Dark Souls III Master Of Rings Trophy Guide

Master of Rings
Acquire all rings.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, RPG, Souls.
Dark Souls III directory.
Here is the Dark Souls III Master Of Rings Trophy Guide. There are a total of 107 Rings to acquire throughout Dark Souls 3, this will be the longest trophy for you to accomplish in the game. In order to collect every ring you will need to go through the game nearly 3 times on the same save. 70 rings are obtainable on your first playthrough (ng), 20 rings are obtainable in ng+ and 17 are obtainable on ng++. If you happen to miss any rings from a previous playthrough, you can get them in your next playthrough which is handy for rings such as the Obscuring Ring which acquiring that early will stop you from being able to get the Silvercat Ring until your next playthrough. Some rings can only be acquired through trading boss souls to do so you will need to have defeated the Curse-Rotted Greatwood and have received the Transposing Kiln, give this to Ludleth in Firelink Shrine, this will allow you to trade certain boss souls for rings.
Missable Rings
Ring of the Evil Eye.
Ensure you speak with Anri of Astora at the Road of Sacrifices, Halfway Fortress bonfire then again at Firelink Shrine after defeating the Deacons of the Deep and finally do not tell her where Horace is in the Catacombs of Carthus.
Silvercat Ring.
Sirris will become hostile and will refuse to give you the Silvercat Ring if you offer Rosaria a Pale Tongue to deepen your allegiance to the Rosaria’s Fingers covenant.
Below I will list all 107 Rings and the order you can acquire them from the start of the game then moving on to ng+ and ng++ to make this massive trophy as smooth as possible for you to unlock.
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
Fallen foes yield more souls.
Cemetery Of Ash, Firelink Shrine bonfire.
Once you get to Firelink Shrine, you can make your way up the stairs to the right and outside to find a tree you can run up and jump across to the rooftop, once on the roof, head right into the rafters. Directly opposite is an illusionary wall, hit this then drop down off the end to find the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring in a chest. Please Note: If you are unable to make the jump, you can get this ring later in the game by purchasing the Tower Key from the Shrine Maiden for 20,000 souls then rolling off of the bridge onto the rooftops.
Blue Tearstone Ring
Increases damage absorption when HP is low.
High Wall Of Lothric, Tower on the Wall bonfire.
You will need the Cell key acquired from the room with the large hollows and the 2 hounds on your way to Vordt of the Boreal Valley, once you have this, head back to the Tower on the Wall bonfire. Head down to the 2 levels, pass the enemies throwing firebombs at you, take a right to find a cell, inside of which is Greirat of the Undead Settlement. Speak with him and accept his request to receive the Blue Tearstone Ring.
Ring of Sacrifice
Lose nothing upon death, but ring breaks.
High Wall of Lothric, Tower on the Wall bonfire.
Make your way down to the lowest part of the area and pass the Winged Knight, then take a right up the stairs. Go right at the top then do a running jump onto the wooden ledge where you can acquire the Ring Of Sacrifice.
Flame Stoneplate Ring
Increases fire damage absorption.
Undead Settlement, Undead Settlement bonfire.
Make your way through the building then when outside, take a right, cross the bridge and go up to the right before entering the stables. At the top, ensure you fulfil the requirements with the caged NPC so you don’t miss the Mound Makers Covenant trophy (click the link to go to the Covenant: Mound-Makers guide).
Once completed, climb the ladder then drop down to the right pass the Hollow Manservant, go round to the edge of the cliff and hit the hanging body with an item. After this, head round to either the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire (providing you have unlocked the gate shortcut) or the Cliff Underside bonfire, head up towards the tower that takes you to the Road of Sacrifices to find the Flame Stoneplate Ring on the corpse you previously knocked down.
Untrue Dark Ring
Retain human appearance while Hollow.
Undead Settlement, Foot of the High Wall bonfire.
First, you will need to accept Yoel of Londors service, to do so, head down from the bonfire, take a left, make your way nearly to end staying on the right side, speak with Yoel, accepting his service. After this head to Firelink Shrine, Yoel is found down the path to the left of Andre the blacksmith. Speak with him. You then need to select the option Draw Out True Strength (kill yourself 5 times allowing Yoel to level you up). Once you have drawn out strength 5 times with Yoel, warp to another bonfire locaiton, then go back to a now dead Yoel. Just next to his position will be Yuriel of Londor, speak with her where you can then purchase the Untrue Dark Ring for 5,000 souls.
Untrue White Ring
Take the appearance of a Phantom.
Undead Settlement, Foot of the Highwall bonfire.
Meet the requirements for the Untrue Dark Ring where you can then purchase the Untrue White Ring from Yuriel for 5,000 souls.
Fire Clutch Ring
Increases fire attack but compromises damage absorption.
Undead Settlement, Cliff Underside bonfire.
From the bonfire, head up and around to where the Hollow Manservant enemy is. Defeat it / run pass to the right, at the end of the broken bridge in front of a Hollow will be the Fire Clutch Ring.
Bloodbite Ring
Increases bleed resistance.
Undead Settlement, Cliff Underside bonfire.
Going from the bonfire, head out and down then right. Careful as there are a lot of enemies around. Make your way to the top right corner to drop down into the sewer. Defeat the Large Hound-Rat to acquire the Bloodbite Ring
Saints Ring
Allows attunement of additional spells.
Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
You will need to free Irina of Carim from her cell in the Undead Settlement. To do so, from the Dilapidated Bridge bonfire, head forward to where the Giant is throwing arrows, make a left then when pass the hut with the Thrall on top, proceed to the end of the graveyard to find the Mortician’s Ashes. Take the Ashes to the Shrine Maiden in Firelink Shrine where you can then buy the Grave Key for 1,500 souls. Next, head to the Undead Settlement, Cliff Underside bonfire. Make your way out from the bonfire, going down the ramps, take right then stay against the right wall.
Drop down into the sewer, halfway down on the left is a locked gate, unlock it with the Grave Key, then head down and through the area taking care of the Skeletons as you go. Once outside in the gully, head left and straight, go through, mind the Rats then climb the ladder to find Irina of Carim slumped in her cell. Agree to touch her then accept her service where she will head over to Firelink Shrine. Head right from Andre the blacksmith to find Irina slumped on the floor, interact with her then purchase the Saint’s Ring for 300 souls.
Hawk Ring
Extend the range of bows.
Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
Proceed towards the tower where you meet Siegward and can go to the Road of Sacrifices. Take the elevator up (step on the elevator and roll off quickly, where another elevator will come down, ride this one up), you then need to kill the giant at the top of the tower to acquire the Hawk Ring.
Flynn's Ring
Lowering equip load increases attack.
Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
Proceed to the Tower where you can find the Giant or go tot he Road of Sacrifices, when you first get there, speak with Siegward of Catarina. Ride the elevator up to the top then on the way back down, step off half way down and go outside to find Siegward, head down after speaking with him, kill the Demon. From here, go up through the building to your right, up the stairs pass the Evangelists all the way up onto the roof. On the left side of the roof on a make shift ledge is a corpse holding the Flynn’s Ring.
Chloranthy Ring
Raises stamina recovery speed.
Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
From where you collected Flynn’s Ring, proceed right and drop off the roof onto the ledge then into the tower. Roll down the ledges to the base of this tower where you find the Chloranthy Ring behind some smashable boxes.
Pontiff's Left Eye
Recovers HP with successive attacks.
Cemetery Of Ash, Firelink Shrine bonfire.
Defeat Vordt of the Boreal Valley then trade his soul with Ludleth to receive the Pontiff’s Left Eye ring.
Morne's Ring
Boosts miracles.
Road of Sacrifices, Halfway Fortress bonfire.
Make your way back towards the Corvian enemies and cross the bridge, to the left of the bridge is a ledge you can drop down to. Make your way around the ledge, take out the hounds where you can then collect the Morne’s Ring from a corpse.
Ring of the Evil Eye
Absorb HP from each defeated foe.
Road of Sacrifices, Halfway Fortress bonfire.
You will need to meet Anri of Astora next to the Road of Sacrifices, Halfway Fortress bonfire and speak with her where you can join the Blue Sentinels covenant here you will earn Covenant: Blue Sentinels (joining the covenant isn’t essential for the Ring of the Evil Eye, but speaking with her is). Next up, go and kill the Deacons of the Deep boss, afterwards (before killing the Abyss Watchers) head over to Firelink Shrine and speak with Anri who will then move to the Catacombs of Carthus above the wooden rickety bridge leading to the High Lord Wolnir boss. Speak with her, saying you don’t know where Horace is currently. She will then give you the Ring of the Evil Eye. Please Note: If you kill Horace in the Smouldering Lake, Anri will then move to the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire where she will then give you the Ring of the Evil Eye.
Silvercat Ring
Prevents damage from falling.
Cemtery of Ash, Firelink Shrine bonfire.
Ensure you speak with Sirris in Firelink Shrine after speaking with Anri of Astora at the Road of Sacrifices, Halfway Fortress bonfire then take the Dreamchaser’s Ashes found from the Road of Sacrifices, Old Wolf of Farron bonfire. Take these to the Shrine Maiden, speak with Sirris again to learn the Darkmoon Loyalty gesture. Next up, defeat the Sulyvahn’s Beast on the bridge from the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Irithyll of the Boreal Valley bonfire then warp back to Firelink Shrine and back to the bridge where you slayed the beast. Use an ember where Sirris’ summon sign will appear, summon her to then go to her world and slay Creighton the Wanderer. After which, head back to Firelink Shrine and speak with Sirris one final time to receive the Silvercat Ring.
Great Swamp Ring
Boosts Pyromancies.
Road of Sacrifices, Crucifixion Woods bonfire.
At the back of the water area over to the right is a Giant Crab, defeat it to receive the Great Swamp Ring.
Sage Ring
Shortens spell casting time.
Road of Sacrifices, Crucifixion Woods.
Go towards the Crytsal Sage bonfire, once up the stairs, cross the bridge then in the room with the large pillars, drop down the hole to your right. Careful down here as there is a Lycanthrope enemy, deal with it then you will find the Sage Ring over to the right on a corpse.
Young Dragon Ring
Boosts Sorceries.
Undead Settlement, Crucifixion Woods bonfire.
You will need at least 10 Intelligence for this ring, once you have this. Head over to the bonfire and make your way up to near the Crystal Sage boss area. Before you get to the area with the large pillars, take a left then head up the stairs to find Orbeck of Vinheim. Agree to allow him to teach you sorceries where he will go to Firelink Shrine, to the right of Andre the blacksmith.
Purchase any 3 sorceries from Orbeck (Aural Decoy, Farron Flashsword and Pestilent Mist to make the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring easier to acquire), you will then need to give Orbeck the Sage’s Scroll which can be found from the Road of Sacrifices, Keep Ruins bonfire. Head through the swamp going left then head over to the right corner, on a small ledge will be the Sage’s Scroll on a corpse. Give Orbeck the Sage’s Scroll to acquire the Young Dragon Ring.
Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
Masks the sound of its wearer.
Cemetery of Ash, Firelink Shrine bonfire.
Acquire the Young Dragon Ring from Orbeck of Vinheim, you will then need to have bought the following spells from him. Aural Decoy, Farron Flashsword, Spook and Pestilent Mist, once you have bought the fourth sorcery, he will then gift you the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring.
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring
Extend length of spell effect.
Road of Sacrifices, Keep Ruins bonfire.
Go down the ramp from the bonfire and head left where you will come to a Giant Crab, defeat it to acquire the Lingering Dragoncrest Ring.
Life Ring
Raises maximum HP.
Road of Sacrifices, Old Wolf of Farron bonfire.
Go outside, up one flight of stairs, on your immediate left will be an illusionary wall, go through it to find the Dreamchaser’s Ashes. Take these to the Shrine Maiden in Firelink Shrine, she will then sell you the Life Ring for 1,500 souls.
Wolf Ring
Increases poise.
Road of Sacrifices, Wolf of Farron bonfire.
In order to acquire the Wolf Ring, you will need to first join the Watchdogs of Farron covenant, you can do so by interacting with the Old Wolf of Farron in front of the bonfire. Next up, you need to rank the covenant to Rank 2 which will require you to offer 30 Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass which can be farmed from the Ghru enemies.
Probably the fastest way of farming Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass is to go to the Keep Ruins bonfire, kill the 3 Ghru on the bridge, rinse and repeat until you have 30 Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass, this will take you a fair while as the Swordgrass is a rare drop. Increase your Item Discovery to increase your chances of acquiring them. Once you have all 30 Wolf’s Blood Swordgrass, go back to the Old Wolf of Farron, offer them to increase your covenant rank to Rank 2 to receive the Wolf’s Ring.
Havel's Ring
Increases maximum load.
Road of Sacrifices, Old Wolf of Farron bonfire.
Ride the elevator up from the bonfire then head left once up the stairs, defeat the Old Stray Demon to receive the Old Stray Demon’s Soul. Take the soul to Ludleth in Firelink Shrine and trade the Old Stray Demon Soul for the Havel’s Ring.
Lloyd's Shield Ring
Boosts attacks when HP is full.
Cathedral of the Deep, Cathedral of the Deep bonfire.
You will need the Paladin’s Ashes which are found to the left of the bonfire in a small canyon. Careful down here as there is a powerful NPC guarding the Ashes. Once you have the Paladin’s Ashes, take them to the Shrine Maiden. Where you can then purchase the Lloyd’s Shield Ring for 2,500 souls.
Poisonbite Ring
Increases poison resistance.
Cathedral of the Deep, Cleansing Chapel bonfire.
Go up to where the 4 Hollows are praying at the altar then drop down to their right. Then head right going up a ramp. You will come to a large Crystal Lizard, just next to it is a small gap you can fit through which will take you to where a Corpse-grub is. Defeat it then go over to the right to find the Poisonbite Ring on a corpse.
Lloyd's Sword Ring
Boosts attacks when HP is full.
Cathedral of the Deep, Cleansing Chapel bonfire.
Once you’re in the Cathedral you will need to run around the edge of an area where a Giant is trying to hit you. In the alcove against the wall on a corpse will be the Lloyd’s Sword Ring.
Aldrich's Sapphire
Recovers FP from critical attacks.
Cathedral of the Deep, Deacons of the Deep bonfire.
Make your way back through the Cathedral of the Deep, going left at the top of the stairs, stay left pass the Giant then take the next left down the stairs. Head through the left exit to face off against a Deep Accursed, defeat this enemy to receive Aldrich’s Sapphire.
Deep Ring
Allows attunement of additional spells.
Cathedral of the Deep, Deacons of the Deep bonfire.
From the bonfire, head up the stairs and take a left, go down pass the Giant then head over to the right side. Go through the far door and down the stairs to bring you outside, head left then go through the first door on the right. Ride the elevator up, head out onto the ledge, take the ladder up. On this level will be a Devout of the Deep enemy, kill it to receive the Deep Ring.
Obscuring Ring
Obscures wearer while far away.
Cathedral of the Deep, Rosaria’s Bed Chamber bonfire.
You will need to join Rosaria’s Fingers covenant (click the link to go to the Covenant: Roasaria’s Fingers guide for information on this). You will then need to increase the covenant to Rank 1 by offering 10 Pale Tongues. Pale Tongues can be acquired from Darkwraiths, 2 Darkwraiths are found attacking Ghru enemies from the Road of Sacrifices, Farron Keep Perimeter bonfire and can be a challenge to take out and to make matters worse, Pale Tongues are a rare drop from Darkwraiths. Increase your Item Discovery to increase your chances of acquiring them. Once you have 10 Pale Tongues, head back to Rosaria, offer her the Pale Tongues to receive the Obscuring Ring.
Estus Ring
Increases HP restored with Estus Flask.
Cemetery of Ash, Firelink Shrine bonfire.
Purchase the Tower Key from the Shrine Maiden for 20,000 souls (which is why I left it this late down the list). Then head to the top right of Firelink Shrine, go up through the Tower, cross the bridge, go up to the roof and acquire the Firekeeper Soul, on the way back down Unbreakable Patches will have locked the gate. Face the gate then roll off to your left, work your way down to the lowest part to find the Estus Ring over to your left.
Horsehoof Ring
Boosts kick effect.
Cemetery of Ash, Firelink Shrine bonfire.
