
Dead Island 2 Guide

Welcome to our Dead Island 2 guide. Dead Island 2 is finally here after a very stressful and speculative development cycle we can now jump in and see what’s what and you have a lot of game here to enjoy that isn’t for the faint hearted amongst you.

  • Platforms: PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, PC.
  • Trophies: 46: Platinum: 1, Gold: 3, Silver: 10, Bronze: 32.
  • Achievements: 45: 1,000 G.
  • Release Date: 21-Apr-2023.
  • Missable: None.
  • Glitched: Nothing yet.
  • Online: 3: Survival Skills, Slayer Squad, I Am the Resurrection,
  • Difficulty Rating: 4/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 40+ Hours.

At the start of the game you can pick your Slayer then get ready for a somewhat tough adventure through a dark, foreboding Los Angeles as you try and escape the latest version of zombie paradise in the Dead Island franchise. There are no difficulty options in Dead Island 2 so levelling up is crucial to having an easier time of it which is done by completing Side Quests, slaying zombies and playing through the story.

One of the most important things to do throughout the game is to keep your eyes open and looking around in every room, passageway, suitcase, corridor, doorway that you come across as you can usually find something useful such as crafting materials, protein bars / energy drinks which replenish your health, weapons, med-kits, journals, skill cards and Curveballs which are incredibly useful items you can use in combat such as Grenades, Molotovs and Pipe Bombs. Below is the complete Dead Island 2 guide which will help you through the game.

Dead Island 2 Who Do You Voodoo trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Who Do You Voodoo?
Collect every Dead Island 2 trophy!

Collect the other 45 trophies throughout Dead Island 2 where you will then earn Who Do You Voodoo?.

Dead Island 2 Welcome To Hell A trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Welcome To Hell-A
Survive a plane crash, get bitten, and create your first Zombie-Free Zone.

Story related and cannot be missed.
At the very start of the game, go through the cutscenes and choose your character. Take out all of the Zombies and throw a weapon at the wheel when prompted and continue through. Take out the Zombies as you go then find the Security code on the fridge and progress through to Michael and Emma at number 66. Kill the Zombies then head down into the garage. Pick up the jerry can and put the fire out where you can grab the circuit breaker which you can use to close the gate. Remove the last of the Zombies and head back down following the waypoints to find an old friend.

Dead Island 2 Hotel California trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Hotel California
Fight through the Halperin Hotel to make contact with the authorities.

Story related and cannot be missed.
This can be tough as you not only need to fight your way through to the Hotel. Once you get there, you will have a horde of zombies to take down which can be tough especially if your weapons are broken. If you are struggling at this early point, take the time to farm zombie kills and level up until at least level 5 where you will then be a lot more equipped to take down the enemies waiting for you. Also, before removing the crowbar and entering the hotel foyer, deal with every zombie around as you will have enough to deal with without worrying about more zombies coming from behind.

Dead Island 2 Personal Assistant Personally Assisted trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Personal Assistant Personally Assisted
Track down Michael and rescue him from the Terror at Monarch Studios.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Push your way through to Beverly Hills then take care as you progress through as the area is tough with plenty of tough enemies. Search for the Keys in Michael’s house which are found to the right of the kitchen in the bin then clear out Jesse’s yard closing both gates. Fight your way up and through the construction site to Jesse then smash the speaker allowing you to go through and speak to her.

Clear the path outside Monarch Studios and collect the Key card from whichever zombie it drops from and head through to a very tough area. Jump on top of the trucks and take the enemies out slowly if you’re not over levelled and use the grenadier to destroy the Apex in an explosion with the tanker and push through to the next area: Monarch Studios.

This is a tough area as you have very poor visibility and Armies of zombies to get through including Crushers, Walkers of burning and shock varieties then as you hit the button for the elevator you will then have a horde to deal with including Shockers who can rip large chunks out of your health bar multiple times. Push through to the trailer where Michael is hiding and get ready for a very tough fight making use of the control boxes around you to activate various elemental effects, just don’t get caught in their effects yourself. Look around the outskirts of the arena to find Protein Bars and Energy Drinks if you run low on Med Kits and utilise Pipe and Chem Bombs efficiently in your Curveballs which you should of found before coming through to Monarch Studios. Take down every enemy to finally be able to speak with Michael.

