Borderlands 3 Zer0ed In Trophy Guide

Zer0ed In
Defeat all of Zer0’s Targets of Opportunity.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, FPS, RPG.
Borderlands 3 directory.
Here is the complete Borderlands 3 Zer0ed In Trophy Guide. There are a total of 20 Target’s Of Opportunity across the Galaxy in Borderlands 3, these have varying levels of difficulty, and feel like a nice step up from the Legendary Hunts. Every time you take down a Target, Zer0 will send you a weapon through the in game mail system, these weapons are usually sniper based and are average at best. There’s no prerequisite for the targets, simply go to the location, take down the enemy(s) then move onto the next one. I recommend you leave this one until after you’ve beaten the game at least once as some of targets will test you at lower levels.
As with the Legendary Hunts, some of these targets come with a very powerful entourage, pick off the fodder then deal with the main target to make things easier. The 10 Targets Of Opportunity are as follows, you can find time stamps in the description of the video above which will take you directly to a particular target.
Baron Noggin
Promethea, Meridian Metroplex.
The first Target Of Opportunity, is also a pretty tough one, the Baron is very much like a Badass Nog, some very powerful attacks, decent amount of health and can generate a shield that turns into a machine gun. If that wasn’t enough, there’s corrosive puddles that damage you on both sides of the area and he’s accompanied by a fair few Ratch, which whilst they’re good for getting second wind, can also distract from the main task at hand. Bring decent shock and incendiary weapons to this fight and you’ll have a much easier time dropping the Baron.
Handsome Jackie
Promethea, Skywell-27.
You can find Handsome Jackie after you’ve destroyed the radiation barrels in the main story, she’s in the next area, go straight to the end of this area, jump off right onto a large fan the jump left and down into the area where she resides. Bring very powerful corrosive, shock and incendiary weaponry with you. As soon as the fight starts, rain down hellfire on her as the longer the fight goes on, the more buffs she gets, including a very agile, high damage dealing drone. Use your shock weapons to rinse her shield then get as many critical hits in as you can, you might have to come back and finish her off once you’ve levelled up a bit.
Judge Hightower and his Gang
Promethea, Lectra City.
You can only gain access to this target after you have defeated Killavolt (side quest for Moxxi) the Judge has a very powerful AOE slam attack where he’ll jump the entire length of the arena and slam down as close as possible to you. You can counter near enough all damage from this by bringing a Transformer Shield along giving you 100% shock resistance. Deal with the grunts around the Judge first then take down the big man. it’s pretty standard fayre here. Shock weapons to drop their shields then incendiary to take down the enemy.
Sky Bullies
Eden-6, The Anvil.
One of the simplest target’s on this list, you’re looking for 2 Nog enemies that don’t really deal a lot of damage and have quite low health, they do come with a few bandits, but they’re just second wind cannon fodder to be honest. They can be quite agile, but you should be more than equipped to handle these “bullies” as you’ve made it this far in the game. Bring some decent corrosive and incendiary weapons with you and you’ll tick these off the list soon enough.
Heckle and Hyde
Eden-6, Jakobs Estate.
Heckle and Hyde is basically a Goliath, once you’ve defeated Hyde, he then turns into a more powerful Heckle. Bring strong incendiary weapons along for this one and he’ll go down fairly easily.
Eden-6, Ambermire.
Make your way to Rogue’s Hollow in the Ambermire, the Psychobillies are in a cave and are pretty hardcore if you’re not levelled up enough. The main problem is there’s 4 of them so bring some powerful incendiary, radiation, cryo or crowd control weapons, which should make your life a lot easier. There are no standard enemies around for this fight, so if you go down, you might have some trouble getting second wind. If you do die, fortunately, any members of the gang you’ve managed to take down won’t respawn.
Hot Karl
Pandora, Devil’s Razor.
One of hardest Target’s on the list, even without the Army that accompanies him. Karl is a brawler on steroids with a shield making him immune to all incendiary damage, very strong attacks and a large Badass entourage, you’ll have your work cut out for you here. The golden rule applies here more than ever, take down as many enemies as you can until you die, then get back there and rake out some more, if Hot Karl gets dropped in the process, bonus.
If not, not having those enemies around will leave you a one-on-one with Hot Karl. try and get behind him whenever possible as his shield will take all direct damage to his front. Weapons like The Duc work very well here as they round impacts the target, stick to it, then explode impacting dealing double damage.
DJ DeadSk4g
Pandora, The Splinterlands.
DJ DeadSk4g is one of the easier targets on this list. You can find him in the top corner of The Splinterlands. He’s essentially Mouthpiece’s big brother. He has an entourage that isn’t really much to worry about either, a few Tinks and a couple of bandits, that is, until he’s dead. Then you seem to get mobbed by anywhere between 4-6 heavily armoured badasses. Fortunately, you don’t have to kill these guys as your target will be dead already. Bring a decent incendiary weapon and a corrosive if you want to take out the baddasses and you’ll have this area done in no time.
Pandora, Cathedral Of The Twin Gods.
Again, a surprisingly easy target given how late in the game you can come across this guy. Make your way through the Cathedral of the Twin Gods. Once you’ve dropped down through the hole the Eridium was pumping through, rather than proceeding forward, turn around and go back the way you came (after jumping down) You’ll find this heavily armoured dude down here. His entourage is nothing to worry about, but his defence is very high, bring some large splash damage weapons with you and light him up.
Sylestro and Atomic
Nekrotafeyo, Tazendeer Ruins.
You’ll find your last Target Of Opportunity in Tazendeer Ruins, These guys can pose a bit of a challenge, mainly because of how good they are at flanking you. Go in with your strongest shock and incendiary weapons and you’ll come out the other side victorious.
After all ten Targets Of Opportunity have been defeated Zer0 will then gift you a pretty decent Sniper Rifle. You can farm these targets over and over again, a couple of them have some very nice legendary drops. Once the tenth and final target has been defeated, your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Borderlands 3 Zer0ed In Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you defeat every one of Zer0’s targets of opportunity.
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