This ring can be purchased from Unbreakable Patches, see Estus Ring for information on this. Once you have rolled down, head back up to where you went outside to climb the Tower, this time, stay inside and go to the end and round to the end of the balcony to find Patches. Choose to forgive him where you can then purchase the Horsehoof Ring from him for 500 souls.
Farron Ring
Reduces Skill FP consumption.
Cemetery of Ash, Firelink Shrine bonfire.
You will need to speak with Hawkwood the Deserter who can be found in Firelink Shrine. Speak with him after you have defeated the Abyss Watchers where he will then gift you the Farron Ring.
Carthus Milkring
Slightly boosts dexterity and obscures rolling.
Catacombs of Carthus, Catacombs of Carthus bonfire.
From the bonfire head forward then left, go left pass the 2 Carthus Skeletons, take a left then about halfway down this passageway will be an area with a lot of smashable urns that contain harmful dark spirits. Take your time smashing through the urns to the back wall where you will find the Carthus Milkring.
Carthus Bloodring
Boosts rolling invincibility, at the cost of defense.
Catacombs of Carthus, Catacombs of Carthus bonfire.
Head out, right then left at the end of the walkway, drop down the hole to your right taking care of the Skeleton Wheels. Take a left down this corridor to find the Carthus Bloodring.
Witch's Ring
Greatly boosts pyromancies.
Catacombs of Carthus, Abandoned Tomb bonfire.
From the bonfire, head towards the Catacombs (away from the Smouldering Lake), take a right to find the Witch’s Ring on a corpse.
Speckled Stoneplate Ring
Slightly ups magic, lightning, fire and dark damage absorption.
Catacombs of Carthus, Demon Ruins bonfire.
The giant ballista will need to be active in order to acquire this ring, so if you have already turned it off, go back there and turn it back on. Once it’s active, come out from the Demon Ruins bonfire back to the Smouldering Lake and run down the left wall to find a make shift wall made out of bricks. Stand there facing the ballista then dodge the arrow so that it smashes the brick wall revealing a corpse holding the Speckled Stoneplate Ring.
Knight Slayers Ring
Enemies lose more stamina when guarding attacks.
Catacombs of Carthus, Demon Ruins bonfire.
Starting from the bonfire here, head through the Ruins, taking a right then heading down the stairs to your left in the ground, take a right, Head down the passageway and take a right then another right. Take a left, then right, down some stairs, take another left follow the path round, taking care not to be cursed by the Basilisks. Just before you get to the large stairs leading up, take quick left then follow the path to a set of stairs leading down to some lava. On this staircase, you will face off against Knight Slayer Tsorig, a very powerful enemy who wields the Fume Knight Greatsword as well as the Black Iron Greatshield. Defeat him to acquire the Knight Slayers Ring.
Pontiff's Right Eye
Boosts attacks, as long as attacking persists.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Irithyll of the Boreal Valley bonfire.
From the bonfire, start to cross the bridge where a Sulyvahn’s Beast will spawn. Defeat it to acquire the Pontiff’s Right Eye ring.
Magic Clutch Ring
Increases magic attack but compromises damage absorption.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire.
Make your way out of the Church the way you came in and take a left, head across the walkway where the Fire Witches and Pontiff Knights are walking down the stairs. Look towards the altar, to the right on a staircase is an illusionary wall, hit this wall then go forward to find the Magic Clutch Ring on a corpse.
Leo Ring
Strengthens thrust weapon counter attacks.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire.
Go through the area after the church all the way down and through the water section. Take the first left then up the stairs to be in an area with Silver Knights, take care as they’re tough. Make your way up the stairs and around the balcony where you will find 3 chests, the chest on the right contains the Leo Ring.
Ring of the Sun's Firstborn
Greatly boosts miracles.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire.
Go up to where the you would fight Pontiff Sulyvahn then instead of going through into his arena. Turn around and drop off the edge of the ledge where you will land on top of an altar where you will be able to get the Ring of the Sun’s Firstborn on a corpse.
Dark Stoneplate Ring
Increases dark damage absorption.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire.
Make your way down to the Giants graveyard then head left underneath where the Deacons are, go right and follow the path round to find the Dark Stoneplate Ring on a corpse.
Ring of Favor
Increases HP, stamina, and maximum equip load.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire.
In the area where you will find the Aldrich Faithful covenant (click the link to go to the Covenant: Aldrich Faithful guide). Down here you will face off against 2 Sulyvahn’s Beasts, defeat them both to receive the Ring of Favor.
Wood Grain Ring
Slows equipment degradation.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Aldrich, Devourer of Gods.
You will need the Easterner’s Ashes which are found by making your way up the rooftops where the Silver Knights are firing arrows at you, go up the first angles rooftop then head right. Go down the stairs and collect the Easterner’s Ashes from the corpse. Afterwards, head over to Firelink Shrine, give the Ashes to the Shrine Maiden who will then sell you the Wood Grain Ring for 3,000 souls.
Reversal Ring
Males can perform female actions and vice versa.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Anor Londo.
From the bonfire, head back to the spiral staircase, use the contraption and send the staircase down. When in the small circular room, head to the back where a large stone knight is built into the wall, this is an illusionary wall so go through it then run to the end. Stay right of the altar to find the reversal ring in a chest.
Darkmoon Ring
Adds many slots for attunement.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Anor Londo bonfire.
You will need to join the Blades of the Darkmoon covenant (click the link to go to the Covenant: Blade Of The Darkmoon guide) then increase your Rank to Rank 1. To do so you will need 10 Proof of a Concord Kept which can be acquired by grinding kills on the Silver Knights on the steps around Anor Londo as a rare drop. Increase your Item Discovery to increase your chances of acquiring them. Once you have 10 Proof of a Concord Kept, head back to Company Captain Yorshka. Increase your rank to Rank 1 where she will then gift you the Darkmoon Ring.