Dead Island 2 Git Gutte! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Git Gutte!
Join forces with Sam B and get your hands on some firepower.

Story related and cannot be missed.
A mission you should to as soon as you can as you the reward you receive will see you through the rest of the game. Head down back to Beverly Hills and work your way through the area taking out the Crusher from above on the gantry with your Curveballs then head down into the maintenance tunnel taking out the zombies as you go.

Ensure you have a good number of med kits available as you’ll need them down here. Turn the valve disabling the caustic spray down the right tunnel and deal with the zombies then use the water pipe to clear the way. In the end room, activate the pipe on the back wall then go through the grate activating the pipe on the right wall whilst taking care around the electrical wires.

You need the numbers on the left panel to be 20 and the numbers on the right to be 70 where you can go through and enter the Operations room ensuring you have some heavy weaponry available. You can use the Caustic showers above to rip health off the zombies as well as make the Crusher a lot more manageable by running back and forth (hence the med kits I recommended earlier).

Grab Phil’s Key once the big guy is down and head back up and around to the control room, grab the Sledgehammer next to the Workbench and hit the switch to open the gate. Head down to Sam B and take out all of the enemies then go through and grab the Rifle in the room with Sam B and enjoy removing the hordes of zombies with an unlimited ammo supply. Speak with Sam B again to complete the mission.

Dead Island 2 Friends Like These trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Friends Like These
Encounter a mysterious… benefactor? Well, that’s what she’d call herself, anyway.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Ensure you are levelled and appropriately geared as you will need to battle through a very challenging area: Brentwood Sewers. Leave Sam B and head back to Emma’s house taking out or running past the various zombies as you go then play through the cutscenes or skip them where you will ultimately be tasked with going through the Sewers which introduces a new enemy: Bursters, who explode when you get close to them igniting or activating any traps in the local area which can prove deadly.

Realign the pressure on the pipes by quickly using the corresponding numbers adding up to the numbers on the pipes in the back room then deal with the Burster ambush and head through the liquified dead. Use the gas valves to turn off the fire in the corridor behind the Slobbers walking around, grab the circuit breaker and defeat the Crusher who ambushes you then open the gate after placing the circuit breaker in to the section on the right of the area taking care not to fall in the Caustic pool.

Continue through the area going up and around and through in to the Heart of Darkness which can be a nasty little area given the heavy number of zombies and the Bursters all looking to rip lumps out of your health bar. Deal with the ambush using Fury Mode and head up and out to Venice Beach heading towards the Crab boys. Jump over the back gate and go left to the next car park once you have defeated the 2 Crushers and the Screamer grabbing the circuit breaker then take that back to the lot and use it to close the gate. Deal with the ambush then head inside the restaurant, where you will then eventually complete the mission.

Dead Island 2 Dr. Reed, I Presume trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Dr. Reed, I Presume?
Survive the many perils of Venice Beach and meet Dr. Reed at the Serling Hotel.

Story related and cannot be missed.
You will have a lot to go through before you meet Dr. Reed so let’s get into it. Firstly, track down what’s left of Moose which will then allow you to start collecting zombie parts then head off and find Dillon who turns into an Inferno Crusher which are best handled at a distance so I hope you still have some ammunition for your Rifle.

Once everything in the area is dead, properly dead I mean, head back to the Blue Crab and inform Alex his friends are no longer active gym users then make your way through to the Military Zone which is the toughest area in the game by a long way. Search around the Military Zone ensuring you collect the Handgun from the middle ship on the beach then head through to the barracks where there will be a lot of inactive Soldiers.

Search around the barracks to find the code for Hicks then look in toilet stalls to find and take him down where you can then start making your way through a tight corridor which has Bursters, Screamers, Walkers, Runners and Shamblers in a never ending supply so run through to the end then hold your ground next to the keypad until you can use it ensuring you take down the Apex zombies as they’re the biggest threat using any crowd control Curveballs along the way.

Once out you will need to clear out another encampment of zombies including another Inferno Crusher so make good use of the explosive barrels and run around the area jumping to avoid the ground pound. The next area is a very tough one as you have a veritable horde of zombies including Crushers, Riot Gear Walkers, Bursters with lots and I do mean lots of Walkers, Shamblers and Runners.

