
Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Six Pack Trophy Guide

Call Of Duty Cold War Six Pack trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Six Pack
In Zombies, upgrade 6 Perk Skills to Tier III

Here is the complete Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Six Pack Trophy Guide. In total, you will need 18 Aetherium Crystals and be a minimum of level 51 before you can go for this one, making this one of the last trophies to unlock in Zombies. You will receive 1 Aetherium Crystal for getting to round 11 in either public or private lobbies which will get easier as your weapons get more powerful. To access you perk skills, choose zombies form the main menu then go to Loadout, skills then perks. To increase a perk to tier 3, you will need 6 Aetherium Crystals per perk. The perks you can upgrade are:


Increase maximum health by 50%.

  1. Reduce status effect duration by 50%.
  2. Armor Plates replenish 25% additional armor.
  3. Increase maximum health by 100.

Speed Cola

Increase reload speed by 15%.

  1. Swap weapons faster.
  2. Field Upgrades recharge 20% faster.
  3. Increase reload speed by 50%.

Quick Revive

Reduce the time it takes to regen to full health by 50%. Reduce the time it takes to revive an ally by 50%.

  1. Downed crawl speed is increased by 100%.
  2. Reduces the delay before health starts regenerating by 50%.
  3. Reviving an ally will also heal you to full health.


Increase run and sprint speed.

  1. Increases backpedal speed.
  2. Immunity to fall damage.
  3. Walk faster while aiming down sights.

Elemental Pop

Every bullet has a small chance to apply a random base Ammo Mod effect.

  1. Equipment damage also has a small chance to apply a random base Ammo Mod effect.
  2. Reduce Ammo Mod cooldowns by 20%.
  3. When random Ammo Mod is applied it uses the Ammo Mod’s current Skill Tier instead of the base.

Deadshot Daiquiri

Aiming down sight moves to enemy critical location. Remove scope sway.

  1. Deal 100% extra critical damage if an enemy is at full health.
  2. Increase damage against armor pieces by 50%.
  3. Reduce hip-fire spread.

Increase all 6 perks to tier 3 to unlock your Trophy.

That’s the Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Six Pack Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you upgrade 6 perk skills to tier 3.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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