Aldrich's Ruby
Recovers HP from critical attacks.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Anor Londo bonfire.
Go through Anor Londo to the lower floor ensuring you take out the Deacons on the steps leading up to the Aldrich, Devourer of Gods boss fight. Once they’re down, head towards the front door where you will be ambushed by a Deep Accursed that can be a challenge. Defeat it to acquire the Aldrich’s Ruby ring.
Sun Princess Ring
Gradually restore HP.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Aldrich, Devourer of Gods bonfire.
After you have defeated Aldrich, Devourer of Gods, head to the back of the area and ride the elevator up, in the back room on the bed will be the Sun Princess Ring.
Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
Greatly boosts sorceries.
Irithyll Dungeon, Irithyll Dungeon bonfire.
You need to collect the Jailbreakers Key for this one. Head forward, cross the bridge with the 2 Jailers, head right then go into the first cell on the left, head through the broken walls until you’re out on the ledge again. Open the first cell on the right and grab the Jailbreakers Key from the corpse. From here, head back to the bonfire to keep your bearings, head down to the end of the first ledge you are on to the end. Smash through the boxes and use the Jailbreakers Key on the gate. Roll through to find the Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring on a corpse to the left of the rocks.
Dusk Crown Ring
Reduces spell FP consumption, but also lowers HP.
Irithyll Dungeon, Irithyll Dungeon bonfire.
Make your way through the Dungeon to the lowest level where the army of Jailers are, in the last cell on the left will be the Dusk Crown Ring on a corpse.
Dark Clutch Ring
Increases dark attack but compromises damage absorption.
Irithyll Dungeon, Irithyll Dungeon bonfire.
Go through pass the Jailers at the bottom, head out and down the stairs, when back inside, head round to the right and drop down through the small archway. Go around pass the Giant (hit it to wake it up) then drop onto the small bridge. Move into the sewer, taking care of the Rats and the Basilisks, head to the end where you will find a Mimic chest, defeat the Mimic to earn the Dark Clutch Ring.
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
Fallen foes are more likely to drop items.
Irithyll Dungeon, Profaned Capital bonfire.
First up, acquire the Old Cell Key (in the chest opposite the Mimic chest where you acquire the Dark Clutch Ring). Once you have the Old Cell Key, head over to the Profaned Capital bonfire. Descend the ladder, then head out to your left and cross the small bridge, when in the narrow corridors go forward, left, forward, right, forward to avoid falling down into the swamp which will make you toxic.
When you’re on the wooden platform you need to drop down into the swamp and move quickly over to the stone ramp with the ladder leading up. If you’re quick you won’t become toxic, deal with the NPC on the rooftop then stand on the sloping roof, take a running jump through the open archway, it might take a few attempts to do so, unequip all your armour and weapons to make it easier (there’s no enemies in the next section). Once through the archway, head up the stairs, use the Old Cell Key to get through the gate. On your immediate right will be the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring.
Cursebite Ring
Increases curse resistance.
Irithyll Dungeon, Profaned Capital bonfire.
Please Note: Ensure you have a Homeward bone so you can get out of here quickly.
Go down the ladder from the bonfire, head left then right across the bridge. Drop down through the hole in the first corridor into the swamp below, defeat the Sewer Centipedes and head over to the right. Take the Cursebite Ring from the corpse then warp out before the toxic kills you.
Dragonscale Ring
Reduces damage from backstabs.
Lothric Castle, Lothric Castle bonfire.
Go forward then right, cross the walkway to the elevator taking you down to the Consumed Kings’s Garden. From here, go forward taking the first right. Careful of the Pus of Man enemies around here. Ride the elevator up halfway then jump off, go down the stairs to find the Dragonscale Ring.
Magic Stoneplate Ring
Increases magic damage absorption.
Lothric Castle, Lothric Castle bonfire.
Proceed back to where you collected the Dragonscale Ring then head forward onto the rooftop and take out the enemy here that buffs the Cathedral Knights. Jump down to face 2 of them, try luring them out one by one. The Knight that is guarding the route to the Oceiros, the Consumed King boss fight will need to be defeated to acquire the Magic Stoneplate Ring.
Ashen Estus Ring
Increases FP restored with Ashen Estus Flask.
Cemetery of Ash, Untended Graves bonfire.
Head to the Untended Graves (click the link to go to the Untended Graves guide) then head forward and right. There will be several Corvian enemies, defeat them all then grab the Ashen Estus Ring from the corpse in the coffin.
Prisoner's Chain
Increases VGR, END and VIT, but take more damage.
Cemetery of Ash, Untended Graves bonfire.
Head through and defeat Champion Gundyr, doing so will give you his soul. Take this to Ludleth in Firelink Shrine and trade the Soul of Champion Gundyr for the Prisoner’s Chain.
Hornet Ring
Boosts critical attacks.
Cemetery of Ash, Champion Gundyr bonfire.
Proceed up towards Dark Firelink Shrine, then head around to the right. Take out the Black Knight (not essential but helpful as it hits hard) then grab the Hornet Ring from a Tombstone on the right of the area.
Priestess Ring
Increases faith.
Cemetery of Ash, Champion Gundyr bonfire.
Proceed up and into Dark Firelink Shrine, head to the Shrine Maiden (there’s one here) and purchase the Priestess Ring for 1,000 souls.
