
Dark Souls III Master Of Infusion Trophy Guide

Dark Souls III Master Of Infusion trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Master of Infusion
Perform all forms of infusion.

Here is the Dark Souls III Master Of Infusion Trophy Guide. There are 15 infusions you need to perform in order to unlock this one which will take you near enough through the entire game. An infusion requires infusion gems for the infusion as well as souls for Andre the blacksmith found in Firelink Shrine to provide the service. Andre, will need you to find and delivery him 4 coals throughout the world in order for him to be able to perform certain infusions.
Please Note: Ensure you find and acquire all 4 coals and all 15 infusion gems then perform every type of infusion in one playthrough. There have been reports of the trophy not tracking properly if you go for this one over multiple playthroughs. Better to be safe than sorry. Here are the 4 coals and where to find them:

The Sage's Coal

Road of Sacrifices, Farron Keep bonfire.
Unlocks Blessed, Crystal and Deep infusions.
Go out through the swamp staying to the left. When you get to the Darkwraith, defeat it then head into the small tower to find the Sage’s Coal on a corpse.

The Farron Coal

Road of Sacrifices, Keep Perimeter bonfire.
Unlocks Heavy, Poison and Sharp infusions.
For the Farron Coal, head down pass the Ghru enemies and the large Crystal Lizard. Open the gate then slowly head up the stairs to your right to avoid the Black Knight. At the end of the area will be the Farron Coal on a corpse. Bring a Homeward bone with you to avoid fighting the Knight altogether.

The Giant's Coal

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Anor Londo bonfire.
Unlocks Chaos, Lightning and Simple infusions.
Go up the stairs from and pass the Silver Knights heading left to find the Giant Blacksmith from Dark Souls, now dead (F to pay respects) he is holding the Giant Coal.

The Profaned Coal

Irithyll Dungeon, Irithyll Dungeon bonfire.
Unlocks Blood, Dark and Hollow infusions.
Head down through the Dungeon to where you need to get pass the mass amount of Jailers, if you stand with your back against the passageway one your left when you come into this area. You need the first door on your left. In here will be several Wretch enemies, at the end of this room will be the Profaned Coal on a corpse. Now you have all 4 coals, here is where you can find all 15 infusion gems required.

Refined Gem

High Wall of Lothric, Tower on the Wall bonfire.
From the bonfire, head out onto the rooftop, deal with the Hollows before one of them turns into a Pus of Man enemy. From here, go over to the left side of the rooftop to find a Crystal Lizard, lock on and hit it once or twice to defeat it to acquire a Refined Gem.

Raw Gem

High Wall of Lothric, Vordt of the Boreal Valley bonfire.
Head to where you speak with Emma to receive the Small Lothric Banner and the Way of the Blue covenant, just outside of the area is a set of stairs on the left. At the back of this section is a powerful Blue Lothric Knight. Defeat it to earn a Raw Gem.

Sharp Gem

Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
Go up and around to the left of the building above the bonfire’s location to find a Crystal Lizard, destroy it to get a Sharp Gem.

Fire Gem

Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
Make your way up to the Tower where the Giant is, speak with Siegward and ride the elevator up (step on then roll off the elevator staying on the same level where another elevator will come down, ride this one up). Once at the top, head back down and roll off onto a wooden ledge, head out and speak with Siegward. After the dialogue, head down and take out the Demon to acquire a Fire Gem.

Crystal Gem

Road of Sacrifices, Crucifixion Woods bonfire.
Head towards the Crystal Sage boss area, just before you go into the room with the large pillars either side. Head right and go down the stairs to find a Crystal Lizard, take it out to acquire a Crystal Gem.

Heavy Gem

Road of Sacrifices, Old Wolf of Farron bonfire.
Go up the elevator then head right, when in the next area with all the Hollows, to the far left of this area is a Crystal Lizard, kill it to earn a Heavy Gem.

Hollow Gem

Road of Sacrifices, Keep Perimeter bonfire.
Make your way down the stairs then out towards Farron Keep through the hole in the wall on the right go down the ramp, careful not to fall into the swamp to find a Hollow Gem on a corpse.

Deep Gem

Cathedral of the Deep, Cleansing Chapel bonfire.
Heading up and through the area to get into the Cathedral of the Deep, once you’re in the Cathedral itself, go pass the first 3 Deacons in the room with the large table and take an immediate right. Go down the stairs, take out the Envagelist where you will find a Deep Gem outside on the balcony.

Blessed Gem

Cathedral of the Deep, Deacons of the Deep bonfire.
Head up the stairs and stay right to avoid the enemies, drop off the ledge then go over your right where the Thrall enemies are. Go through and down the corridor on the right to find yourself outside. Take the first right and ride the elevator up then head up the ladder outside on a ledge. From here drop down onto a rooftop, head up then take the first left. Go all the way to the right side of the rafters to find a Blessed Gem on a corpse.

Dark Gem

Catacombs of Carthus, Catacombs of Carthus bonfire.
From the bonfire, go forward then left taking care not to be hit by the rolling ball, go down the stairs, cross the sewer then up the next set of stairs over to your left on the right wall. At the top of the stairs will be a skeleton with a hat. Defeat it then head back down the stairs where the rolling ball will then smash against the wall, allowing you to collect a Dark Gem.

Chaos Gem

Catacombs of Carthus, Demon Ruins bonfire.
Head up the stairs and outback into the Lake hugging the left wall all the way around. If you haven’t turned the ballista off take care of the arrows. In the very top left corner will be a corpse holding a Chaos Gem.

Lightning Gem

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire.
Make your way to the central area where the Fire Witches and the Pontiff Knights are walking down, at the top of this area is a monument, in front of which is a corpse holding a Lightning Gem.

Blood Gem

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire.
Heading down the stairs from the bonfire will be a large dark room containing a good amount of Irithyllian Slaves. As soon as you’re outside, head down the stairs then right before you go down into the water area. At the end of this area in front of a tree is a corpse holding a Blood Gem.

Simple Gem

Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire.
From the bonfire head out and hug the left wall make your way up and around back into the building where you fought Pontiff Sulyvahn. Take a left when back in the building, following the walkway around to find a Crystal Lizard, take it out to acquire a Simple Gem.

Poison Gem

Irithyll Dungeon, Profaned Capital bonfire.
Go down the ladder from the bonfire, head out then left, go through the first corridor and drop down the hole. In this swamp that makes you toxic over to the left of where you drop down is a Poison Gem.

Once you have performed all 15 types of infusion, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Dark Souls III Master Of Infusion Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you perform all forms of Infusion.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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