Dead Island 2 On Safari Guide

50 G
On Safari
Complete the first tier of every Zombie Challenge.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
Dead Island 2 directory.
Here is the Dead Island 2 On Safari guide where we will help you complete the first tier of every Zombie Challenge. The Zombie Challenges can be found after you have visited Michael and Emma’s house after escaping the plane crash by going: Player Menu> Challenges> Zombie Challenges and will require you to kill a certain number of zombies with various element types as well as taking out a given number of certain types of Zombies.
If you look on your map in a given zone you will find there are hotspots for particular types of Apex zombies so head there if you’re struggling to find a particular type of zombie throughout normal play where one will show up soon enough. There are 24 Zombie Challenges to complete in total with each one giving you some cash and or a weapon or some crafting gear for your troubles. The 24 Zombie Challenges you need to complete and their requirements are as follows:
Zombie Hunter
Complete 1 zombie challenge.
Reward: $1,000.
Damage +.
You will complete Tier 1 once you complete any of the challenges below several of which you will easily have done by the end of the main story.
A New P.B.
Slay 50 Runners while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Agility +.
Runners can be found throughout the game and as their name suggests, they move with more agility than regular Zombies.
Slay 10 Firefighter zombies while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Resilience +.
You will come up against Firefighter zombies later in the game which aren’t the most challenging to take down just don’t use Fire elements against them as they have a very high resilience to them as their name would suggest.
Boom And Doom
Slay 10 explosive zombies while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Explosion Resilience +.
There are several zombies in the game which count as “explosive zombies” and you will easily find 10 of them before getting to Brentwood Sewers. The zombies you need to kill are Grenadier Walkers, Hydration Walkers and Incendiary Walkers. All of which count towards the Boom and Doom Challenge. You won’t need to activate their explosion to kill them, cut their heads off it makes you feel better just take 10 of them out to complete the Challenge.
Burst At The Seams
Slay 10 Bursters while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Explosion Resilience +.
Bursters will appear in game once you reach the Brentwood Sewers and are best dealt with at range with either Curveballs or Firearms as the blast they create when they explode can rip your health bar as well as ignite / blow up any environmental hazards in the local area.
Butcher Butcher
Slay 10 Butchers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Health Recovery +.
You will fight your first Butcher at the end of the pier in Santa Monica and he can be a nightmare to defeat. Dodge at the last second and use your best weapons to stand a chance on taking him down. From here, more Butchers will spawn in through the game.
Change Is Constant
Slay 10 Mutators while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Peak Health +.
Mutators will spawn once you have been to Dr Reeds lab in the main story and taken down Noah and they are some of the toughest enemies in the game mainly due to the fact they are incredibly tough and have a 6ft arm which ends in a scythe like bone which can decimate your health. Ensure you take down every Mutator you come across in order to beat 10 before the end of the story.
Cleaning House
Slay 50 zombies while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: $250, All Damage +.
You will easily have this done before you encounter the Bride at the Halperin Hotel.
Crust Of The Crop
Slay 50 Shamblers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Stamina +.
Shamblers are frail, slow and falling apart before you hit them. They’re found throughout the game and offer very easy kills.
Feel The Burn
Slay 10 Inferno Crushers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Fire Resilience +.
Inferno Crushers are an Apex zombie who is immune to fire damage so Molotovs and Incendiary attacks will do nothing here. Fortunately, Caustic will still work really well against these walking bonfires as do explosions from things like Pipe Bombs. Dillion in Venice Beach will be the first Inferno Crusher you will face in the story and I recommend using the good old faithful method of filling their skulls with bullets if you have enough just don’t get too close as these things hit hard as well as applying burn damage.
Gastric Bypass
Slay 10 Slobbers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Caustic Resilience +.
Slobbers spawn just before you get to the mid game and one will appear as a boss when you’re finding Michael. They’re very weak to fire and explosions so make good use of any Curveballs you’ve discovered that impart these effects. You will easily face off against 10 Slobbers throughout the main game.
Heartburn Relief
Slay 10 Firestorm Slobbers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Fury Mode Duration +.
Firestorm Slobbers are the Gangsters of Dead Island 2 with their bodies being capable of igniting any dry area on fire as well as blowing up oil drums and barrels meaning if you get caught with one of these in a tight, dangerous spot it can kill you very quickly. These napalm spewing terrors spawn in around the time you take down Noah, the first Mutator in Dr Reeds Lab in the main story and can be a handful depending on the terrain. As long as you take down 10 Firestorm Slobbers before the end of the game, you will have this challenge complete.
Leech Removal
Slay 10 Putrefied Slobbers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Fury Gain +.
Putrefied Slobbers will become available in the game around the time you take on Noah in the main story who is the first Mutator in the game in Dr. Reeds Lab. These variants of the Slobbers fire sticky grenades at you that deal heavy damage if you’re close when they explode so keep on the move and utilise fire to bring these overgrown slobs down efficiently.
Not The Bees!!
Slay 10 Insect Swarm Walkers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Peak Health +.
