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Dead Island 2 Jo's Rainy Day Stash Lost And Found Quest Guide

Here is the Dead Island 2 Jo’s Rainy Day Stash Lost and Found guide which will help you find a powerful Crowbar as well as the Electric Bomb curveball in Venice Beach Jo has stashed away. This Lost and Found quest will task you with exploring through the boardwalk in Venice Beach in search of Jo’s stash. Jo is… well… was, the owner of Jo’s Rentals which will be your mainstay for the Jo’s Rainy Day lost and found quest. I recommend going through the Lost and Found quests once you have finished the main story as some of the lost and found quests are locked behind story progression so push through the game then come back to Venice Beach with repaired gear that is matched to your level.

Quest giver: Collect the Jo’s Secret Stash collectible from Jo’s Rentals on the boardwalk.
Rewards: 2,000 XP, $500, Primed Crowbar, Electric Bomb Curveball.
Head to the store front of Jo’s Rentals North West along the boardwalk from the abandoned fuel truck and smash through the window which will trigger an alarm so deal with the initial wave of zombies that come for you out in the open before going in to the store as limited space is never good in a zombie environment.

Once the area is clear, go through in to the store and collect the Jo’s Secret Stash collectible from the counter next to the cash register then come out of the store and head South East along the boardwalk passing the abandoned fuel truck to the corner with the orange coach then head in to Jo’s Rentals where you can collect the Jo’s Beloved Baby from the counter.

From here, head out the way you came in then take a right and right again to come to an car park with a red truck in it. You’ll know you’re in the right place as several Inferno Crushers and more importantly, you will come across Jo’s Shambling Body, a Walker who you need to take down then loot the Jo’s Final Farewell from his corpse once everything in the local area is dead.

Jo’s stash can be found on the roof of Marla’s Tacos and Tapas located North of the car park where you fought Jo with the roof being accessible by going North East along the road then taking a left before passing the caustic barrels poking out of the white container and using the pallets to jump up.

Go around to the left using the shop awnings above the road with the orange coach around to the roof with the barrels. Now you can either explode the barrels then wait for the flames to go or slowly make your way to the tripwire you can jump over to avoid the rigged shotgun shooting and exploding the barrels with you close by.

Either way, go through the gate and interact with the Stash box to receive a powerful crowbar as well as the Electric Bomb Curveball concluding the Jo’s Rainy Day Stash lost and found quest.

That’s the Dead Island 2 Jo’s Rainy Day Stash lost and found quest guide complete, I hope it helps you loot Jo’s Stash.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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