Make good use of the space and run through focusing on the zombies with the yellow markers towards the end of the fight as they won’t stop coming for you until all of the tough guys are down. Once you have “killed ’em all” head through to the Hotel over to your left and clear the enclave in front of the shutter using the switch to go through. Follow the safe signs up and around to Dr. Reed where you can either watch or skip the cutscene leading you through to completing that section of the story when you wake up.

Dead Island 2 But Doctor, I Am Butcho. trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

But Doctor, I am Butcho
Slay a killer clown and get your blood sample back to Dr. Reed.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Speak with Dr. Reed then leave the hotel and head over to the Pier following the markers now bare in mind the Pier is a very tough area with an incredibly challenging boss at the end so repair and scale your weapons to your level at a workbench then head through when you’re ready.

Follow the markers then in Bob’s office, look on the piped above the desk to find the code and make your way down in to the darkness then take out everyone including Bob. Keep pushing through to the arcade then interact with the control panel where you will have a very deadly zombie to deal with: a Voltaic Screamer who is a lot more deadly than regular screamers as the screams are electrically charged and can end your run in seconds if you’re caught in the blast. Once out of the Arcade, head round to the Ferris wheel and clear the hordes of Runners, Walkers and Crushers then get healed up as you have a nasty fight awaiting you as you make your way towards the Blood Drive laptop.

If you played the first Dead Island game you will be familiar with Butchers, Butcho the Clown, however, is incredibly fast as well as having the ability to heal rapidly by eating the corpses around the area. Dodging is essential in avoiding Butcho’s melee attacks and if you get grabbed, mash the on screen prompts to get him away from you or if you can avoid the grab he will dig his arms into the ground allowing you to get a few smacks in to his head as he tries to free himself. Any time Butcho runs to a corpse to heal, get over to him with urgency as if he heals the fight can seemingly never end until your health bar is emptied. Once Butcho is down, head through and back to the hotel where you can hand over your blood sample.

Dead Island 2 Can't Handle the Truth trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Can’t Handle the Truth
Learn the truth about what you are as dark secrets are revealed.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Leave the Hotel again and follow the on screen prompts which lead you through to the intercom system you need to interact with then head around to the Lab and clear out the enemies who are waiting for you which include Screamers, Hazmat Walkers and possibly a Butcher if you use explosives.

Smash the 3 control boxes on the wall around the room (follow the cables from the top of the control panel) then head through and get ready for a tough fight against Noah, the first Mutator you will face in the game who can be tough fight as you have Hazmat Walkers, a close environment and the Mutator itself hits incredibly hard so use Firearms to gain an edge. Run through the cutscenes and collect your Numen Skill Card which unlocks Humanity DistilledHead back to the hotel and run through the cutscene with Jimmy to complete the mission.

Dead Island 2 Like Riding a Bike trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Like Riding a Bike
Find Patton and convince him to fly you out of Hell-A.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Head back to Bel-Air and speak with Angela then make your way down in to the Sewers taking care around the heavy fire ambush waiting for you. Once in the Sewers either slide through or use a Curveball to destroy the proximity grenades of bio-matter on the sides then run through to Patton’s man-cave where the mission will complete after the cutscene.

Dead Island 2 A Patton Emerges trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

A Patton Emerges
Survive the Metro system and get to Hollywood Boulevard.

Story related and cannot be missed.
The Metro is a very tough area so ensure you are appropriately geared and levelled before you attempt it. I found it tougher than any other area in the game so use caution and upgrade every decent weapon you have, craft every Medkit available and stock up on ammunition before going through the door once you split up with Patton, Emma and Sam B.

Equalize the pressure by shooting / throwing a weapon at the bungs on the green pipe above the fire enabling you to access the 10 then smash the boxes to the left of where you enter to be able to access the 50 and head through to the Subway. There are a lot of powerful enemies down here including Vicious Butchers and a very nasty Mutator you need to take down in order to collect the keys allowing you through to the fast travel map as well as a workbench you’ll probably be desperate for at this point.

