
Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Trophy Guide.

Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC.
Trophies: 45: Platinum: 1, Gold: 2, Silver: 12, Bronze: 30.
Release Date: 13-Nov-2020.
Missable Trophies: None.
Glitched Trophies: None.
Online Trophies: 5: The Fixer, Go The Distance, Calling It In, Party Patrol, Mean Machine.
Difficulty Rating: 8/10 (Dead Ops Arcade has 64 rounds with increasing difficulty, if you die on any of the rounds, you’re back to round 1).
Approx. time to 100%: 75+ Hours (skill dependant).

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War is here and is bigger than any other Call Of Duty entry in the series. You will need to, in order to unlock every trophy, get through Campaign, Multiplayer, Zombies and Dead Ops Arcade mode, all of which are in depth and a lot to do throughout. We have the complete guide to help you through the game as smoothly as possible.

Call Of Duty Cold War Platinum trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked

Call of Duty Cold War Fowl Five Piece trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fowl Five Piece
Get a chain of 5 chickens strung together in Dead Ops Arcade.

You need to be in the Dead Ops Arcade which is accessed by choosing zombies from the main menu then lobby and Dead Ops Arcade, for this particular trophy, I recommend going in a private lobby by choosing Dead Ops Arcade Solo. Make your way through the first 4 rounds where the Momaback will appear unlocking a portal to The Wild. Once there, make your way forward then right to find a long slope with a small bonus room half way up on the right.

In this bonus room will be a series of chests which give you a much higher chance of receiving 5 chickens which will increase your firepower massively. It is possible to get 1 chicken out of one chest then another chicken from another chest, however, you will have a much easier, faster time of it checking the golden chests until you receive 5 chickens in a row. Either way, once you have strung 5 chickens together, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Dungeon Diver trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dungeon Diver
Visit every corner of a Deadly Dungeon.

You need to be in the Dead Ops Arcade which is accessed by choosing zombies from the main menu then lobby and Dead Ops Arcade, for this particular trophy. I recommend going in a private lobby by choosing Dead Ops Arcade Solo. You will need to be in the Wild to be able to access the first dungeon in Dead Ops Arcade just after going through the archway in front of which are the spike traps. Once through the archway, head left to find a gate with blue torches either side of it built into the cliff face. This is a dungeon, when in the dungeon, you will need to. Systematically go to every section of it to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Survive the Wild trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Survive the Wild
Escape from the deep dark Wild.

You need to be in the Dead Ops Arcade which is accessed by choosing zombies from the main menu then lobby and Dead Ops Arcade, for this particular trophy. I recommend going in a public lobby to increase your chances of survival. In order to “Escape the Wild” you will first have to get there, so complete the first 4 rounds where the Momaback will arrive opening a green portal which you will need to take in order to get to the wild. From here, you need to make your way to the back of the area taking out the zombies as you go. once you have survived, you will be able to enter another portal which will allow you to escape the Wild, unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Call of Duty Cold War Forever Fated trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Forever Fated
Find your destiny in the Room of Fate.

You need to be in the Dead Ops Arcade which is accessed by choosing zombies from the main menu then lobby and Dead Ops Arcade, for this particular trophy. I recommend going in a public lobby to increase your chances of survival. Advance through the rounds until you get to round 20. At the end of the level choose any gem you wish then go through to the next round where your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Reunited with Fidolina trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Reunited with Fidolina
Defeat the Momaback and saved your dear friend.

You need to be in the Dead Ops Arcade which is accessed by choosing zombies from the main menu then lobby and Dead Ops Arcade, for this particular trophy. I recommend going in a public lobby to increase your chances of survival. One of the hardest trophies in the game as you need to make your way all the way through Dead Ops Arcade to the final round where you will face off against the Momaback. The fight is tough and if she kills your party, you’re back to round 1 to try again.

