Dead Island 2 Haus DLC The Path Of The Unworthy Lost And Found Quest
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
Dead Island 2 directory.
Here is the Dead Island 2 Haus DLC The Path Of The Unworthy lost and found quest which will help you track down a Mace called Dead Islands although you have to go through hell to get there!
Quest giver: Collect the Invitation for a Failure note from the reception desk in the Serling Hotel.
Rewards: 2,000 XP, Special Sauce blueprint, Dead Islands Mace.
Before this lost and found quest becomes available you will firstly need to have completed the main Dead Island 2 game then also complete the Haus DLC which will incidentally unlock all of the routes you need to take as you fight through increasingly tough fights.
This is a very tough mission so ensure your gear is fully repaired and upgraded, you have a full stock of MedKits as well as stacking your guns with as much ammo as you can carry then collect the Invitation for a Failure note from the reception desk in the safe zone of the Serling Hotel on Ocean Avenue in the base game. Once you’re all set and have the note, fast travel to the Haus DLC, clear any zombies who are lingering around Veronique and Victor then head out to the cul-de-sac taking the first left in-between the 2 houses to the blue circle of petals.
Take out Taliah The Unworthy who will jump out of the petal ring as well as the ensuing zombies who appear then collect the Evaluate the Inadequacy note which then begins the, The Path of the Unworthy lost and found quest.
Head to Konstantin’s house at the back of the cul-de-sac and head down into the Deeper taking out everything as you go to the toilet section where you will find a Slobber you need to take out. With the Slobber down look to the left of the 2 toilet cubicles and collect the Game Two: Listen, Crawl, Burn then head back through the house to the Forest taking out any zombies who stand in your way of getting through the airlocks.
In the Forest stay left then go forward over the grate where you will see a corpse lying on the floor. Next to the corpse will be the third note, Game Three: Kill, Steal, Absolution then head forward to the pyre where you will be ambushed by a Butcher called Marco the final test as well as several other zombies.
Take them all down and collect the, The Key to Absolution which permits you to get back to the cul-de-sac, then, ensure you have a Crossbow in your inventory, go over to the second house on your right and shoot the brain which destroys the tendrils allowing you access into the house through the window.
Head forward then look to the right through the barricade to find another brain you need to shoot, opening the doorway giving you access through to the staircase you need to take to the first floor then deal with a powerful Mutator who blocks the way to the attic.
Go up to the attic and loot the weapons chest at the back of the room to conclude the, The Path of the Unworthy lost and found quest as well as obtaining the Dead Islands Mace.
That’s the Dead island 2 Haus DLC Missing Zahra Lost and Found quest complete, I hope it helped you assist Zahra in finding peace.
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