Head through and collect the Circuit Breaker after navigating across the platforms whilst avoiding the heavily electrified water and proceed through the tunnels to the area with the train and take down everything that comes for you. Ride the train through to Hollywood Boulevard and smash the boxes by throwing a Curveball / weapon at them through the South side window then run through the electricity and proceed through to the upper level. Keep pushing forward opening the gates as you go taking care around the 2 Slobbers as they can be tough in such a closed environment and head outside where, after the cutscene, the mission will conclude.

Dead Island 2 Our True Nature trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

100 G

Our True Nature
Give up your chance to be human again.

Story related and cannot be missed.
Jump over the fence then head round to the anti aging clinic. Raise the shutters and climb up the statue crouching to allow you through the gap then drop down and search the back room using the switch under the desk to go through to a secret lab. The Reubenator is a tough Mutator who has plenty of back up so use your strongest Firearms and Fury when it becomes available to rip it apart then head back to Emma, Sam B and Patton through the hordes of low health zombies. Interact with the gate to complete the mission as well as the game.

Dead Island 2 Go, Bobcats! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Go, Bobcats!
Reunite all the VCLA Bobcats.

You will first hear about the VCLA Bobcats after you have found Michael in Monarch Studios by speaking with Hana, you will need to complete 3 side quests, 2 which count towards side quests in Halperin Hotel and 1 that counts as a side quest in The Pier. The 3 side quests you need to complete are:

  1. The Rav-Ages Of Caustic-X.
  2. Boz Makes A Bang.
  3. Dez and the Mother of Satan.

With all 3 side quests complete you will then receive a code to unlock a Mystery Goodie Box in the Lotusville lounge of the Serling Hotel which is located on the 3rd floor by taking a left out of the lounge and contains an incredibly powerful shock weapon, The Shark Tooth. You won’t need to unlock the Mystery Goodie Box but it’s nice to have a reward for your efforts after reuniting the VCLA Bobcats.

Dead Island 2 Make it So trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Make it So
Help Sarah and Sebastian light a beacon of hope.

Sarah and Sebastian are 2 Survivors who were working on a movie at the time of the apocalypse and have somehow survived until now. You will have a series of side quests to complete as you work towards helping them light their beacon of hope. The first side quest can be started once you get to the Blue Crab in Venice Beach, although I do recommend leaving the side quests until after the main story as a lot of them do require story progression. Interact with the radio round the side from the counter in the Blue Crab where you can start Sarah and Sebastian’s questline working through the following 3 side quests:


Once you have completed the above side quests you will then conclude Sarah and Sebastian’s questline.

Dead Island 2 Gore House trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Gore Horse
Help an artist to complete their greatest (and grisliest) piece of art.

Francesca is the artist who you can find in Beverly Hills once you’re done at Venice Beach and in order to help her create her greatest and grisliest piece of art you will need to complete 7 side quests, 6 of which task you with collecting zombie a certain number of a particular zombie part which steadily progress in difficulty and follows through the main story.

Speaking of the main story, if you wait to do this one until you have completed the main game, you will more than likely have everything you need to complete the 6 fetch quests where the final quest will then become available. Check out the complete Gore Horse guide for everything you’ll need to progress through Francesca’s questline, helping her create her greatest and grisliest piece of art.

Dead Island 2 Internet Famous trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Internet Famous
Complete Amanda’s Clickbait quests. You won’t believe what happens next!

Amanda’s clickbait side quests become available when you go back Bel-Air after you have dealt with the events at Hotel Halperin and require you to complete 3 separate side quests which are:


Once you have completed all 3 of Amanda’s quests, which are some of the toughest in the entire game you will then conclude Amanda’s questline where you can hear a touching tribute for a special lady who succumbed to the outbreak in search of fame.

Dead Island 2 Making Your Mark trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Making Your Mark
Complete 10 non-Story Quests.

See LA Influential for more information.

Dead Island 2 Rising Star trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

40 G

Rising Star
Complete 20 non-Story Quests.

See LA Influential for more information.

Dead Island 2 LA Influential trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

100 G

LA Influential
Complete 40 non-Story Quests.