You will need a serious amount of skill and a very powerful party to successfully get through every round. The early rounds aren’t to bad, however, the latter ones can feel near on impossible. Always keep on the move, if you’re stationary or get stuck in a corner you will receive a Game Over very quickly. Make good use of the chests and take your time to learn the levels ensuring you steer clear of the traps as they can one shot you just by a little touch which could be devastating if you’re in the later rounds.

Defeating the Momaback is really RNG as to what weapons you’ll receive which again can be frustrating if you end up with a Shotgun instead of a Rocket Launcher / Energy Gun. Eventually, with the right party, hopefully, you will be able to defeat the Momaback, where your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Keep Your Friends Close... trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Keep Your Friends Close…
Perform Body Shield five times.

You can perform a body shield on nearly any enemy in the game that you can get close to. To make this easier, play the game on Recruit difficulty, then to perform a body shield, you need to hold the R3 button when very close to an enemy. Tap Circle to kill the shield then move on to another enemy. Perform a body shield 5 times to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Combat Hardened trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Combat Hardened
Complete the Campaign on Veteran or Realism difficulty.

I highly recommend going for this one on Veteran as it is so much easier than playing through on Realism. Ensure you make good use of any cover and learn the enemy’s locations. Throughout campaign, it is very rare that the enemies won’t always be in the same place so learn their locations and push through. Whilst the game isn’t very generous with checkpoints in this years Call Of Duty, playing through on Veteran certainly seems to be a lot easier than previous entries in the series. Head shots will help a lot as you don’t get a lot of ammo so try and be calculating in your approach.

Use your teammates to your advantage allowing them to do some of the killing if you’re struggling in an area and always be on the look out for stronger / better weapons dropped by your enemies. Once you have completed all 11 main missions in the campaign on Veteran or Realism, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Combat Recruit trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Combat Recruit
Complete the Campaign on any difficulty.

Complete all 11 missions on any difficulty, Recruit is the easiest, however, if you are going for the Platinum I recommend playing on Regular or Hardened as you will need to complete the game on Veteran (see Combat Hardened for more information). That said, complete the final mission on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Brick In The Wall trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Brick in the Wall
Complete Brick in the Wall in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the third mission, Brick in the Wall on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call of Duty Cold War Fracture Jaw trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fracture Jaw
Complete Fracture Jaw in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the second mission, Fracture Jaw on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Break On Through trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Break on Through
Complete Break on Through in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the eighth mission, Break on Through on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War End Of The Line trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

End of the Line
Complete End of the Line in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the seventh mission, End of the Line on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Redlight Greenlight trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Redlight, Greenlight
Complete Redlight, Greenlight in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the fourth mission, Redlight, Greenlight on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Ashes to Ashes trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Ashes to Ashes
Complete Ashes to Ashes in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the final mission, Ashes to Ashes on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Desperate Measures trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Desperate Measures
Complete Desperate Measures in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the sixth mission, Desperate Measures on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War The Final Countdown trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Final Countdown
Complete The Final Countdown in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the tenth mission, The Final Countdown on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Echoes Of A Cold War trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Echoes of a Cold War
Complete Echoes of a Cold War in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the fifth mission, Echoes of a Cold War on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Operation Chaos trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Operation Chaos
Complete Operation Chaos in Campaign on any difficulty.

Complete the side mission, Operation Chaos on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Operation Red Circus trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Operation Red Circus
Complete Operation Red Circus in Campaign on any difficulty.

Complete the side mission, Operation Red Circus on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Nowhere Left to Run trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Nowhere Left to Run
Complete Nowhere Left to Run in Campaign on any difficulty.

Story related and can not be missed. Complete the first mission, Nowhere Left To Run on any difficulty to unlock your Trophy.

Call of Duty Cold War EVERYONNNNNNEE trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Kill 25 enemies with the AC-130 while defending the rooftop in End of the Line.

