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Dead Island 2 Sola DLC Flesh Memories Side Quest

Here is the Dead Island 2 Sola DLC Flesh Memories side quest which you help you begin, work through and complete the only side quest available in the 2nd DLC for Dead Island 2.

Quest giver: Collect the Third Eye Yurt Key from the Squirm bar during the, The Beat Is On mission.
Rewards: Hard and Fast weapon Perk, 1,500 XP.
The Sola DLC has 1 side quest and given the difficulty of it, I’m not complaining as the end of this side quest can be next level difficult for Dead Island 2. Ensure you have completed the main story of Dead Island 2 to be able tom access the Sola DLC then also go and complete the Sola DLC story as well so you won’t have to deal with the Dirge as well as the high number of enemies you will face.

Also ensure your gear is fully upgraded, repaired and you have a good stockpile of ammunition and MedKits for the final boss if nothing else as it is a frustrating fight but we’ll get to that later in the guide. During the main story of the Sola DLC you will need to track down the beat at the Squirm stage and destroy the mood speaker which is there. During the fight, one of the zombies will drop the “Third Eye” Yurt Key which, once collected, will begin the Flesh Memories side quest.

Once you’re all set, head over to the Eco Village in the South West corner of the Sola DLC and with the Flesh Memories side quest tracked, go to the Yurt and open the door where you will find the floor inside is electrified.

Go down to your left to find a generator you can pull the breaker on which kills the electricity, go back to the Yurt and over to the top right corner to find a Vintage Camera you need to interact with which will give you some background on what’s going on.

With that done you now need to search all of the Yurts in the local area in search for “cherished items” so systematically follow the markers, take out any zombies inside and search for the various items. Going anti clockwise, the next Yurt will have a Fancy Handbag on a bed.

The next Yurt will have a Mutator as well as a Goopy Body in the bedroom.

The next Yurt will hold a pair of Expensive Shoes on the bed.

The next Yurt will hold an Influencer’s Whiteboard at the end of a bed on the left ide as you enter the Yurt.

The final Yurt will hold a Goopy DJ Deck over to the right side which will then see you tasked with moving away from the village and heading to Fusion Point where you can follow the marker up to the first floor allowing you to jump the gap and collect the Lost Heart.

With that all done you’re then going to be sent to the main stage where you will see a fenced off section in the centre of the area you can use the steps on the right side to jump across to.

Be aware that once you drop in you will then be faced with a very tough fight against several Clotter’s as soon as you touch the large pile of bodies, a new Apex variant zombies who are immune to bleed, leg damage who also hit very hard.

Given the fact the there are multiple Clotters you need to bring down this can be a run ending fight. Make good use of fire, shock and AOE Curveballs as well as utilising any firearm you have which doesn’t inflict Bleed and work on taking the Clotters down whilst avoiding their swipes, chest blasts and saving your best attacks for when the reappear. With the Clotter’s taken down the Flesh Memories side quest will conclude.

That’s the Dead island 2 Sola DLC Flesh Memories side quest complete, I hope it helped you find and take down the Clotters at the main stage.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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