Head down through the area to find a small gap you can slide under to gain access. Mantle up through the area to the back to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 11
Pandora, Destroyer’s Rift, Treacherous Drop.
Before dropping down to the boss fight, go through the opening on the wall opposite the vending machine.
Eridian Slab 12
Promethea, Meridian Outskirts, The Spillways.
Once in the Spillway, head left into the Doc’s Clinic, go left and jump across the curtain at the back to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 13
Promethea, Meridian Metroplex, Watershed Base.
Look just to the right of the hologram module where you are first introduced to Reese in the Watershed Base to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 14
Promethea, Lectra City, Downtown Square.
Head down and through to the lower section of Lectra City opposite where you can find the One Punch Shotgun will be the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 15
Promethea, Skywell-27, Maintenance Corridor.
Go up and through to the left before heading through the area to far where you can jump up 3 orange pipes, go right jumping across the gap to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 16
Promethea, Atlas HQ, CEO’s Office.
Just before jumping down to fight Katagawa, go directly in front of the New-U station to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 17
Promethea, Neon Arterial, Restricted Catacombs.
This will be easily obtained by fast travelling to the Forgotten Basillica area then going through to the Catacombs, the Eridian Slab is found behind a block in the water.
Eridian Slab 18
Athenas, The Anchorhold.
Found in the vault after defeating Captain Traunt.
Eridian Slab 19
Eden-6, Floodmoor Basin, The Witches Peat.
Go to the edge of the area before going up the lodge then look underneath the tree to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 20
Eden-6 Floodmoor Basin, Primeval Grotto.
Go to the back of the area underneath some tree roots to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 21
Eden-6, The Anvil, Hector’s Lament.
Take the first left then left again, follow the path to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 22
Eden-6, Jakobs Estate, Leery Hamlet.
Go up to the right then staying on the ground floor, the Eridian Slab will be tucked behind a tree to the right.
Eridian Slab 23
Eden-6, Voracious Canopy, The Green Labyrinth.
Drop down to the water then take a left through the waterfall, mantle your way up then go right in order to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 24
Eden-6, Ambermire, Rogue’s Hollow.
In the middle of the area will be a series of large tree trunks you can go under. Against the South wall will be the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 25
Eden -6, Ambermire, Soggy Bog Rigs.
Underneath the large tree truck at the back of the area will be the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 26
Eden-6, Blackbarrel Cellars, Estate Gardens.
Fast travel to the Floating Tomb then go back through to the Estate Gardens, follow the path around then crouch through the gap at the end of the area to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 27
Nekrotafeyo, Desolation’s Edge, Twilight Arcade.
To the left of the Twilight Arcade facing the way you’re progressing through the level will be the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 28
Nekrotafeyo, Desolation’s Edge, The Chancellors Throat.
You will need to complete the side quest, Bad Vibrations in order to be able to access this area. Once done, head through to the back of the area to find the Eridian Slab.
Eridian Slab 29
Nekrotafeyo, Tazendeer Ruins, Penitence And Light.
Go up the lift with Typhon De Leon then go right through the doorway with the green glow, in this room will be the Eridian Slab behind a statue.
Eridian Slab 30
Nekrotafeyo, The Pyre Of Stars, Hallowed Shame.
Head through the area until the Bandits start getting teleported in, shortly afterwards you will come to aa stack of rectangular rocks, behind these rocks is the Eridian Slab.
The bonus slab which will fix the issues with the in game count issues should you have encountered any, can be found in Tannis’ lab aboard Sanctuary 3. Simply go to her lab and you’ll find a spare slab, scan this slab until your trophy unlocks.
Please Note: This will take anywhere between 1 and 15 times for the in game counter to catch up with itself and unlock your Trophy.
That’s the Borderlands 3 Tales From The Eridian Slab Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you decipher all of the Eridian Slabs.
That’s the Borderlands 3 Tales From The Eridian Slab Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you decipher all of the Eridian Slabs.
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