Dead Island 2 #Clickbait Side Quest Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
Dead Island 2 directory.
Here is the Dead Island 2 #Clickbait Side Quest Guide which will see you help Amanda create footage for a video she hopes will go viral outside of Hell-A in the Goat Pen in Bel-Air.
Personally, I did every side quest including this one after completing the main game so if this one isn’t available when you first go through Bel-Air keep pushing through the game then check back later.
Quest Giver: Amanda.
Rewards: 1,500 XP, Wrecking Ball skill card (Survivor deck).
Ensure you have some decent gear and a few medkits as well as having the Dropkick ability equipped which can be done by going: Player Menu> Skills> Abilities> Jump Kick Skill Slot> Drop Kick which you acquire near the start of the game automatically as this skill will help you out a great deal in this side quest then head to the Goat Pen and speak with Amanda who is on the roof overlooking the skylights and furniture.
You will have 3 separate objectives to perform as you progress through the quest whilst Amanda films you with the first being to kick zombies off the roof. Start the music as prompted then get ready for a fight. However, kicking them off the sides won’t kick, you need to Drop Kick them through the skylights in the centre of the area which you can also fall through as well which is more of an annoyance than a detriment. Once you have kicked 6 zombies through the skylights, heal up and reload getting ready for the second objective which will be to maim 12 zombies limbs.
Maiming requires a heavy hitting and or sharp weapon so a hammer, katana, cleaver or baseball bat are all good options where as weapons such as Firearms and bras knuckles won’t be well suited for the task at hand. Wade in to the zombies attacking their arms and legs until you have successfully maimed 12 of them where you will then move on to the third part of the quest, killing 6 zombies with fire.
There is plenty of opportunity to burn zombies here, you can either drop kick them in to the fire around the arena, throw Molotovs at them or use a flame weapon to burn them. Whichever way you choose to go about it, it will need to be the fire that kills the required 6 zombies for the objective to complete.
You then need to mop up the stragglers which will include a Crusher plus a few handfuls of Runners, Walkers and Shamblers then speak with Amanda again to complete the side quest.
That’s how to complete the Dead Island 2 #Clickbait side quest in Bel-Air.
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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.