Crash Bandicoot 4 Its About Time Trophy Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genre: Platformer.
Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time Directory.
Welcome to the Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time Trophy Guide. Crash is back!
- Platforms: PS4, Xbox One.
- Trophies: 52: Platinum: 1, Gold: 2, Silver: 9, Bronze: 40.
- Release Date: 02-Oct-2020.
- Missable Trophies: None.
- Glitched Trophies: None.
- Online Trophies: None.
- Difficulty Rating: 8/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 75+ Hours skill dependant.
If you’re looking for an easy, stress free game that you can breeze through then this is not the game for you. However, if you’re looking for a game that will test your skill to breaking point needing pin point accuracy and the utmost perfection in timing every element of every stage then there’s no better game out there than this.
Good luck!

Master Marsupial
Get EVERY trophy

Beat ‘Em Any Which Way
Beat any boss in N. Verted mode
You will need to, of course, unlock N. Verted mode for this one, this mode becomes available after you have completed the Trouble Brewing level in Tranquillity Falls. Go back to the Trouble Brewing level whilst in N. Verted mode and simply defeat N. Brio again, this shouldn’t pose you that much difficulty if you’ve already done it the first time, things are just moved around a bit. Once you have defeated N. Brio, in N. Verted mode, your Trophy will unlock.

Backwards & Forwards
Complete ALL levels in N. Verted mode
In total, there are 43 levels in Crash 4, every one of these, including the boss levels will need to be completed in order to unlock this one. You will unlock N. Verted mode after you have defeated N. Brio in the Trouble Brewing level on the Tranquillity Falls Island, to select N. Verted mode, simply select this on any level you attempt. N. Verted mode essentially flips the level which isn’t that challenging, however, the big problem here is the fact the colours are gone and the screen fades in and out. On the flip side, the enemies and level hazards are highlighted. Here is the complete list of all 43 levels in Crash 4:
- Rude Awakening
- N.Sanity Peak
- A Real Grind
- Crash Compactor
- Hit The Road
- Truck Stopped
- Stage Dive
- Booty Calls
- Thar He Blows!
- Hook, Line, And Sinker
- Jetboard Jetty
- Give It A Spin
- Potion Commotion
- Draggin’ On
- Off-Balance
- Trouble Brewing
- Off Beat
- Home Cookin’
- Run It Bayou
- No Dillo Dallying
- Snow Way Out
- Ship Happens
- Stay Frosty
- Bears Repeating
- Building Bridges
- 4th Time’s A Charm
- Blast To The Past
- Fossil Fueled
- Dino Dash
- Rock Blocked
- Out For Launch
- Shipping Error
- Stowing Away
- Crash Landed
- A Hole In Space
- Food Run
- Rush Hour
- The Crate Escape
- Nitro Processing
- Toxic Tunnels
- Cortex Castle
- Seeing Double
- The Past Unmasked
Once you have completed all 43 levels in N. Verted mode, your Trophy will unlock.

Beat a level in N. Verted mode
See Backwards & Forwards for more information.

Taking the Side Road
Complete a Bonus Path
There are several bonus paths you can take as you make your way through the game, you’re looking for any level that has a large lit up question mark on a small platform, simply jump on to this question mark to be taken to the bonus path, these will get progressively harder as you make your way through the game. Get from one end to the other without “dying” to complete the bonus path, unlocking your Trophy in the process.

The Whole Picture
Complete all Timelines
Timelines will unlock throughout the story, complete them all to unlock your Trophy.

Putting Things In Perspective
Complete any Timeline
See The Whole Picture for more information.

Fleet of Feet
Play a game of Checkpoint Race
From the main menu, select Bandicoot Battle, 2 Players, Checkpoint Race. Even though we have technically set up a 2 player game you can do this with 1 controller and playing on your own. Start any level you like, the first (Rude Awakening) is of course, one of the quickest to complete and simply run through the level, once you have completed the level, your Trophy will unlock.

Settle the Score
Play a game of Crate Combo
Starting from the main menu, select Bandicoot Battle, 2 Players, Crate Combo. Even though we have technically set up a 2 player game you can do this with 1 controller and playing on your own. Start any level you fancy and smash as many crates as you can, once you have completed the level, your Trophy will unlock.

What Has Been, Will Be Again
Defeat Dr. Neo Cortex… again.
Dr Neo Cortex is finally defeated in the level The Past Unmasked, complete the level to unlock your Trophy.