Insect Swarm zombies are a nasty addition to the game where they control a swarm of Hornets, which, if you get caught in the middle of them can end your life very quickly especially if there’s other zombies around taking umps out of you and they appear towards the mid game.
Punching Up
Slay 10 Crushers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Force +.
Crushers are classified as an Apex zombie and they are very tall, muscular zombies that are as tough as they look and hit even harder. They have the usual over head punches as well as a ground pound attack that can be negated by jumping at the point of the slam to completely avoid the damage. If you do get caught in the slam you will more than likely be knocked down which is never a good thing. There are plenty of Crushers throughout the game and they are weak to a variety of elements with Caustic and Shock being particular effective.
Quiet In The Neighborhood
Slay 10 Screamers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Critical Damage +.
Nikki Gutte in the main story will be a Screamer and they become available in game after the encounter. They produce a powerful sonic scream from their mouths which not only knocks you back with force it will will also summon all zombies in the local area so it’s imperative to kill them as soon as possible to reduce the chances of being mobbed. Ranged attacks are useful here and as you have a Scoped Rifle once you deal with Miss Gutte in the story it would only be right to send a few rounds per screamer.
Slay 10 Spiky zombies while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Bleed Resilience +.
Spiky Zombies will be around once you’re done in Monarch Studios and will cause you damage just by walking into you although it’s more of a gimmick than a real threat as you should be used to drop kicking enemies away from you by now. These aren’t the most common of enemies so ensure you take them down when you can to avoid having to grind out later in the game.
Shockingly Loud
Slay 10 Voltaic Screamers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Shock Resilience +.
Voltaic Screamers appear in the Arcade in Santa Monica and they are one of the toughest enemies in the game as their scream is electrically charged which can slow you down and cause heavy damage, especially if there’s a water source nearby. Deal with them at a distance with powerful ranged weapons or beat them down to a vulnerable state then inflict heavy punishment. Avoid their screams at all costs though as they can empty your health bar in seconds.
Smells Like BBQ
Slay 10 Burning zombies while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Fire Resilience +.
You will start seeing Burning Zombies in Hotel Halperin with a lot more spawning in throughout the game. Deal with them using ranged attacks / Curveballs or drop kick them back so you don’t get set set on fire yourself. There are a few varieties of burning zombies you will encounter as you progress through the game with Burning Walkers and Burning Runners being the most common. You will encounter burning Apex Variants later in the game but you will have already met the requirements for this one long before you reach the mid to late game.
Those Who Melt It
Slay 10 Caustic-X Walkers or Slobbers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Caustic Resilience +.
Caustic-X Walkers are fortunately a lot more common than Slobbers so it will be prevalent to take them down instead of searching for the larger, much tougher Caustic-X Slobbers. Both Caustic-X versions (Walkers and Slobbers) will start spawning around the time you take down Noah, the first Mutator in Dr Reeds Lab during the main story. Take down at least 10 Caustic-X Walkers and or Slobbers or a combination of the 2 as you make your way through the main game to complete this challenge.
Top Zompedia Contributor
Fully update 1 Zompedia entry.
Reward: $250, Damage +.
You can find the Zompedia by going: Player Menu> Collectibles> Zompedia then in order to complete an entry you will need to complete all 4 sections for a given zombie type which will, more than likely, be the Walker in the Common section of the Zompedia. Kill 100 Walkers in total which can be down before you get to Halperin Hotel if you look around everywhere or easily whilst getting through the first few quests. Completing a Zompedia entry will give you more information on how to deal with the enemies themselves but to be honest, once you have killed 100 of the same enemy you should know what you’re doing away, no?
Turtle Soup
Slay 10 Riot Gear Walkers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Toughness +.
You will start seeing Riot Gear Walkers in Beverly Hills on your way to Monarch Studios and they are a pain to deal with if there’s a good number of accompanying zombies as you need to knock the Riot Gear off of the Walker(s) with repeated blows or you can just stick a Pipe Bomb at their feet and blow their legs off. Shock or Caustic seem to be the best elements to use against them but whichever strategy you go for, ensure you hit their armour off to deal massively increased damage.
Walk On By
Slay 50 Walkers while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Critical Damage +.
Walkers are the most common zombie type in the game and are in between Shamblers and Runners in difficulty. Don’t get surrounded and you will usually come out the other side victorious. Any version of Walker will count towards this one and will more than likely be the first Challenge you complete all 4 tiers in.
Zap, Crackle, And Pop
Slay 10 Shocking zombies while playing the game as any Slayer.
Reward: Shock Resilience +.
Shocking zombies will become available in Monarch Studios and can be a nuisance to deal with, especially anywhere where water is present as they let out a large electric blast when they feel like it and when they die so try and keep away from water and deal with the enemies at range. You will have both Shocking Walkers and Shocking Runners to deal with the latter being a lot more deadly given their additional speed although as a consequence, they will be weaker as well.
Once you have completed the first tier of all 24 Zombie Challenges you will then earn On Safari.
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