Non-Story Quests are anything that take you away from the main story and are usually very simple to complete as long as your gear is repaired and you have a few med-kits available. You will pick up plenty of side quests as you make your way through the game and you can go back through completing any you have missed at a later date if you’re struggling or if they haven’t become available on your first visit to an areaTo see which side quests you have active / completed, go: Player Menu> Quests> Active Side Quests then select any to get a way point on your HUD’s compass. Non-Story quests can either be side quests or Lost and Found quests which are broken down in to weapon or missing person fetch quests.

Check out the Dead Island 2 side quests for how to complete every side quest in the game. As for the Lost And Found quests you can see all of the Lost and Found Weapon quests in the Sharpest Tool in the Box guide or if you prefer searching for missing persons have a look through Sole Survivor. Follow the instructions on screen and complete any 40 non-Story Quests where you will earn a ton of cash, buckets of XP and some very powerful gear as rewards.

Dead Island 2 Ooh, Shiny! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Ooh, Shiny!
Find your first Legendary Weapon.

You will more than likely obtain your first legendary weapon as a reward for completing the main story. It is possible for one to drop beforehand, although the chances are incredibly slim.

Dead Island 2 Zombologist trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Unlock every zombie type in the Zompedia.

The Zompedia will become available once you have been to Michael and Emma’s house and will be one of the last sections of the game you will complete as you not only need to find and log all 20 Common Zombies, you also need to find and face off against all 11 Apex Variants in the game as well. To access the Zompedia go: Player Menu> Collectibles> Zompedia then scroll down through the common zombies and tab right to see which Apex Variants you have come up against already. Fill the common and Apex variants in the Zompedia to fulfil the requirements for this one which I did once I took down the Vicious Zombie in The Metro.

Dead Island 2 On Safari trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

50 G

On Safari
Complete the first tier of every Zombie Challenge.

To view the Zombie challenges, get to Michael and Emma’s house in the story then go: Player Menu> Challenges> Zombie Challenges. You then need to complete level 1 of each of the 24 Challenges that are present which are simple enough for the most part and require you to kill either a number of Zombies or use a particular element such as shock, fire, corrosive etc. Full information can be found under the Zombie Challenges in the Challenges tab and I can’t see any of these giving you any real difficulty as long as you switch up your attack methods whilst progressing towards Who Do You Voodoo?Check out the complete On Safari guide for exactly what you need to do top complete the first tier of every Zombie Challenge

Dead Island 2 Variety is the Spice of Death trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

50 G

Variety is the Spice of Death
Complete the first tier of every Weapon Challenge.

The Weapon Challenges can be accessed once you have arrived at Emma and Michael’s house and can be found by going: Payer Menu> Challenges> Weapon Challenges and require you to kill a certain number of zombies with a given weapon type for the most part. There is no shortage of weapons as you make your way through Dead Island 2 so ensure you mix things up to have less of a grind if you’re near the end of the game are still needing some more kills with a particular weapon. Check out the complete Variety is the Spice of Death guide for how to complete the first tier of all 10 Weapon Challenges.

Dead Island 2 Zombicidal Maniac trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

50 G

Zombicidal Maniac
Complete the first tier of every Combat Challenge.

The Weapon Challenges can be accessed once you have arrived at Emma and Michael’s house and can be found by going: Payer Menu> Challenges> Combat Challenges and have a broad spectrum of requirements you need to meet in order to be able to complete them all. Mixing up your playstyle as you work through the game will help a lot here and as long as you have a good read of the guide below you will have a very good idea of what you need to do. Check out the complete Zombicidal Maniac guide for how to complete the first tier across all 26 Combat Challenges.

Dead Island 2 Survival Skills trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

50 G

Survival Skills
Complete the first tier of every Survivor Challenge.

There are 7 Exploration Challenges to achieve first tier on with the Challenges themselves being found by going: Player Menu> Challenges> Exploration Challenges and will require you to travel to every zone in the game as well as completing a number of side quests and collectibles. Stay vigilant in your searching as you explore through the various areas the game has to offer where you will easily complete the first tier of the Exploration Challenges along the way. Check out the complete Survival Skills guide for how to complete the first tier on all 10 Survival Challenges.

Dead Island 2 Smorgasbord trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

50 G

Complete the first tier of every Exploration Challenge.