The Fourth Time
Defeat Dr. Neo Cortex
Cortex is defeated in the level, 4th Time’s A Charm, once defeated your Trophy will unlock.

Master Mixologist
Defeat N. Brio
N. Brio is fought in the level, Trouble Brewing, defeat him to unlock your Trophy.

Beaten With His Own Drum
Defeat N. Gin and his Weapon of Mass Percussion
You will fight N. Gin in the level Stage Dive, defeat him to unlock your Trophy.

Defeat the Doctors N. Tropy
Doctors N. Tropy are fought in the level, A Hole In Space, complete the level to unlock your Trophy.

Watch the 100% bonus ending
See OVER-Overachiever for more information.

Watch the 106% bonus ending
This will more than likely be the last trophy you will earn in the game, in order to do so you have a serious amount of work to do, this is a tall order. You need to do the following:
- Acquire all 228 Gems in Normal Mode, see King Of Bling for more information.
- Acquire all 228 Gems in N. Verted Mode, see Bling Fo Gnik for more information.
- Find the Blue Gem, see Sapphire-er Acquirer for more information.
- Find the Green Gem, see Emerald Gemerald for more information.
- Find the Red Gem, see Ruby Red for more information.
- Find the Yellow Gem, see Topaz Pizazz for more information.
- Unlock all 21 Platinum Flashback Relics, see Closing The Experiment Log for more information.
- Earn all 38 N.Sanely Perfect Relics, see Perfectionist for more information.
- Earn all 38 Platinum Time Trial Relics, see Faster Than Sound for more information.
Once you have completed all of these tasks you should be at 106%, where your Trophy will then unlock. Good Luck!!

Sapphire-er Acquirer
Find the hidden Blue Gem
Go to the Tranquillity Falls Island and start the level Draggin’ On. This can be a very tricky gem to acquire, in total, there are 139 crates throughout this level and you are not allowed to smash a single one of them, this includes not killing any of the enemies as they can easily fly off smashing one or two crates in the process. Don’t be surprised if this takes you a good amount of goes to get through this level, make very good use of your double jump, trying to go around the crates rather than over them for the most part.
Practice makes perfect here and if you do hit a crate, simply die to reset your crate count. Checkpoint crates also count as a crate so don’t touch them, however, you can jump on the bonus path pad to create a checkpoint. Once you have gotten through the entire level without having smashed a crate, the Blue Gem will then spawn right at the end of the level, ensure you collect this before. proceeding to the end of the level, at which point, your Trophy will unlock.

Like a Rhinestone Bandicoot
Earn half of the Clear Gems
See King Of Bling for more information.

King of Bling
Earn ALL of the Clear Gems
Each level (except the boss levels) have 6 clear gems to collect as you make your way through. This means there are a total of 228 clear gems to collect. You can acquire these on multiple playthroughs of the level to acquire them one by one or, if you’re skilled enough you can unlock them all in one run, it’s entirely your choice. You acquire clear gems by doing the following:
- Find 40% of fruit in a level.
- Find 60% of fruit in a level.
- Find 80% of fruit in a level.
- Destroy All crates (this will nearly always give you 80% of the fruit).
- Die less than 3 times.
- Find the Hidden Gem in each level.
Once you have acquired all 228 gems, your Trophy will unlock.

gnilB fo gniK
Earn ALL N. Verted Gems
After you have defeated N. Brio you will have unlocked N. Verted Mode, the requirements are exactly the same as they are in Normal Mode, see King Of Bling for details. Things are changed around a bit locations wise but nothing that should give you to much hassle. There are 228 gems to collect in N. Verted Mode, 6 for each of the 38 main levels (boss levels don’t have gems). Once you have collected all 228 gems in N. Verted Mode, your Trophy will unlock.

Emerald Gemerald
Find the hidden Green Gem
On the Mosquito Marsh Island, start the level, Hit The Road, continue through the level until you find a Nitro Crate next to a Checkpoint Crate. There will be a Trash Can to the left of the screen. Hit the trash can to drop a small car, down, then spin into the car to make it hit the Nitro Crate. Once the Nitro Crate has been destroyed, you can then collect the Green gem at which point your Trophy will unlock.

