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Dark Souls Remastered Wisdom Of A Sage Trophy Guide

Dark Souls Remastered Wisdom of a Sage trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Wisdom of a Sage
Acquire all sorceries.

Here is the Dark Souls Remastered Wisdom Of A Sage Trophy Guide. Sorceries can make Dark Souls a lot easier for some as they allow you to cause significant damage at range. You will need a staff to equip a sorcery. Ensure you level intelligence to become more adept at casting sorceries, you can then attune spells at a bonfire then use the spell for a given amount of times before the charge will run out meaning you need to find a bonfire to replenish the uses. There are a total of 23 sorceries in Dark Souls Remastered, the majority of which are purchasable from 4 NPCs you will encounter as you make your way through the game. The 4 NPCs are:

Griggs of Vinheim

Griggs Of Vinheim can be found in the Lower Undead Burg area, you need to buy the Residence Key from the merchant in the Undead Burg. Then make your way down the stairs towards the Capra Demon boss fight, take a right, use the Residence Key on the second door on the left, speak to Griggs. He will then go to Firelink Shrine where you can purchase his sorceries.

Ingward, The Guardian Of The Seal

Ingward be found atop the building in New Londo Ruins, he only has one sorcery, and can be very tricky to get to, continue through the New Londo Ruins until just before you lower the water. Go around the back of the building you’ll be in then up the ladder, defeat all of the enemies in the area, then interact with Ingward. If there is one enemy left, he won’t speak to you so ensure you clear them all out.

Dusk of Oolacile

She can be a tricky NPC to find, firstly you need to defeat the Hydra in the Darkroot Basin (use magic to have a much easier time of the fight. Or wait for the heads to strike then melee them systematically until the Hydra falls) then defeat the Golden Crystal Golem, this will free Dusk of Oolacile, however, to purchase her sorceries, you need to summon her. Her summon sign can be found in front of a boulder, easiest way of making this appear is to use the in game quit game option then reload in, summon Dusk to purchase her sorceries.

Big Hat Logan

He can initially be found in Sen’s Fortress, at the top of the Fortress, you can use the mechanism to change the direction the balls are going to go. You need to send them down to where the Sleeping Man-Serpent enemy is, then proceed down this area (make the ball go somewhere else first). Then free Logan with either the Cage Key (under the Crestfallen Merchant) or the Master Key (potential starting gift when you begin the game), free Big Hat Logan from his cell. Exhaust his dialogue for him to be placed in Firelink Shrine, here you can purchase the majority of his sorceries.

Once you have obtained the Lordvessel, Logan will be jailed in the Duke’s Archives where you can free him using the Archive Tower Giant Cell Key (in the chest just before you go outside to the Crystal Caves). After doing so, he will then be found in the library (just before you go outside then down to the Crystal Caves) of the Duke’s Archives where he will sell you the Crystal variants of the sorceries.

Please note: you will need to have a minimum of 15 Intelligence before Big Hat Logan will sell you any sorceries. Once you have purchased all of his sorceries, go off and defeat the boss, Seath the Scaleless then return to the top of the Archive’s to the room where you initially fought Seath, and were automatically defeated and placed in the cell. You will need to defeat Big Hat Logan to acquire his final sorcery. I will also list off the required stats you will need to use the sorcery, however, you can acquire all of these sorceries at 15 Intelligence or above.

In addition to the 21 sorceries you can acquire from the 4 NPCs listed above, there are 2 sorceries that are only found throughout Lordran, they are listed here as World Loot sorceries. Below, I’ll list off all 23 sorceries and where you can acquire them in NPC order then all of the World Loot ones at the end.

Griggs of Vinheim

  • Soul Arrow: 1,000 souls.
    10 Intelligence.
  • Heavy Soul Arrow: 2,000 souls.
    12 Intelligence.
  • Great Soul Arrow: 6,000 souls.
    14 Intelligence.
  • Great Heavy Soul Arrow: 8,000 souls.
    16 Intelligence.
  • Fall Control: 1,500 souls.
    15 Intelligence.
  • Magic Weapon: 3,000 souls.
    10 Intelligence.
  • Aural Decoy: 1,000 souls.
    10 Intelligence.
  • Magic Shield: 3,000 souls.
    10 Intelligence.
  • Hush.
    10 Intelligence.
    Dropped by Griggs of Vinheim. Ensure you have all of the above spells from Griggs. You can then attack and kill him, once he’s defeated you can loot the Hush sorcery.

Ingward, Guardian of the Seal

  • Resist Curse: 5,000 souls.
    16 Intelligence.
    You can purchase the Resist Curse sorcery providing you have cleared out all of the enemies in the vicinity.

Dusk of Oolacile

  • Hidden Body: 2,000 souls.
    14 Intelligence.
  • Cast Light: 1,000 souls.
    14 Intelligence.
  • Repair: 10,000 souls.
    14 Intelligence.
  • Chameleon: 3,000 souls.
    14 Intelligence.
  • Hidden Weapon: 2,000 souls.
    14 Intelligence.

Big Hat Logan

  • Homing Soulmass: 20,000 souls.
    18 Intelligence.
  • Soul Spear: 40,000 souls.
    36 Intelligence.

Please Note: The Crystal variants of the sorceries from Big Hat Logan are only available to purchase once you have freed him from his cell in the Duke’s Archives.

  • Crystal Soul Spear: 50,000 souls.
    44 Intelligence.
  • Crystal Magic Weapon: 20,000 souls.
    25 Intelligence.
  • Homing Crystal Soulmass: 30,000 souls.
    24 Intelligence.
  • White Dragon Breath
    50 Intelligence.
    Dropped by Big-Hat Logan once you defeat him after killing Seath the Scaleless. Head back to the top of the stairs where Seath automatically killed you before you were placed in the cell to find and take down Big Hat Logan.

World Loot

  • Remedy
    Blighttown, Chest.
    16 Intelligence.
    From the bonfire in the lowest level (swamp), proceed out, take a left to find the water wheel, go up here, ascend the first ladder. Then go around pass the second ladder, continue forward, cross the tree branch then stay left to find a chest containing the Remedy sorcery.
  • Strong Magic Shield
    Duke’s Archives, Chest.
    15 Intelligence.
    You can find this sorcery on the top level of the inner section of the Duke’s Archives where the Channelers’ enemies are. Drop down onto the central staircase, it needs to be angled away from you so as to access the opposite walkway, if it isn’t then use the nearby lever to rotate the staircase. Drop down onto it if you’re on the highest level, then proceed right, to find the chest containing the Strong Magic Shield sorcery.

That’s all 23 sorceries, once you have acquired them all, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Dark Souls Remastered Wisdom Of A Sage Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you acquire every Sorcery.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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