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Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Leave No Stone Unturned Trophy Guide

Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Leave No Stone Unturned trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Leave No Stone Unturned
Collect 45 enemy intel items.

Here is the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered Leave No Stone Unturned Trophy Guide.

There is a total of 45 Intel to collect as you make your way through the Main Campaign In Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Remastered.

Enemy intel is collected by getting close to the laptop, then hold down Square to collect the intel, once you have acquired the Intel, you can quit out of the mission.

You’ll keep any Intel you’ve collected as the game will instantly save your progress.


1 Intel.

  1. After you’re done at the range with Sgt. Foley, make your way up to The Pit.
    Once at the entrance to The Pit, turn around and make your way over to the Command Centre, you’ll find your first intel on the table in the middle of the room.

Team Player

2 Intel.

  1. Continue through the mission until you reach the school, make your way up to the first floor until you see the enemy shooting out of the school windows.
    Continue forward around the desk then go in the first room on the right. Your first intel will be on the desk to the right side of this room.
  2. Immediately after collecting your first intel make your way outside. The second intel will be on a crate at the end of the awning.


3 Intel.

  1. Carry on through the mission until the blizzard starts. You’ll see a watchtower, make your way up the ladder, your first intel will be on the ledge.
  2. After you have planted the C4 and you’re making your way over to Soaps’ location. Once you drop down the ledge to where he is, look at him, then turn around, you’ll see the intel through one of the windows. Melee the window to get your second intel.
  3. One of the more frustrating pieces of intel to acquire. Once you’re on the Snowmobile escaping with Soap, keep a good eye on the distance to the objective, when it gets to between 1900m – 1850m stay in the middle, you’re looking for a group of trees with a small broken wooden fence, ease off the accelerator.
    Go into the trees and stay right. You’ll see your third intel on the floor, if you miss it, reload from your last checkpoint and try again.

No Russian

No Intel.


4 Intel.

  1. Once you jump through the fence, stay left. Follow the path until you see the black & yellow graffiti on the wall then take a right.
    You’re looking for the building with the diagonal roof. Inside this building on a small table in the dining room will be your first intel.
  2. Carry on through the mission, pass the area with the dogs, continue forward, go up and round the stairs up to the right.
    You’ll see a building with a blue canopy, go into this building on the right. Make your way over to the table on the far side of the room to get your second intel.
  3. Make your way back outside from where you collected your second intel and go to the building directly opposite on the left.
    Go through to the dining room, you’re looking for a small table against the left wall. On this table will be you third intel.
  4. Continue through the mission, after you have run across the rooftops and gone up to the next section, go into the first building on your right, go down the stairs in this building.
    Turn around, where your fourth intel will be on the small table next to the bed.

The Hornet's Nest

4 Intel.

  1. Clear the first area then proceed forward, just behind where the white truck is will be a building with a red garage door, go into this building, through to the dining room where your first intel will be on the dining table.
  2. After you’ve made your way through the market section of this mission, you’ll be in a clearing that opens up with pallets on the floor, just before you leave this area look over to the right before you get to the stairs. On top of a green barrel will be your second intel.
  3. Continue through the mission until you see a pink building on the corner of a street. Go up past this building where you’ll see a blue car parked on the right side of the street.
    Go into the building on the right side of this car, make your way up the stairs, turn around to find your third intel on the dining table.
  4. Once you’re nearly done with the mission you’ll go through a building and come out into a makeshift football pitch, over behind the far-side goal net in a window will be your fourth intel.


3 Intel.

  1. Continue through the mission until you see the fire engine, just over to the left will be a drive-through, your first intel will be on a table at the back of the building.
  2. Come out of the drive-through building, make your way over to right side of the area where the sentry guns were, just inside the gate-house on the right will be your second intel.
  3. After you’ve made your way through the bridge with the Honey-Badger. Look for a house with a large fountain in the front garden.
    Make your way into this house, stay right, go up the stairs. You’ll find your third intel on the sofa.

The Only Easy Day... Was Yesterday

3 Intel.

  1. After you’ve breached & cleared the first room, make your way up the stairs, just before you go outside, turn to the left. Your first intel will be on the shelving unit.
  2. Breach & clear the second room, clear the enemies that ambush you afterwards, then make your way into the first room on the right (before going up the stairs) your second intel will be on a shelving unit on the right.
  3. Get pass the section where you’re ambushed by the Helicopter and the Soldiers, before going up the next set of stairs, go through the door on the right, behind another staircase on some pallets will be your third intel.

