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Dead Island 2 Like And Follow Side Quest Guide

Here is the Dead Island 2 Like And Follow side quest guide which is the 2nd of 3 side quests you can work through for Amanda and can be accessed after you have completed the #Clickbait side quest in Bel-Air. Even though you told Amanda to stay in Bel-Air where it’s safe, she decided she knows best and has gone off to The Pier to film another viral video and needs your help in taking down zombies in a number of different ways.

This can be a tough side quest, however, there are several things you can do in order to have an easier time of things. Ensure you complete Jo’s Rainy Day Stash lost and found quest in Venice Beach which will reward you the Electric Bomb curveball and or the Electrocutor Officer’s Sword which you can get by completing the, The Clean and Snatch lost and found quest in Beverly Hills or similar electric weapon.

You will also need a maiming weapon so working through Francesca’s questline in Beverly Hills will reward you with the Brutalizer as well as unlocking Gore HorseAlso, ensure you have a heavy hitting weapon such as a Sledgehammer or a baseball bat, something you can use to send zombies flying or have the dropkick equipped.

Quest giver: Amanda.
Rewards: 4,000 XP, Rare Ranged Electrocutor Mod, Nailgun.
Head over to the North West side of The Pier just as you enter the fairground and speak with Amanda who is on the roof of Pier Stop where she will task you with turning the power on for the Dodgems then taking down 16 zombies with electricity.

This can be done in several ways, if you have the Electric Bomb curveball then use that when enemy’s are grouped together or hack away with the Electrocutor Officer’s sword mentioned above. You can also make good use of the water barrels / jerry cans around as well as the electric cables when the zombies are grouped together and you will also have several Shocking Walkers appear, which, once defeated, let out a large electric discharge that can be used to fry some more zombies. Just be careful as electricity can hurt you as well so don’t get caught in your own traps then however you decide to go about it, take down 16 zombies with direct electric damage where we can then move on to some good old fashioned decapitation.

Follow the marker to Amanda who has gone up near the Ferris Wheel on the roof of the Prizes building, speak with her where she will task you with removing 12 zombie heads. Switch to the Brutalizer or similar maiming weapon like a Katana, Wakizashi etc. and aim high to ensure you hit the head. For me, it was easier standing on the ramp leading to the entrance of the Ferris Wheel where you are naturally higher than the zombies given you a better chance of freeing head from body. You will have several Crushers and Riot Gear Walkers who are a lot harder to decapitate but not impossible so keep hacking away at their skulls until you have decapitated 12 zombies then clear the rest of the horde in any way you like.

For Amanda’s final task you might have a tough time of it as you need to smash zombies off the pier in to the ocean below. Speak with Amanda who is now on the Pizza Buffet building near the smashed up Octopus ride. Now it needs to be the fall damage that kills them, if you kill a zombie then send it flying off the pier, that won’t work, they have to be “alive” when they fall off. Dropkicks are a good asset here, as is the ground and pound or using Sledgehammers, Baseball Bats or similar heavy hitting weapons. There will be a lot of Grenadier Walkers spawn in so be careful around them and keep kicking zombies off the pier which needs to be done 14 times to satisfy the requirements.

Once you have all 14 zombies smashed off the side of the Pier you can then mop up the rest of the zombies which seemed to include a lot of Bursters and Grenadier Walkers so make good use of their explosive tendencies to help take down groups of zombies then speak with Amanda one final time to conclude the Like and Follow side quest.

That’s the Dead Island 2 Like And Follow side quest guide complete, I hope it helped you perform all 3 of Amanda’s tasks in The Pier.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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