This can be a bit tricky the first couple of times you try it, fortunately, the enemies are always in the same place so you’ll get a feel for it eventually. At the end of the mission End of the Line which is the seventh campaign mission you will get to control an AC-130. Ensure you don’t kill any of the enemies before activating the AC-130 as there seems to be 25 exactly. The AC-130 comes with a minigun as well as rockets, for single enemies use the minigun, for clusters of enemies, use the rockets. You only have a short window to take out all of the enemies so pepper the area as quickly as you can. Restarting if you fail then go through the mission and try it again. Once you have killed 25 enemies with the AC-130 your Trophy will unlock.

Call of Duty Cold War Explosive Finish trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Explosive Finish
Kill 12 enemies with explosive barrels while riding the server lift during Echoes of a Cold War.

This is a tricky one and possibly one of the hardest in the campaign to earn. At the very end of Echoes of a Cold War, you will be on a large container riding up with a lot of enemies on the floors around you. You need to only kill these enemies using the red barrels, if you kill the enemies with bullets, these kills won’t count so plan carefully. The main issue here is you are thrown about all over the place making aiming very difficult, fortunately, the enemies are always in the same place, as are the barrels.

Ensure you restart the checkpoint if you are near the top and still don’t have the trophy and try again. This one may well take you many attempts to go through before you’re successful. Once you have killed 12 enemies with the explosions from the red barrels, your Trophy will unlock.

Call of Duty Cold War Firing Range trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Firing Range
Knock down 15 metal targets on Main Street in Redlight, Greenlight.

Play through the fourth campaign mission, Redlight, Greenlight until you get to the fake American town setting. In here there will be plenty of targets you can shoot, these are standard firing range targets that pop up when you’re close to them. Check every building down the left and right of the area, keeping a good eye out on the rooftops and balconies above you. Once you have taken down 15 targets, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Jack Of All Trades trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Jack of All Trades
Get five kills each with an LMG, SMG, AR, and Shotgun.

This should come naturally throughout the game, if you are struggling with it, here are the best early locations to receive and use each of the 4 weapon types required:

  • SMG:
    Choose the MP5 from the back of the car at the start of the first mission.
  • Shotgun:
    You can find a Shotgun from enemies in the first mission as you make your way across the rooftops.
  • Assault Rifle:
    You begin the mission, Fracture Jaw with an Assault Rifle equipped.
  • LMG:
    You can find one in Fracture Jaw after the chopper has been downed.

Once you have managed 5 kills with each of the 4 weapons (can be at any point during the campaign), your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Mind Trip trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Mind Trip
See all seven memory endings and play through all four path ends in Break on Through.

This will require 2 playthroughs of the eighth campaign mission, Break on Through. On your first playthrough, you will need to listen and follow all of Adlers’ instructions, if he says “go left”, you go left, if he says “kill the enemies”, you kill the enemies. After you have completed the mission, you can either go to the briefing room and replay the mission straight away or, if you’re doing a veteran run. Compete the game then go back through mission select.

On your second playthrough, you will need to ignore Adlers instructions. This time, if Adler says “take the left path”, you take the right path. If he says “pick up the grenade launcher” use a machine gun and so on. Once you have seen all 7 memory endings, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Old Faithful trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Old Faithful
Kill 200 enemies with an AR.

You should get this naturally as you play through campaign, use any Assault Rifle (you start with one on nearly every mission) and take enemies down. If you have completed the campaign and haven’t unlocked this one. Play through your favourite mission that has an Assault Rifle and rack up some more kills. Once you have killed 200 enemies with an AR in campaign, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Patriot Arrow trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Patriot Arrow
Kill an enemy with the bow while ziplining in Echoes of a Cold War.

You can do this in the mission Echoes of a Cold War which is the fifth campaign mission. As you are going through the bunker, you will find the recurve bow off to the right. Ensure you equip the recurve bow as your secondary weapon then carry on through the mission until you get to the zipline. Equip the recurve bow then use the zipline ensuring you aim just to your right as you’re going across where you will be roughly aiming to one of the 2 guards. If you miss the shot, reload the checkpoint before you’re off the zipline and try again. Once you have killed an enemy with the recurve bow whilst ziplining, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War The Red Door trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Red Door
Disobey Adler’s order to go through the door in Break on Through.

See Mind Trip for more information.