Lightning Clutch Ring
Increases lightning attack but compromises damage absorption.
Archdragon Peak, Archdragon Peak bonfire.
From the bonfire head forward then before you go through to face the Ancient Wyvern boss, take a left down the stairs, follow the path round to the right to find the Lightning Clutch Ring on a corpse.
Ring of Steel Protection
Increases physical damage absorption.
Archdragon Peak, Archdragon Peak bonfire.
Go forward from the bonfire and take out the Ancient Wyvern, once done, head right down the steps and out onto the ledge. At the end of the ledge is a corpse holding the Ring of Steel Protection.
Calamity Ring
Receive double damage.
Archdragon Peak, Dragon-Kin Mausoleum bonfire.
Going from the bonfire, head into the building, go straight up the stairs on the right and kill the Serpant-Man Summoner then defeat the summoned NPC. Afterwards go to the lower level then use the Path of the Dragon gesture (you will need this to get to Archdragon Peak, click the link to go to the Dark Souls III Master Of Expression Trophy Guide for more information) in front of the large Dragon Statue, sit there until you receive the Calamity Ring.
Thunder Stoneplate Ring
Increases lightning damage absorption.
Archdragon Peak, Dragon-Kin Mausoleum bonfire.
Go through the building, deal with the Serpent-Man Summoner and the summoned NPC then head down to the wooden walkway, take out the Serpent-Man enemies until you get to the large square room. Before you go into this room which will aggro several enemies, drop off to the right onto a ledge. Head around to find a ladder, at the top of the ladder on a corpse is the Thunder Stoneplate Ring.
Knight's Ring
Increases strength.
Lothric Castle, Dragonslayer Armour bonfire.
From the bonfire, head back towards Lothric Castle, take a right then go up the ladder, proceed across the rooftops dealing with the Hollows, drop down inside the building. At the back of the room will be a corpse holding the Knight’s Ring.
Red Tearstone Ring
Boosts attacks when HP is low.
Lothric Castle, Dragonslayer Armour bonfire.
Make your way back towards Lothric Castle, take a left before going inside through the far left door. Head up the stairs and take a left out onto the balcony, head right to find the Red Tearstone Ring on a Corpse.
Scholar's Ring
Increases intelligence.
Lothric Castle, Grand Archives.
On the second level in the Archives where you face the Thrall’s and the Crystal Sage, go up one more level where you will face the Thrall with the Flamberge Sword. From here, head forward avoiding the cursed hands, drop down off the edge, turn around and walk to the bookcase, to the left of which will be a lever. Pull the lever to move the bookcase revealing a corpse holding the Scholar’s Ring.
Fleshbite Ring
Raises poison, bleed, curse and frost resist.
Lothric Castle, Grand Archives.
Go all the way through the Archives until you come to the last room before you go outside and cross the rooftops. In this room over to the end will be the Fleshbite Ring. Take care here as you can get cursed very quickly, sprint and grab the ring. You will still keep the ring if you die.
Hunter's Ring
Increases dexterity.
Lothric Castle, Grand Archives.
On the very top of the Archives, guarded by 3 Winged Cathedral Knights, each of which can be near enough boss level difficulty to deal with will be the Hunter’s Ring on a corpse. Try and death run (sprint to the item without engaging the enemies) for the ring, if the Knights kill you, you will still keep the ring.
Skull Ring
Easier to be detected by enemies.
Cemetery of Ash, Firelink Shrine bonfire.
Proceed through the game until you reach the Kiln of the First Flame area. From here, head back to Firelink Shrine, go to Ludleth’s throne where you will find him gone and the Skull Ring left behind.
That’s all 70 rings you can acquire on your first playthrough, start NG+ when you’re ready and we’ll go for the next set of rings.
New Game + Rings
The following 20 rings are obtainable on NG+ which can be accessed by going to Firelink Shrine after taking down the Lord of Cinder and selecting the option begin journey 2.
Speckled Stoneplate Ring +1
Slightly ups magic, lightning, fire and dark damage absorption.
Cemetery of Ash, Cemetery of Ash bonfire.
Make your way back down the hill from the bonfire and take a left to go to an area with a Large Crystal Lizard. Just as you get into the area go to your right to find the Speckled Stoneplate Ring +1 on a tombstone.
Fleshbite Ring +1
Raises poison, bleed, curse and frost resist.
High Wall of Lothric, Tower on the Wall bonfire.
Go down the stairs and out onto the rooftops, before you get to the end near the ladder, do a running jump over to the rooftop opposite (unequip your armour to make this jump easier if you can’t make it). At the end of the rooftop will be a corpse holding the Fleshbite Ring +1.
Poisonbite Ring +1
Increases poison resistance.
Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
Proceed forward to where the Giant is throwing arrows, go left before you go into the shack then just behind the hut where the Thrall is on the roof waiting to drop down on you will be a well. Behind the well is a corpse holding the Poisonbite Ring +1.
Life Ring +1
Raises maximum HP.
Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
Ride the lift up in the Tower where you can make peace with the Giant, on the way down step off to be where Siegward sits before you kill the Demon. Stay on this level, go to the furthest archway to find a corpse holding the Life Ring +1.
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring +1
Extends length of spell effect.
Road of Sacrifices, Crucifixion Woods bonfire.
Jump down into the water avoiding or killing the Giant Crabs, the Lingering Dragoncrest Ring +1 is behind a tree trunk before you get to the next shore.
Magic Stoneplate Ring +1
Increases magic damage absorption.
Road of Sacrifices, Farron keep bonfire.