Ruby Red
Find the hidden Red Gem
The Red Gem is located in the N.Sanity Peak level on the N.Sanity Island, continue through the level until you get to the 9 platforms (3×3) that disappear and reappear. Jump on them in the following order. If we number them 1-9 from the bottom left to the middle going around, so closest left as 1, closest middle as 2, closest right as 3, middle right as 4, furthest right as 5, furthest middle as 6, furthest left as 7, middle left as 8 and middle middle as 9. Ensure you time your jumps carefully, if you do die, simply restart from number 1 again and keep trying.
The Red Gem will appear on the middle platform once you have successfully navigated the puzzle. However, your trophy won’t actually unlock until you have finished the level, if you get a Game Over, you will need to do it all again, so take your time. After you have completed the level having collected the Red Gem, your Trophy will unlock.

Topaz Pizazz
Find the hidden Yellow Gem
Go to the Mosquito Marsh Island then start the level Run It Bayou, from the start go right instead of getting on the jet ski, do a double jump across the water then jump across the crates and over to the platform on the left. On this platform will be 4 crates, you need to jump on them then do a double-jump getting as much air as you can, you will get an on-screen message stating “color gem found”. You need to now complete the level, once you have done so, your Trophy will unlock.

Altitude Sickness
Crouch or slide into a double jump
Nice and simple this one, simply run down any part of a level where there’s a half decent bit of ground in front of you then hold Circle to slide, during the slide press Cross, wait 1 second then Cross again to perform a double jump. When you have successfully completed the manoeuvre, your Trophy will unlock.

Silent Protagonist
Meet ‘Akano
‘Akano is met once you have completed the level Jetboard Jetty, once met, your Trophy will unlock.

Ups & Downs
Meet Ika-Ika
Ika-Ika is met once you have completed the level Dino Dash, once met, your Trophy will unlock.

Reality-Shattering Proportions
Meet Lani-Loli
Lani-Loni is met once you have completed the level N.Sanity Peak, once met, your Trophy will unlock.

I Can See Through Time
Meet Kupuna-Wa
Kupuna-Wa is met once you have completed the level Run It Bayou, once met, your Trophy will unlock.

No It’s MY Turn
Complete a level with Pass N. Play enabled
From the world map, choose N.PLay, Players, 2 Players, Pass Condition, Checkpoint then start the level. This can be done with 1 controller, this is essentially the dev’s idea of couch coop which is a pretty cool feature to be fair. Simply complete the level to unlock your Trophy.

Ladies First
Complete a level as Coco
After you complete the second level in the game, N.Sanity Peak you can then access the Dimensional Map. From now on you can, whilst on the main game map, press Square to change between Crash and Coco, simply complete any level as Coco to unlock your Trophy.

Sudden But Inevitable
Betrayed! By your worst enemy.
Story related and can not be missed.

Model Test Subject
Earn any Flashback Relic
See Closing the Experiment Log for more information.

Closing the Experiment Log
Earn ALL of the platinum Flashback Relics
There are a total of 21 flashback relics you will need to collect as you make your way through the game, once you have these, you will unlock flashback levels. In these levels, to earn a platinum flashback relic, you will need to break every single box in the level. Once you have done so, your Trophy will unlock.

Earn ALL N.Sanely Perfect Relics
This is one of the hardest trophies in the game. In order to earn an N.Sanely perfect relic, you need to go through an entire level collecting 5 of the 6 gems (hidden gem isn’t required) in one run without dying once!. The earlier levels won’t give you that much hassle with this but the latter levels require such precise jumping, timing and stage knowledge, it will take you serious amount of time and a lot more skill to get this one done. Here is the list of what’s required for it to count as an N.Sanely Perfect run:
- Collect 40, 60 & 80% of the wumpa fruit (3 gems).
- Smash every crate in the level.
- Do not die once.
If / when you die in a level, simply quit back to the Dimensional map and try again, there’s not point in carrying on for this one. Fortunately, you can take as long as you need to get through a level when going after the N.Sanely perfect relic so with careful planning and a good amount of patience, it will get easier. In total, there are 43 levels in the game, 38 of which are needed to be “perfected” in order to unlock this one, the 5 boss levels don’t have gems so therefore aren’t required. Once you have earnt the N.Sanely perfect relic in all 38 levels, your Trophy will unlock. Good Luck!

So-Called Perfectionist
Earn any N.Sanely Perfect Relic
See Perfectionist for more information.

Faster Than a Tortoise
Earn any Time Trial Relic
See Faster Than Sound for more information.

