Dead Island 2 Hollywood Boulevard Side Quests
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
Dead Island 2 directory.
Here is the Dead Island 2 Hollywood Boulevard side quests which will help you through both side quests in the final area of Dead Island 2. Both of these side quests will also conclude 2 NPC questlines for both Amanda Styles and Sarah and Sebastian and are a serious challenge so ensure you have firstly completed the main game, gone off and done the other side quests and Lost and Found quests where you will acquire some seriously powerful weaponry along the way. You will also need a good amount of firepower not forgetting the ammunition for them and I recommend bringing the following weaponry along with you:
- Bruatlizer (Melee): Unlock Gore Horse.
- Bodycount (Assault Rifle): Complete the Redacted lost and found quest.
- Electric Bomb (Curveball): Complete the Jo’s Rainy Day Stash lost and found quest.
- Military Grenade (Curveball): Complete the Boz Makes A Bang side quest.
- Shark Tooth (Melee): Complete VLCA Bobcat questline (The Rav-Ages Of Caustic-X, Boz Makes A Bang, Dez And The Mother Of Satan) then unlock the Mystery-Goodie Box on the top floor of the Serling Hotel on the balcony.
- Krakatoa (Melee): Complete Missing: Steve lost and found quest.
With all of these weapons matched to your level and repaired you will have a much easier time surviving what awaits you in the Hollywood Boulevard side quests which are as follows:
Going Viral
Quest giver: Collect Amanda Styles’ phone either in The Pier at Lifeguard HQ or on the counter in the safe zone in Hollywood Boulevard.
Rewards: 5,500 XP, Zom-B-Gon.
This is the toughest side quest in Dead Island 2 by a long way. You will have to take down 10 named apex zombies back to back with no chance of respite so ensure you bring your best gear which is repaired, matched to your level and upgraded with a variety of elements as well as every firearm you have and the ammo for them. This is part of Amanda’s questline so you will need to ensure you have completed the following side quests before this one becomes available:
You will be taking down apex zombies in pairs whilst also dealing with heavy amounts of Runners, Walkers and Shamblers, don’t go lightly on this one. It is tough!. Check out the complete Going Viral side quest for how to take down every monster you’ll be facing off against in the toughest side quest Dead Island 2 has to offer.
Beacon Of Hope
Quest giver: Sebastian.
Rewards: 6,000 XP, The One (Legendary Claymore).
Speak with Sebastian in Hollywood Boulevard after you have completed the following side quests:
Also, ensure you have completed the main game where the Beacon Of Hope side quest will then become available which tasks you with going down in to The Metro in search of a Space Fox Filter you can use on a spotlight to show survivors there is still hope and a safe space to live out their days. Check out the complete Beacon Of Hope side quest for where to find the Space Fox Filter as well as what you’ll be against along the way.
That’s how to complete both of the Dead Island 2 Hollywood Boulevard side quests, I hope they helped you get through what should be the final
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