
Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Calling It In Trophy Guide

Call Of Duty Cold War Calling It In trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Calling It In
Get 50 kills with lethal Scorestreaks in Multiplayer.

Here is the complete Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Calling It In Trophy Guide. You have a wide array of ScoreStreaks you can unlock and equip in Cold Wars’ multiplayer mode. Unlocking ScoreStreaks simply requires you to level up to a certain point then equipping them (main menu> multiplayer> create a class> scorestreaks then select any that are available) then whilst you are in a match you need to get a certain amount of points in order to use the ScoreStreak. Points can be acquired by killing the enemy, collecting dog tags in modes like Kill Confirmed or by destroying enemy equipment. You then need to press Up or Down then Right to use a ScoreStreak. The lethal ScoreStreaks, their levels you will need to be to unlock and how many points that are required to use them are:

Care Package

Airdrop a random ScoreStreak. Crate self-destructs after use. Cooldown: 90 sec.
Automatically unlocked and costs 1800 points. The Care Package will self-destruct after use, killing any enemy players that are trying to use it, it’s not the best out of the bunch, but every kill count towards the total.

Attack Helicopter

Call in an armed support helicopter. Cooldown: 60 sec.
Automatically unlocked and costs 4000 points.

Combat Bow

Arrows burn targets and the surrounding area. Cooldown: 120 sec.
Unlocks at level 5 and costs 500 points.


Remote-controlled car strapped with explosives. Cooldown: 90 sec.
Unlocks at level 9 and costs 800 points.

Cruise Missile

Steer a trio of missiles with boost and air brake controls. Secondary Missiles auto-fire at painted. targets. Cooldown: 90 sec.
Unlocks at level 11 and costs 3500 points.


Launch three targeted artillery strikes. Unused strikes can be saved for later. Cooldown: 30 sec.
Unlocks at level 14 and costs 2500 points.

Sentry Turret

Deploy a deadly automated turret that targets enemy players, vehicles, and equipment. Cooldown: 60 sec.
Unlocks at level 17 and costs 2000 points.

Napalm Strike

Launch a targeted carpet bomb strike of explosive napalm. Cooldown: 30 sec.
Unlocks at level 23 and costs 2100 points.

Chopper Gunner

Be the gunner in a close air support helicopter. Cooldown: 60 sec.
Unlocks at level 27 and costs 6000 points.

War Machine

High-explosive grenade launcher. Cooldown: 60 sec.
Unlocks level 36 and costs 3500 points.

VTOL Escort

Lay waste to enemy infantry and vehicles from the cockpit of a powerful VTOL jet. Cooldown: 90 sec.
Unlocks at level 50 and costs 8500 points.


Be the gunner in a close air support gunship. Cooldown: 90 sec.
Unlocks at level 54 and costs 10000 points.

The higher the point requirement, the less you’re going to be able to use them as when you die you will lose all of your points, that said, if you manage to get enough points just before you die you will keep the ScoreStreak when you respawn. On that basis, I’d recommend the Combat Bow and the RC-XD as they have the lowest point requirement which will, depending on your performance be earnt fairly regularly. Once you have killed 50 enemies with lethal ScoreStreaks, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Calling It In Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you get 50 kills with lethal scorestreaks.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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