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Dark Souls II Scholar Of The First Sin Master Of Miracles Trophy Guide

Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin Master of Miracles trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Master of Miracles
Learn all miracles

Here is the Dark Souls II Scholar Of The First Sin Master Of Miracles Trophy Guide. In total, there are 28 miracles to find throughout the game, all of which can be acquired in offline mode, if you do go for this one in offline mode, you will need to complete the game twice then on your third playthrough, reach Drangleic Castle before Chancellor Wellager will sell you his miracles.

You have a lot of work to do in order to acquire every miracle in the game, including going through 2 of the 3 DLC areas (included with the S.O.T.F.S. version). The majority of the miracles can be purchased through 6 NPCs found throughout the game, one miracle is received by ranking the Heirs to the Sun Covenant and the remaining miracles are found throughout the world. You will need a sacred chime equipped then at a bonfire, you can attune a miracle which will allow you to use it for the given amount of times allowed. Here’s where you can find the NPCs needed as well as what you need to do before they will sell you their various miracles.

Licia Of Lindedt

Heide’s Tower Of Flame, Tower Of Flame bonfire.
Please Note: !!DO NOT!! use a Crushed Red Eye Orb near Licia as this will then cause you to invade her, she will then either be dead if you win or no longer sell you miracles if you die for your entire playthrough. After you have defeated the Dragonrider boss, make your way up the stairs to find Licia. Speak with her, exhausting her dialogue where she will then relocate to Majula and start selling you miracles.

Straid Of Olaphis

The Lost Bastille, Sinner’s Rise, The Saltfort bonfire.
Straid is found easily if you come back on yourself from The Saltfort bonfire in Sinner’s Rise, even though he is technically in The Lost Bastille. Make your way down and back across the bridge, kill the Mummies and go up the stairs, defeat all of the Mummies up the stairs. You will then see a petrified Straid, blocking the entrance to the left cell. Use a Fragrant Branch of Yore to free him, you will then be able to light and travel back to the Straid’s Cell bonfire. In order for Straid to sell you his spells, you must have at least 3 Intelligence and 3 Faith. Whenever you return to Straid, take out the mummies on the same floor as the cells as a priority as if they aggro, they can kill Straid very quickly. Take special care of the Mummy right next to Straid as hitting Straid will stop him from selling you sorceries, so use a bow / spell to be on the safe side.

Felkin The Outcast

Huntsman’s Copse, Undead Refuge bonfire.
Felkin can be found just to the right of the bonfire, sitting on a chair, facing the wall, you will need at least 8 Intelligence and 8 Faith in order for him to sell you his Miracle.

Stone Trader Chloanne

Harvest Valley, Poison Pool bonfire.
Come out of the small cave where the Poison Pool bonfire is located, then take a right, just up here, on the right will be Stone Trader Chloanne. Exhaust her dialogue to have her relocate to Majula, after which, she will then sell you her Miracle.

Cromwell The Pardoner

Brightstone Cove Tseldora, Chapel Threshold bonfire.
From the bonfire, go forward then right coming back on yourself, cross over to where you fought the Prowling Magus boss then head right to find a ladder. Ascend the ladder to find Cromwell the Pardoner in a room with some Spiders that won’t aggro unless you attack them.

Chancellor Wellager

Drangleic Castle, King’s Gate bonfire.
You will find Chancellor Wellager on the balcony up the first set of stairs after you have opened the main doors to Drangleic Castle, however, in order for him to sell you 2 of his 3 miracles he has available, you will need to get to him on NG++ . In addition to the NPCs you can purchase Miracles from, you will also need to attain Rank 3 in the Heirs to the Sun Covenant. Click the link to go to the Selfless Giver guideYou will also need to proceed a fair way through both the Crown of the Old Iron King and the Crown of the Ivory King DLCs in order to collect 2 more Miracles. Below, I will list off all 28 Miracles including the stat requirements needed in order to cast the Miracle.