The Gulag

4 Intel.

  1. Once the Helicopter has taken out the enemies on the balcony and you’re through the main courtyard, you’ll see a staircase off to the right, go up the stairs, your first intel will be in the top-left corner of this room.
  2. Continue through the mission until you see the room with all of the monitors facing you. Just behind these monitors on a desk will be your second intel.
  3. After you’re ambushed in the section with the doors that won’t open. Proceed around the walkway. You’re looking for cell 327, just inside this cell on the right will be your third intel.
  4. Carry on through the mission until you get to the sewers. Breach through the wall where you find Cpt. Price. Just before you continue, turn to the left where you will find your fourth intel on a desk.

Of Their Own Accord

2 Intel.

  1. After you make your way into the White House, clear the foyer area then proceed round to the right. There will be a set of elevator doors that can’t shut due to the dead body blocking them.
    Inside this elevator on the right is your first intel.
  2. Continue through the level until you get to the area where an enemy Soldier is shooting you from behind a door, just after going up the broken staircase.
    Behind the door where the Soldier was shooting at you off to the left will be your second intel.


3 Intel.

  1. Make your way through the level until you see a large oil pipe above you to the right. There will be a guard with a dog close by, you’re looking for a small weapon crate in the middle of a small clearing. On top of this crate will be your first intel.
  2. Once you get to through the village and make your way to the Military Base. You’ll be over-looking the area with your team, pay attention to the large building on the left that says 33. Go in this building, make your way through to the kitchen area.
    Your second intel will be on the far back wall next to a sink.
  3. Opposite the “33” building will be a large building with a radar dish on top. Make your way up the stairs to find a platform, on which will be your third intel over in the far-right corner.

Second Sun

No Intel.

Whiskey Hotel

2 Intel.

  1. From the start of the mission, make your way over to the large white building on your right, with the spotlight on the roof. Proceed inside, through the first room.
    Your first intel will be over to the left on a sofa.
  2. Continue through the mission until you go up the stairs with a red flare, lighting up the staircase. Once you’re in the large room where your team-mates pop the green flares and run forward, look over to your right as you enter this room.
    Your second intel will be on top of a weapon crate.

Loose Ends

3 Intel.

Please Note: Make your way up to the House, clear the house as much as you can. But don’t interact with the DSM to make this a lot simpler.

  1. Proceed up the stairs, turn around immediate left to find a door, breach & clear this room, your first intel will be on a table against the back wall.
  2. Next up, make your way outside, go to the back of the house, carry on all the way forward to find a Boat-House. Your second intel will be on a barrel, in front of the Boat-House.
  3. Make your way to the basement of the house, go to the door on the right, breach & clear the room. Go through to the second room, look to the right to find your third intel on a green weapon crate.

The Enemy Of My Enemy

2 Intel.

  1. As soon as the mission starts, make your way over to the large plane directly to the right of where you start the mission, go inside this plane, look to the left to find your first intel.
  2. Make your way through the mission until you come to the valley, clear out all of the enemies.
    Make your way down into the valley, clear out the next wave of enemies then make your way up the other side towards the front end of a plane, inside this plane will be your second intel in front of the cockpit.

Just Like Old Times

4 Intel.

  1. Go through the mission until you’re in the cave system. Once inside, hide behind the guard, let the enemies on patrol pass you. Make your way down the right path to find your first intel on the right of this small passage on a weapon crate.
  2. When you get to the area in the caves with the red lights picking up the smoke, continue forward, just before you go outside take a quick left into a small area. Your second intel will be on the table.
  3. As you get to the area with the enemies coming from the left with Riot Shields. Stay against the right-side wall (as you approach), cut across the open area where you’ll find your third intel on a weapon crate.
  4. After you have breached & cleared the final room with all the C4. You’ll find your fourth intel on the table behind the cola cans.


1 Intel.

  1. Your (hopefully) final intel will be on a crate just before you get in the boat with Cpt. Price.

As soon you have collected all 45 intel, your Leave No Stone Unturned Trophy will unlock.

Now go back to the main menu and have some fun with the modifiers (which disable trophies so make sure you’ve unlocked them all first).

That’s the Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Leave No Stone Unturned Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you collect 45 enemy intel items.
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