Head out into the swamp going right, keep going forward along the wall where you will find the Magic Stoneplate Ring +1 against a large tree.
Wolf Ring +1
Increases poise.
Road of Sacrifices, Keep Ruins bonfire.
From the bonfire, head out towards the 3 Ghru, stay close to the building, take a right to find the Wolf Ring +1 on a corpse.
Ring of the Evil Eye +1
Absorb HP from each defeated foe.
Cathedral of the Deep, Deacons of the Deep bonfire.
At the top of the staircase from the bonfire on a corpse in front of a large statue is the Ring of the Evil Eye +1.
Thunder Stoneplate Ring +1
Increases lightning damage absorption.
Catacombs of Carthus, Catacombs of Carthus bonfire.
Go from the bonfire forward, right, first left then next left. Roughly halfway along the walkway with the trap on the floor is a small area with lots of smashable urns, in the middle on the left side will be the Thunder Stoneplate Ring +1 on a corpse.
Bloodbite Ring +1
Increases bleed resistance.
Catacombs of Carthus, Demon Ruins bonfire.
If you know your way up the Ballista, go there to find the ring on the same side as the Smouldering Lake. For those that are unsure or need a refresh on the route, here you go. Starting from the bonfire, head through the Ruins, taking a right then heading down the stairs to your left in the ground, take a right, head down the passageway and take a right then another right. Take a left, then right, down some stairs, take another left follow the path round, taking care not to be cursed by the Basilisks.
When you get to the large staircase, go up then cross the bridge. Take care passing / fighting the Black Knight. Keep going forward, climb both ladders then follow the pathway up and around to the ballista. Go through pass the controls to turn the ballista off, go around to the outside of the ballista to find the Bloodbite Ring +1 on a corpse.
Chloranthy Ring +1
Raises stamina recovery speed.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire.
Heading out from the bonfire back towards the central area where the Knights and Fire Witches are walking down the hill. Head to the back of this area to find an altar where you found the Ring of the Sun’s Firstborn. Behind the altar is the Chloranthy Ring +1 on a corpse.
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +1
Fallen foes are more likely to drop items.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire.
Go out from the left exit down pass the Irithyllian Slaves in the large dark room, as soon as you are through that room. Look to your right to see a break in the railings, ensure you have a decent amount of health then roll down to find the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +1 on a corpse.
Ring of Favor +1
Increases HP, stamina, and maximum equip load.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Pontiff Sulyvahn bonfire.
Run down pass the Giant graveyard staying left, go under where the Deacons are then up the stairs, follow the path round to the right where you will be above where you fought Pontiff Sulyvahn, go directly forward. At the end of the walkway on the left will be a corpse holding the Ring Of Favor +1.
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +1
Fallen foes yield more souls.
Irithyll Dungeon, Irithyll Dungeon bonfire.
Head through the dungeon down to the lowest level where the jailers and the cells are, head outside then back in. Go up and pass the Giant (hit it to wake it up so it moves out the way), drop down to the lowest level then go through the back exit. Deal with any Rats that have followed you then pull the lever, lowering the lift, halfway up you can roll off to find the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +1 on the ledge.
Flame Stoneplate Ring +1
Increases fire damage absorption.
Irithyll Dungeon, Profaned Capital bonfire.
Go down the ladder and out of the exit on the right, head around and pass through the swamp, on the other side. Climb the ladder then head to the left side of the rooftop on the far left side you can drop down onto a ledge where you will find the Flame Stoneplate Ring +1.
Wood Grain Ring +1
Slows equipment degradation.
Lothric Castle, Lothric Castle bonfire.
Head down to the Consumed Kings Garden, taking the elevator at the end of the walkway pass the Cathedral Knight. Behind the elevator on a corpse is the Wood Grain Ring +1.
Ring of Steel Protection +1
Increases physical damage absorption.
Cemetery of Ash, Champion Gundyr bonfire.
Go through to Dark Firelink Shrine, head up to the right were you would use the Tower Key, on the right of this tower is the Ring of Steel Protection +1.
Havel's Ring +1
Increases maximum load.
Archdragon Peak, Great Belfry bonfire.
Make your way forward going outside, deal with the enemies out heading to the back of the area. Before you go up the stairs, look to your let after you go through the large archway to find the Havel’s Ring +1 on a corpse.
Dark Stoneplate Ring +1
Increased dark damage absorption.
Lothric Castle, Dragonslayer Armour bonfire.
Head back towards Lothric Castle, then over to the right to find a smashed section of wall, drop off this wall (ensure you have enough health) then head inside the building. Go out onto the balcony on the right to find the Dark Stoneplate Ring +1 on a corpse.
Sage Ring +1
Shortens spell casting time.
Lothric Castle, Grand Archives bonfire.
Make your way to the very top of the Archives, then head into the building, go down into the bird cage and drop onto the rafters. Head to the end of the long wooden rafter then drop down onto the metal girder, head left to find the Sage Ring +1 on a corpse.
That’s all 20 rings you can acquire on NG+, start NG++ when you’re ready and we’ll go for the next set of rings.
New Game++ Rings
The following 17 rings are obtainable on NG++ and beyond. In addition to the 16 +2 rings you can acquire, you will also need to acquire one +3 ring which is the last ring on the list.
Wolf Ring +2
Increases poise.
Cemetery Ash, Iudex Gundyr bonfire.
Open the door that leads to Firelink Shrine, just behind the door on the left is the Wolf Ring +2.
Ring of the Evil Eye +2
Absorb HP from each defeated foe.
High Wall of Lothric, Tower on the Wall bonfire.