Faster Than Sound
Earn ALL of the platinum Time Trial Relics
There are 38 platinum time trial relics to acquire, the 5 boss levels do not have time trials. First up you need to complete a given level once then go back into it, collect the Gold stopwatch this will activate the Time Trial element. As you make your way through the level, a good portion of the crates will now be gold with a number on them, either 1, 2 or 3. These are vitally important to collect as they stop the clock for that given amount of seconds.
Learning the placements of these boxes and ensuring you get them all whilst maintaining a very fast pace through the level is vitally important. This will definitely take a serious amount of time and skill to get through. Once you have collected the platinum time trial relic for each of the 38 levels required, your Trophy will unlock.

All Gussied Up
Try on a Skin
Keep playing through the game until you unlock any Skin, once you have done so go to your Hub then press Triangle to bring up the Skins, simply select any skin that is available to unlock your Trophy.

Pull off a Triple Spin
See Showoff for more information.

Defeat an enemy with Triple Spin
First up, complete the main story in the game (finish the, The Past Unmasked level) to acquire the Triple Spin, this will unlock Whoa!. Now to use the triple spin, you need to be running forward (any direction will do) then you need to leave a second in between each button press (Square) for it to be a “triple spin” rather than a normal spin attack over and over again. Once you have defeated any enemy whilst performing a triple spin your Trophy will unlock.

N. Vincible
Beat a story level without dying
The easiest level to complete this is the first level, Rude Awakening, take your time and you’ll have this done soon enough. As soon as you complete the level without dying, your Trophy will unlock.

A/V Club Founder
Acquire a Flashback Tape
Go to the, The Hazardous Wastes Island then start the level Crash Compactor. Just after the start of the level is a Flashback Tape right in the middle of the bridge, complete the level after acquiring the tape to unlock your Trophy.

Tree Droppings
Find the source of the Bumpa Berries
You’re looking for the level Off Balance on the Tranquillity Falls Island. At the start of this level is a tree, jump and spin into the branches to make fruit fall from the tree. You need to allow a piece of this fruit to hit you in the head which will stun you, unlocking your Trophy.

Here Kitty Kitty
Scare the cat hiding from a party
Get to the Mosquito Marsh Island then start the Off Beat level. Proceed through the level, just as you jump pass the pink blocks and over the Nitro crates. At the end of this path before you go away from the screen will be a large rubbish bin, spin attack this bin a few times to unlock your Trophy.

Give ‘Em a Broadside!
Aim and fire!
Go to the Salty Wharf Island then get to the level Thar He Blows!. In here make your way through the level until you can see the Pirate Ship in the background, in the foreground will be 2 cannons, simply spin attack the cannons to unlock your Trophy.

Bad Signs
Do some target practice
Click the link to go to the complete Bad Signs Trophy Guide.

Junkyard Jams
Make music in an unlikely place
Starting on the Island, The Hazardous Wastes, go to the level Hit The Road. You will need to find a series of grey musical barrels for this one, there are 6 in total, 3 of which are at the start of the level, 2 on the left and one underneath the green traffic light. Spin into all 3 of these then proceed through the level going over the spinning spiked traps, on the left wall near the bonus pad are 3 more barrels, these are hidden well so probably best to spin all the way down the wall. After you have hit all 6 musical barrels, your Trophy will unlock.

Grabbed a bushel of Bumpa
From the Bermugula’s Orbit Island, go to the level A Hole In Space, ensure you collect every fruit you can, press Circle if the fruit above or below you, jump when you need to and you shouldn’t have any difficulty with this one. At the end of the rail will be a golden bunch of grapes, as long as that reads 18 / 18, your Trophy will unlock.

Silence the Scientist
Shut N. Brio up
On the Tranquillity Falls Island, go to the level Give It A Spin, after you jump over the 5 TNT crates there will be a small green dome with smoke coming out of it, spin attack this dome to unlock your Trophy.

Megaphoning It In
Shut N. Gin up
You need to be on the Hazardous Wastes Island, go to the level A Real Grind, just after the start you will see a megaphone over to the right, spin attack this megaphone to unlock your Trophy.

Hammer it Home
Make some noise!
Click the link to go to the complete Hammer It Home Trophy Guide.

Channel Surfer
Spend some time surfin’ the waves
At the start of the very first level, Rude Awakening, you will see a TV just off to the left of the path. Simply attack this TV a few times with Square to cycle through the channels, once you have gone through them all, your Trophy will unlock.
That’s the Crash Bandicoot 4 It’s About Time Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.
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