Call Of Duty Cold War Scorched Earth trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Scorched Earth
Destroy all enemy vehicles and mortar teams while defending Firebase Ripcord in Fracture Jaw.

Play through the third campaign mission, Fracture Jaw until you take control of the Helicopter. From here, make your way through the mountain ranges until you get to Firebase Ripcord which will be under attacked from Mortar Strikes as well as convoys of trucks making their way up the roads to the base. You will need to destroy the 5 mortar positions which are easily seen by watching for the white smoke which is the mortar trail, follow the trail back then pepper the area with rockets to ensure you take out every member of the mortar team, then go and take out the vehicles (the vehicles are mission objectives whereas the mortars aren’t). Ensure you use rockets to take out the vehicles to avoid any potential stragglers then once you have taken out all 5 mortar positions and every enemy vehicle, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Scorched Earth II trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Scorched Earth II
Blow up all trucks and guard towers on the approach to the monastery in The Final Countdown.

The Final Countdown mission will only be available if you chose the [Truth] option during the Identity Crisis mission. At the start of the Final Countdown mission you will be in a vehicle where you will have a Grenade Launcher equipped. You need to take down 2 guard towers (one either side of you) 4 trucks (2 on the left and 2 on the right) then take down 2 sets of 2 guard towers. You will have a very short window to do so and this might take a bit of practice to be able to do successfully. Once you have destroyed the 6 guard towers and the 4 trucks, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Craftwork trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

In Die Maschine, craft 14 different types of items in one match

Click the link to go to the complete Craftwork Trophy Guide.

Call Of Duty Cold War Two Birds One Stone trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Two Birds, One Stone
In Die Maschine, kill the two split Megatons with one shot

Go to Zombies then get ready for a fight. Go through to the Crashed Plane and buy the Gallo 12 Shotgun, then head back to the Yard. Go through to round 15 where the Megaton will spawn. Kill him anyway you like where he will then split in 2. It’s these 2 enemies you will need to defeat with 1 shot. The Megaton enemies aren’t round locked so try and keep one zombie alive, preferably without any legs to make it slower then get the split Megaton enemies down to very low health. Line up a shot that will hit the both of them in the head with the Shotgun where you should be able to kill them both with one shot. When you have successfully killed them both with one shot, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Seal the Deal trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Seal the Deal
In Die Maschine, close the rift

This is for completing the Easter Egg in Cold Wars’ Zombies mode. I am trying to figure this out, but for now, you’ll be better off going to YouTube for this particular trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Heavy Metal trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Heavy Metal
In Die Maschine, forge the Pack-A-Punch machine

You will unlock this as you make your way through the zombies “story mode”. Follow the waypoints to into the facility then activate the machine. Continue following the waypoints activating the Pack-A-Punch machine where you will then unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Six Pack trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Six Pack
In Zombies, upgrade 6 Perk Skills to Tier III

Click the link to go to the complete Six Pack Trophy Guide.

Call Of Duty Cold War Entamaphobia trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

In Die Maschine, stay in the Yard for 15 rounds

If you’re new to Zombies this may feel impossible, you need to stay in the first area of Die Maschine and not leave there until you have completed round 15 which means you have no access to any other weapons except your starting loadout. So let’s make break this down to make things a lot more simple. In Black ops Cold Wars’ Zombies mode (main menu, Zombies, Die Maschine, either public or private lobbies) you can level up your weapons where you can equip better accessories on them (from the zombies menu, select Loadout then Create A Class) and choose either the LMG the Stoner 63 or the Shotgun the Hauer 77 then go off and play as many rounds as is needed for you to level both yourself and your weapon up considerably.