Head through across the rooftop then into the building, pass the spear Knight and down into the large room where the large Hollows and the 2 Hounds are. At the back of this room on the right behind some smashable boxes is the Ring of the Evil Eye +2.
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +2
Fallen foes yield more souls.
Undead Settlement, Dilapidated Bridge bonfire.
Go halfway up the Tower where you find the Giant, drop off halfway to where you can fight the Demon with Siegward. Make your way up through the building on the right to where the 2 Evangelists are, straight after you have dealt with them, go out onto the wooden platform and drop down to the right onto a roof. On the other side of the roof is the Covetous Silver Serpent Ring +2.
Chloranthy Ring +2
Raises stamina recovery speed.
Road of Sacrifices, Road of Sacrifices bonfire.
Make your up to where the Corvian enemy is spewing poison mist at you. Drop down immediately to your left to land on a small ledge, upon which is the Chloranthy Ring +2.
Dark Stoneplate Ring +2
Increases dark damage absorption.
Road of Sacrifices, Keep Ruins bonfire.
Go back up the ramp to where the 3 Ghru enemies are then hug the wall round to the left, smash through the wooden crosses to the end to find the Dark Stoneplate Ring +2.
Ring of Favor +2
Increases HP, stamina, and maximum equip load.
Cathedral of the Deep, Deacons of the Deep bonfire.
From the bonfire, head up the stairs and take a left, go down pass the Giant then head over to the right side. Go through the far door and down the stairs to bring you outside, head left then go through the first door on the right. Ride the elevator up, head out onto the ledge, take the ladder up then drop down onto the rooftop, go to the top then go left, deal with the large Hollow to find the Ring of Favor +2 in the alcove.
Ring of Steel Protection +2
Increases physical damage absorption.
Road of Sacrifices, Abyss Watchers bonfire.
Go around the walkway to the left, if you look at the candles on the flat stones to the left of the walkway. You need to drop off just to the right of the fourth set of candles onto the top of a small pillar to find the Ring of Steel Protection +2.
Flame Stoneplate Ring +2
Increases fire damage absorption.
Catacombs of Carthus, Demon Ruins bonfire.
Make your way down to through the ruins, take the stairs down through the floor, head right then go through the corridor at the end on the left side, at the end of this corridor is an illusionary wall. Go through it, being careful around the Black Knight then head to the far right corner behind a stack of dead demons will to find the Flame Stoneplate Ring +2.
Wood Grain Ring +2
Slows equipment degradation.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Church of Yorshka bonfire.
Head down and through the water section, take a left into the area with the sewer centipedes. Go up the stairs and get pass the Silver Knights. Once outside, go right to find the Wood Grain Ring +2.
Magic Stoneplate Ring +2
Increases magic damage absorption.
Irithyll Dungeon, Profaned Capital bonfire.
Head down the ladder then outside, directly in front of you is a staircase going down to the right, follow it down then off to the left on a small ledge will be the Magic Stoneplate Ring +2.
Havel's Ring +2
Increases maximum load.
Irithyll of the Boreal Valley, Prison Tower bonfire.
You will need to carefully drop down through the Tower taking care not to fall to far, you will find Havel’s Ring +2 near enough at the bottom of the Tower. Bring Homeward bones with you or the Coiled Sword Fragment so you can get back to the top if you fall pass Havel’s Ring +2.
Sage's Ring +2
Shortens spell casting time.
Lothric Castle, Lothric Castle bonfire.
Head down to the elevator that takes you to the Consumed King’s Garden, roll off when it’s halfway down, go left to drop onto a pillar. You will need to do a quick run and jump onto an adjacent pillar to acquire the Sage Ring +2.
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +2
Fallen foes are more likely to drop items.
Archdragon Peak, Nameless King bonfire.
You will first have to defeat the Nameless King on NG++ which is no easy feat. Once you have done so, head down the area to the third staircase on the right, at the top of the staircase on the right will be the Covetous Gold Serpent Ring +2.
Life Ring +2
Raises Maximum HP.
Lothric Castle, Dragon Barracks bonfire.
You will need to take out the 2 Dragons guarding the bridge, bring a bow and plenty of arrows with you. Kill the one on the left to kill them both. Cross the bridge after having taken out them out then go through the first door on the right, climb the ladder then go left outside. You will see a corpse that dies looking like it was trying to climb up the ledge, drop, don’t roll off this ledge to find the Life Ring +2.
Thunder Stoneplate Ring +2
Increases lightning damage absorption.
Lothric Castle, Dragonslayer Armour bonfire.
Head back towards Lothric Castle then take the far left door, go up the stairs and out of the left door, take a left to find a break in the railings. Ensure you are at full health then drop off, don’t roll as you’ll go to far. Once on the rooftop, head right to find the Thunder Stoneplate Ring +2.
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring +2
Extends length of spell effect.
Lothric Castle, Grand Archives bonfire.
Go to the very top of the Archives where the 3 Winged Cathedral Knights are, climb the stairs to where you collected the Hunter’s Ring. Drop off the edge to find the Lingering Dragoncrest Ring +2 in an alcove.
Life Ring +3
Raises maximum HP.
Untended Graves, Champion Gundyr bonfire.
Please Note: Although this is a +3 Ring, you can still acquire it on your NG++ playthrough, ensure you get this before you start NG+++. Go through to Dark Firelink Shrine, head up to behind King Lothric’s throne to find the Ring of Life +3.
And that’s all 107 rings in Dark Souls III, collect them all to unlock your Trophy.
That’s the Dark Souls III Master of Rings Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you acquire every Ring.
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