Licia Of Lindedt

  • Heal: 1,500 souls.
    12 Faith.
  • Med Heal: 3,000 souls.
    18 Faith.
  • Great Heal Excerpt: 4,500 souls.
    14 Faith.
  • Replenishment: 3,000 souls.
    16 Faith.
  • Resplendent Life: 4,500 souls.
    25 Faith.
  • Caressing Prayer: 2,000 souls.
    15 Faith.
  • Force: 1,800 souls.
    12 Faith.
  • Lightning Spear: 6,000 souls.
    22 Faith.
  • Homeward: 2,400 souls.
    18 Faith.
  • Guidance: 3,700 souls.
    12 Faith.
  • Soothing Sunlight
    52 Faith.
    Please Note: Ensure you have every other Miracle purchased from Licia before you go for this one as you are going to need to invade and defeat her, making her unavailable until your next playthrough. Go to where Licia is located then stand next to her and use a Crushed Eye Orb, to find this, go to the Undead Crypt, from the Undead Crypt Entrance, go forward as normal. Once you have gone through the room with Grave Warden Agdayne, drop down to the left, go forward then ascend the ladder, on the ledge in a chest is the Crushed Eye Orb. Using the Orb, will cause you to invade Licia, defeat her, then loot her corpse to receive the Soothing Sunlight miracle.

Straid Of Olaphis

  • Unveil: 2,200 souls.
    13 Faith.
  • Sunlight Blade: 12,400 souls.
    36 Faith.
  • Blinding Bolt: 10,000 souls.
    65 Faith.
    Defeat the Old King in the Iron Keep to acquire the Old King Soul, trade this with Straid to acquire the Blinding Bolt miracle.
  • Sacred Oath: 3,000 Souls.
    25 Faith.
    Defeat Velstadt in the Undead Crypt to acquire the Soul of Velstadt, trade this with Straid for the Sacred Oath miracle.
  • Great Lightning Spear: 13,500 souls.
    42 Faith.
    You will need to have retrieved the King’s Ring from the Undead Crypt. Click the link to go to the King’s Ring guide for information on how to acquire the Ring. Once you have the King’s Ring, Straid will then sell you the Great Lightning Spear miracle.

Felkin The Outcast

  • Magic Barrier: 2,700 souls.
    14 Faith.

Stone Trader Chloanne

  • Soul Appease: 8,800 souls.
    19 Faith.

Cromwell The Pardoner

  • Great Heal: 8,000 souls.
    28 Faith.
  • Emit Force: 4,200 souls.
    20 Faith.
  • Heavenly Thunder: 3,300 souls.
    17 Faith.
  • Perseverance: 3,500 souls.
    15 Faith.

Chancellor Wellager

  • Great Magic Barrier: 9,300 souls.
    28 Faith.
  • Bountiful Sunlight: 11,000 souls.
    38 Faith.
    This miracle is only available from Chancellor Wellager on NG++.
  • Wrath of the Gods: 8,200 souls.
    30 Faith.
    This miracle is only available from Chancellor Wellager on NG++.

Covenant Miracles

  • Sunlight Spear
    55 Faith.
    You will need to rank the Heirs To The Sun Covenant to Rank 3 in order to acquire the Sunlight Spear miracle. This can be done by offering Sunlight Medals to the statue in Harvest Valley. Click the link to go to the Selfless Giver guide for a detailed walkthrough on how how to successfully rank the covenant to rank 3. Once the Heirs To The Sun Covenant has reached rank 3, you will receive the Sunlight Spear miracle.

World Loot Miracles Crown of the Sunken King DLC

  • Denial
    24 Faith.
    Dragon’s Sanctum, Dragon’s Sanctum bonfire, Chest.
    Please Note: You will need a Bow with a good supply of Arrows before you can acquire the Denial miracle.
    From the Dragon’s Sanctum bonfire, jump across the gap onto the ledge, go to the right, across from you will be a circular stone with a small hole, you need to shoot through this hole with an arrow, hitting the switch. This will cause the circular stone to rotate, jump down go up to the circular stone, taking care not to die on the spikes and shoot another switch through the now accessible hole. Afterwards, head back up to the platform (use the ladder) and shoot another switch through the hole unlocking the circular stone. In the now accessible room in a chest is the Denial miracle.

World Loot Miracles Crown of the Ivory King DLC

  • Splintering Lightning Spear
    50 Faith.
    Frozen Eleum Loyce, Abandoned Dwelling bonfire.
    From the bonfire, head out across the ice field with the enemies, follow the stair case up to the right, cross the bridge then again, take a right, ascend the staircase. Cross the bridge then take a left once in the small building pass the ballista, take an immediate left, cross yet another bridge then take a right. At the end of this walkway will be a ladder (which may be invisible but still usable if you haven’t recovered the Eye of the Priestess), the ladder is just before you reach the end of the walkway on the right side. Ascend the ladder, where you will find a chest, inside of which will be the Splintering Lightning Spear miracle.

Once you have acquired all 28 miracles, your Trophy will unlock,

That’s the Dark Souls II Scholar Of the First Sin Master Of Miracles Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you learn every Miracle.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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