There are 7 Exploration Challenges to achieve first tier on with the Challenges themselves being found by going: Player Menu> Challenges> Exploration Challenges and will require you to travel to every zone in the game as well as completing a number of side quests and collectibles. Stay vigilant in your searching as you explore through the various areas the game has to offer where you will easily complete the first tier of the Exploration Challenges along the way. Check out the complete Smorgasbord guide for full information on how to complete all 7 Exploration Challenges.

Dead Island 2 Sharpest Tool in the Box trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

50 G

Sharpest Tool in the Box
Complete 5 Lost and Found Weapon Quests.

Lost and Found weapon quests will usually have some sort of pre-requisite such as completing story quests or side quests before they will become available. They will show up as orange quests on your map where as side quests are blue which will help you ascertain which quests you need and complete completing them requires you to search the local area for clues where you ultimately come to a fairly powerful weapon. Check out the complete Sharpest Tool in the Box guide for how to complete all 6 Lost and Found Weapon quests.

Dead Island 2 Sole Survivor trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

50 G

Sole Survivor
Complete 9 Lost and Found Missing Person Quests.

Missing Person quests are only available in Ocean Avenue and there are 9 in total in the game meaning you will need to complete all of them. Searching for a Missing Person requires you to search around a given area for clues to the whereabouts of someone then ultimately put them down completing the quest. Some of these fights are tough so come prepared and work your way through all 9 missing person quests to unlock this one. Check out the complete Sole Survivor guide for how to track down all 9 Missing Persons.

Dead Island 2 Jumbo Keyring trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

20 G

Jumbo Keyring
Unlock 10 Lockboxes.

As you progress through the game, certain enemies will drop keys or they can be found by looking around given areas, there’s several keys in Hotel Halperin, the Drill Sergeant you face on the way back to Bel-Air will have a set of keys if you manage to defeat him and there are plenty of other keys that open boxes / safes in the local area.

Stay vigilant as you progress through the game keeping an eye out for Keys which will have a white particle effect coming off of them then find the corresponding box 10 different times (there’s lots of keys and safes / strong boxes in the game so this won’t pose you any problems) to acquire some very powerful gear along the way.

Dead Island 2 Bookworm trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

20 G

Collect 50 Journals.

Journals can be found throughout the world and are represented as having white particles coming out of them making them fairly easy to find. There are loads of journals that can be found throughout the game so finding 50 should be fairly simple. To view which Journals you have go: Player Menu> Collectibles> Journals then go through the tabs to see which of the Journals you have acquired. You should very easily be able to find 50 Journals as you progress through the game as looking for loot is part of the fun in a Dead Island game never mind the fact you will get more than enough journals as you progress through the main story.

Dead Island 2 Stacking the Deck trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Stacking the Deck
Collect 30 Skill Cards.

This will happen as you make your way through the main story. Also, whilst we’re on the subject of Skill Cards, ensure you have a good look through the Cards you have acquired by going: Player Menu> Skills then click on any of the slots which don’t have a question mark in them to see if you have any equippable abilities either active or passive which might suit the situation you’re facing more manageable.

For example, if you have a tough boss fight then equipping skills which boost your damage per zombie kill are pointless as it’s just you and the boss for the most part. If you are facing a horde then equip abilities that increase your health gain or damage output per successful kill which will make the game a lot more manageable. Either, way, however you play, you will easily obtain 30 Skill Cards as you play through the main story.

Dead Island 2 Humanity Distilled trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Humanity Distilled
Equip your first Numen Skill Card.

You will acquire a Numen Skill Card once you defeat Noah who is the first Mutator you come across in the main story.

Dead Island 2 Max Headroom trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

50 G

Max Headroom
Reach level 30.

You will need XP in order to level up which is gained in a variety of ways including:

  • Killing Zombies.
  • Completing main quests.
  • Finishing side quests.

Keep playing the game where you will hit level 30 on your way to earning Who Do You Voodoo?.

Dead Island 2 Down with the Sickness trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Down with the Sickness
Reach the highest tier of Autophage infection by equipping Autophage Skills.

