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Dead Island 2 Message In A Bottle Side Quest Guide

Here is the Dead Island 2 Message In A Bottle side quest guide which will help you track down A. R. Oliver, a food critic who epitomises the phrase you are what you eat as The Pier’s food critic has now become a Slobber. For me, I went through every Dead Island 2 side quest after having completed the main story where you will have a much better understanding of how the game works and also collect a good deal of powerful weaponry along the way. The Dead Island 2 Message in a Bottle side quest will become available once you are washed back up on the beach after collecting the Blood Drive laptop and taking down Butcho the Clown in the main story.

Either way, whether you get this one done as soon as it becomes available or if you wait until after the main game has completed, ensure your weapons are fully repaired, upgraded and matched to your level as you will be facing off against a lot of powerful enemies. Also, bring a Firearm if you have one as you have to smash a breaker box across the other side of a room filled with electricity so melee isn’t an option.

Quest giver: Collect the Message In A Bottle on the beach once you are washed back up in the main story.
Rewards: 3,000 XP.
Collect the Message In A Bottle on the West side of The Pier region next the water’s edge then head through to the North side of The Pier to the Bucket O’ Fish Seafood Company.

Go through the door on the right side of the entrance and head down in to the basement taking care not to get caught in the traps waiting for you then stay left in the basement and jump up on to the crates against the left wall taking care not to fall in to the electrified water below. Equip a firearm if you have one then shoot the breaker box across the water or throw a melee weapon at the box which will stop the electricity allowing you to drop down and collect the Review: Bucket O’ Fish: One Star note from the crate in the South corner of the basement.

From here, disarm the rigged shotgun just to the left of the note you collected, open the door then run outside and back up on to the pier itself whilst aiming for Pier Grill, which, once you arrive, will see you ambushed by a lot of zombies including Riot Gear Walkers, Grenadier Walkers which need to be avoided at all costs and Crushers who can easily detonate the barrels in the vicinity causing you even more damage so take care and kill everything that stands before you. With all zombies defeated, head to back of the seating area and collect the Review: Pier Grill: Two Stars note on the table then prepare to be ambushed by more Grenadier Walkers.

With every zombie removed in the local area, head to the North East area of The Pier making a stop off at the workbench in Lifeguard HQ if your weapons need repairing, there’s also a med kit there you might need then once you’re ready, go to the East side of the Hot Dog Shack where you will face off against A. R. Oliver, a very powerful Slobber as well as a seemingly unending horde of zombies including hazmat Walkers who are immune to the Slobber’s attacks so clear them whilst dealing with the big guy to have an easier time of it.

With A. R. Oliver down and as an ex chef it is a pleasure to put a food critic on their arse collect the Revew: Hotdg Shak: Twelvteen Strs note which will conclude the Message In A Bottle side quest.

That’s the Dead Island 2 Message In A Bottle side quest guide complete, I hope helped you track down A. R. Oliver and put the big man down.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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