Dead Island 2 Beacon Of Hope Side Quest Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
Dead Island 2 directory.
Here is the Dead Island 2 Beacon Of Hope side quest guide which will help you track down the Space Fox Filter for Sarah and Sebastian in Hollywood Boulevard and The Metro which will serve as a beacon of light for survivors to flock towards in the hope they can live out their lives with a modicum of dignity and peace. The Beacon Of Hope side quest will be one of, if not the last side quest you can do in Dead Island 2 as you will firstly need to complete the main game then ensure you have completed the following side quests:
Most of which are locked behind other side quests in the game so get them done where Sebastian will then appear in the Hollywood Boulevard safe zone allowing you to start the Beacon Of Hope which isn’t a particular difficult side quest as long as you bring along at least one firearm you can aim with so an Assault Rifle, Pistol or Hunting Rifle would be beneficial whereas weapons like Big Shot (complete the It’s Not Your Fault side quest) or a Shotgun won’t be helpful here.
Quest giver: Sebastian.
Rewards: 6,000 XP, The One (Legendary Claymore).
Speak with Sebastian when you’re ready to begin then head round to the Old Dynasty Theatre, clear the mobs and speak with Sarah up on the smashed balcony who will task you with descending in to The Metro.
Once everything is dead, go to the ticket office which will be sealed via Maglock and has 3 control units you need to break in order to gain access. The first of which is found high up on the wall to the South West of the door before going through the ticket barriers and will require either a good throw or a single round to smash it.
The next maglock unit is located North East of the door and can be found on the wall next to the illuminated Metro Rail map which is easy to smash.
As for the third Maglock unit, this one is inside the ticket office itself and will require a bullet sent through the tiny gap at the base of the window on the side of the ticket office hence why I said you will need a weapon you can aim with.
Send a round in to the third Maglock unit which will open the door allowing you to go inside, smash the fragile box at the back of the room then collect the Spotlight Filter then head back up to Sarah in Hollywood Boulevard avoiding or killing the Walker before it turns into a Mutator along the way.
Some clever soul has decided letting fireworks off when you get back near Sarah would be a good idea which will bring a lot of zombies to your position, all of which you’ll have to kill. Now these include Crushers, Screamers, Butchers, Slobbers, possibly a Mutator and an Army of Walkers, Runners and Shamblers. 2 zombies you should be aware of are a Crusher, Pyrotechnic and a Firestorm Slobber, Firestarter both of whom are incredibly tough and should be split up to have an easier time of it.
Once everything is down for good, install the Space Fox Filter on the searchlight avoiding the fire in the brazier close by then speak with Sarah who will ask you to let Sebastian know she’s safe.
Head back to the Hollywood Boulevard safe zone, speak with Sebastian which will then conclude the Beacon Of Hope side quest
That’s the Dead Island 2 Beacon Of Hope side quest guide complete, I hope it helped you light the beacon for any remaining survivors in Hell-A.
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