Autophage Skills become available once you speak with Patton who is inside Moose… It will make sense when you get there. In order to hit the highest tier of the Autophage infection, you need to equip Autophage skill cards which are skill cards with an Autophage symbol hanging off the bottom of the card. Here’s an example taken from our Dead Island 2 Zombicidal Maniac guide:

You will also see in the image above in the bottom right of the screen your Autophage meter which will need to be filled to it’s maximum. You will acquire enough skill cards just by playing through the main game and once you have hit the maximum Autophage tier you will be a fair bit more powerful as well as getting this one unlocked.

Dead Island 2 Anger Management trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Anger Management
Slay 50 zombies with Fury Attacks.

Fury Attacks become available in Brentwood Sewers as part of the main story and are a fantastic way of clearing hordes of zombies with every enemy you kill and is activated by pressing both thumb sticks when your Fury is charged up. Try not to waste your Fury as it does take a while to recharge and is best activated when you have no other options left or if are mobbed with no way out. Either way, ensure you take down 50 zombies with Fury attacks to unlock Anger Management.

Dead Island 2 This is My Weapon trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

This is My Weapon
Fully upgrade a Superior weapon and customize it with a mod or perk in every slot.

Superior weapons, for me at least, began dropping from enemies after I defeated Noah, the first Mutator in the main story and are pink in colour when on the ground. You can also check the rarity of a weapon by going: Player Menu> Inventory> Weapons then look for any pink weapon, then, once you have any Superior weapon head to any workbench ensuring you have collected a good number of mods and perks throughout the game which you will have easily done if you have been exploring as you have been progressing.

You will need to fill every Mod and Perk slot with a given Mod or Perk which is easily done at a Workbench near the end of the game as you should easily have enough fabrication materials as well as the cash required then fill every slot available with a mod or perk (usually 1 Mod and 3 Perks) to unlock this one..

Dead Island 2 Not Even My Final Form trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Not Even My Final Form
Slay a Mutator before it transforms.

Mutators will begin spawning after you have taken Noah down in the main story who is himself, a Mutator. You will more than likely get this one as you progress through the game swinging away at zombies but if you are struggling with it, you are looking for a zombie which has a red glow pulsating throughout its upper body.

Every Mutator I found and took down before it transformed were topless males  which helps you see the red pulsing effect going across their bodies. I would recommend going up behind them then getting in some head shots before they manage to transform or just use the old faithful method shooting them in the skull at range but you have to be quick as once they aggro they will try and transform quickly so attacking them head on is inadvisable. Once you have slain a Mutator before it transforms, you will also complete the No Time To Grow Challenge which is required as you progress through Zombicidal Maniac.

Dead Island 2 Hazardous Materials trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Hazardous Materials
Slay 100 Zombies using Caustic, Fire, or Shock damage.

Slaying zombies with elemental damage will become second nature by the time you’re in the mid game and this can be done by kicking an enemy in to a pool of Caustic, waiting for fire damage to kill a group a zombies after you throw a molotov or 2 at them or using a jerry can to make an electrified pool of water on the floor for zombies to run through shocking them to death.

You can also apply elemental damage to the majority of weapons as long as you have the know how at a workbench which will make you infinitely more lethal in your zombie slaying endeavours. Take out 100 zombies using any combination of caustic, fire and or shock elemental damage to fulfil the requirements here.

Dead Island 2 Break a Leg trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Break a Leg
Maim 100 limbs.

You will get this one through natural play. If you are looking at getting it done sooner rather than later, equip a sharp weapon like an axe or sword and aim for the arms and legs of the zombies to hack off their limbs. Blunt weapons won’t be any where near as effective as sharp weapons so get slicing until you have 100 limbs severed then keep on severing.

Dead Island 2 Slayer Squad trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Slayer Squad
Complete any 5 quests in co-op.

There are 24 main quests and 48 side quests in Dead Island 2 meaning there is plenty of scope to complete 5 of them. Select either public or invite only from the main menu where you can go through and join other peoples games as long as they’re in the same part of the story you are, otherwise you can’t connect with them. Go off and complete 5 quests whilst you are in co-op which would be easier towards the start of the game as the story quests are short and easy then or you can just do some lost and found quests which are nice and quick. Either way, complete 5 quests in co-op to unlock this one.

Dead Island 2 I Am the Ressurrection trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

I Am the Resurrection
Revive other Slayers 5 times.