You can equip better sights improving accuracy, better socks to increase stability and better muzzles increasing your damage output and a lot more besides. This will make the zombies mode a lot more manageable, firstly, you’ll become comfortable with your weapon, learning its’ reload time and how much damage it can do to a zombie per shot. Secondly, as both your and your weapons level increases, you will become stronger and better at the game. Once you have survived 15 rounds in the yard, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Socket to me trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

In Zombies, upgrade a skill

You will firstly need to have acquired at least 1 Aetherium Crystal which you will receive automatically for getting to round 11. Select Zombies from the main menu then choose Loadout, once here, select Skills and upgrade any one of the skills that are available that are available to unlock your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War Nightmare at 20 Feet trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Nightmare at 20 Feet
In Die Maschine, kill 100 enemies without leaving the top of the crashed plane wing

This is made much simpler in a private lobby where you are all 4 of you going for this trophy. To setup a private lobby, from the main menu choose Zombies then make the lobby private. You can then invite your friends / boosting partners in and start the round. Ensure you all have LMGs to make this easier as their high ammo capacity is handy for this one. To get to the wing you will need to go through the green door next to the crafting table (costs 500 essence) then head through to the stair case against the right wall, spend another 750 essence to blow the Obstruction allowing you to go upstairs. Make your way to the far left obstruction then blow that out of the way for 1000 essence allowing you outside and onto the wing of the plane.

It is very important you do this as early as you can to avoid the harder enemies in the later rounds. You should be able to get out to the wing during round 2/3 if one person pays for the first door then another racks up the kills, paying for the obstruction. If all of you stand on the wing killing the enemies with as few shots as possible, you should be able to rack up 100 kills before you run out of ammo. Once you have killed 100 enemies whilst on the wing of the plane, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Carpe D.I.E.M. trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Carpe D.I.E.M.
In Die Maschine, free the lost Decompressive Isotopic Estrangement Machine.

This needs to be done in Zombies mode. Ensure you’re a high level before you try for this one as it can be a challenge. Get through to round 15 where the Megaton will spawn, defeat it and it’s 2 halves where the second half you kill will drop a key card. From here, head to the facility and go through to the weapons lab, over to the left will be a machine with a smashed glass panel, interact it with it to receive the D.I.E. Remote Control. Activating the Remote will create a vortex that kills zombies, you need to kill a minimum of 20 before the machine shuts off. If it does, wait a couple of minutes then try again. Once you have achieved 20 zombie kills, you can then go through the door and collect the D.I.E. Machine, unlocking your Trophy.

Call Of Duty Cold War The Fixer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Fixer
Get 200 Eliminations in Multiplayer.

An Elimination is the same as taking out another player, you should easily get 200 eliminations as you progress towards Calling It In.

Call Of Duty Cold War Go the Distance trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Go the Distance
Win 50 matches of Multiplayer.

You can get this done in any of the multiplayer modes so pick whichever you are comfortable with and have a play. Although it states you need to win 50 matches, you need to be on the winning team rather than coming in top of the leader board which will make this a lot easier to achieve. Keep playing through matches getting as many eliminations as you can then once you have been on the winning team 50 times, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Calling It In trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Calling It In
Get 50 kills with lethal Scorestreaks in Multiplayer.

Click the link to go to the complete Calling It In Trophy Guide.

Call Of Duty Cold War Party Patrol trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Party Patrol
Get 10 squad wipe medals in Fireteam.

From the main menu, choose multiplayer then Fireteam: Dirty Bomb. In this mode, you will have 2 teams of 4, you win earn a squad wipe medal once you kill the last enemy on the opposing team. You won’t need to kill all 4 of them, the last one will be enough and can be done either on foot or in a vehicle. Once you have killed the last man standing 10 times in Fireteam, your Trophy will unlock.

Call Of Duty Cold War Mean Machine trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Mean Machine
Get 100 Kills as the driver, pilot, or passenger of a vehicle in Multiplayer.

From the main menu, select multiplayer then Fireteam: Dirty Bomb. In this mode you can access tanks which are the easiest way to rack up kills, simply aim the turret at any enemy and fire a shell. This might take you a while or be done fairly quickly, it all depends how bunched up the enemies are and how effective they are at destroying your tank. There are a series of other vehicles you can get kills with, the tank is the simplest to use, once you have killed 100 enemies whilst in a vehicle, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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