From the main game menu when you boot the game, choose a Public or Invite lobby and load the game. One of the issues you will have here is if you invite someone you will need to be at the same point in the story as them otherwise you won’t be able to connect with them which is weird for a game like this, however, you can usually find a few people in public servers. It doesn’t matter how they go down, whether it be by their own hand using environmental hazards or if the zombies take them down, as long as you revive either the same player or 5 different players 5 times you will meet the requirements.

Dead Island 2 Coup de Grâce trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Coup de Grâce
Slay 25 zombies using finishing moves.

A finishing move can be anything from a Stomp to a Headshot to an explosion so you will easily earn this one as you make your way through the game. I had mine unlocked before I finished the Hotel near the start of the game.

Dead Island 2 Perks of the Job trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Perks of the Job
Complete 5 Blueprint Challenges.

Blueprint Challenges will become available once you have taken down Dillon in Venice Beach who will be the first Inferno Crusher you face off against. There are 7 Blueprint Challenges to complete in total, most of which you will be able to get done through normal gameplay which are well worth your time as the rewards are really useful Perks making your weapons a lot deadlier than they ordinarily would be. Check out the complete Perks of the Job guide for exactly what you need to do in order to complete 5 of the 7 Blueprint Challenges.

Dead Island 2 Donk! trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Throw a melee weapon and hit a zombie 35+ meters away.

You can throw any equippable melee weapon as long as it isn’t attached to you so things like Axes, Pipes, Swords and Baseball Bats can be thrown where as weapons like Claws can’t be thrown as they’re strapped to your arms. Light weapons will have the best chance of going the distance and there’s plenty to choose from with Chefs Knives, Nightsticks, Cleavers and Burnt Sticks being pretty good choices.

Don’t be surprised and try not to be angered if this one takes you many attempts as there is no way of placing custom markers which would make knowing how far 35 metres is and if you’re too far away you won’t be able to throw a weapon far enough for it to actually hit a zombie you’re aiming for. For me, I got this done in Venice Beach. Come out of the Blue Crab, jump over the gate to the right then take a right clearing out all of the zombies that are in your way or aggro.

You will then come to a boardwalk area where there will be several benches, most of which will have a zombie, either a Shambler or a Walker sitting on them meaning they won’t be moving making them much easier targets. Equip a light weapon then aim at the zombie, keep the right stick steady and go straight up in the air allowing you to compensate for the curve of the throw as it arcs down towards the target.

Like I said, this one can take multiple attempts so don’t be disheartened if it takes you a lot of attempts before you’re successful. If you do exhaust all of the zombies on the benches you can either leave the local area or if you’ve been doing it for that long the game won’t load any more zombies for you just leave the area and come back and continue trying until you’re successful.

Dead Island 2 Apex Predator trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

Apex Predator
Knock down 10 Apex Variants.

Apex Variants are the tougher enemies in the game with the most common being Crushers then you also get Slobbers and Screamers as well with plenty being found throughout the main game. You can view the Apex Variants you have discovered by going: Player Menu> Collectibles> Zombpedia then tab right to Apex Variants.

The Apex Variants are tough so use your Curveballs / Heavy Weapons or Firearms to bring them down as well as making good use of environmental hazards avoiding melee attacks where possible. I have taken down Apex Variants by throwing weapons at them, luring them away, re-collecting my weapons and throwing them again. It’s not the fastest process but it’s better than getting a punch in the health bar. You will easily take down 10 Apex Variants along the way through the story.

Dead Island 2 I Got a Zombie Army and you Cant Harm Me trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

10 G

I Got a Zombie Army and You Can’t Harm Me
Perform 25 perfect defensive moves.

This may seem daunting, however, it is actually very simple to do and utilising perfect defensive moves can be the key to surviving an attack from a horde. Dodging is a fundamental mechanic in Dead Island 2 as it allows you to escape attack by moving away from your enemies quickly and efficiently.

In order to perform a perfect defensive move, you need to dodge an attack a split second before it lands whether that be a swipe from a Runner or a grab by a Walker. You will become more proficient at dodging at the last second as you progress through the game and for me I did this in Venice Beach as there are a large number of Walkers and Shamblers without an over abundance of Apex Variants to contend with. Either perform 25 perfect defensive moves back to back or throughout the game to fulfil the requirements for this one.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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