Dead Island 2 Sola DLC Suspicious Minds Lost And Found Quest
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
Dead Island 2 directory.
Here is the Dead Island 2 Sola DLC Suspicious Minds lost and found quest which will help you begin the first half of the Lost and Found quest in the Sola DLC which initially gives you a reward of nothing at all.
Quest giver: Collect the We’ve Been Watching You Note from the storage room behind the Main Stage.
Rewards: 1,000 XP.
Before you can begin this quest you will nee to complete the main story of the Sola DLC so get that done then be prepared for a tough, trap filled quest so before you begin, ensure you have a full compliment of MedKits as well as a firearm like a Pistol / Nailgun, something with a high capacity clip as that will make getting through the majority of the traps a lot easier. Once you’re all set, go to the main stage and into the workshop on the back left wall collecting the We’ve Been Watching You Note next to the Workbench which will begin the Suspicious Minds lost and found quest.
You will need to go to a series of different points in the map where you will have certain challenges to overcome which are essentially surviving and navigating through several traps based around different elements in the game which get more and more challenging as you progress through the side quest. The first place you need to go is the Eco Lounge so head over there and be mindful of the tripwires as you enter. Go to the middle room and throw a curveball or shoot the barrels through the door which will ignite the room, wait for the fires to die down the go through the door again being mindful of the tripwires in the way, you can throw objects at the tripwires or just fire 1 round into the wire to disarm it.
Be mindful that the traps will still sometimes go off but as you’re using a firearm to destroy the tripwires you should be back far enough that you won’t be affected. Go into the room and loot the empty chest to receive the next location which is at the Northern end of Fusion Point so head over there, go up the stairs, take out the Whippers, Crushers and zombies whilst avoiding the shock traps.
Loot the chest on the walkway found on the first floor which again contains nothing except for the third and final location which is the South section of Utopia in the locker room.
This area is the toughest in the Suspicious Minds lost and found quest by a long way as the area is filled with Caustic-X traps, shotguns pointed at barrels and screens which can cause shock as well as exploding Caustic canisters and pressure plates which, if trodden on will end your run very quickly. Use a firearm to disable the majority of the traps and go round to the right then back to the left side to avoid the pools of Caustic which can inflict the Melting status very quickly.
You’re looking for the empty chest on the left side of the changing rooms, some lockers will contain Jerry Cans you can use to wash some of the Caustic-X away but don’t waste the water if you can help it as the shock blast from a screen can Electrify and kill you. Once you have looted the empty chest in the locker room the first half of the Suspicious Minds lost and found quest will complete.
That’s the Dead Island 2 Sola DLC Suspicious Minds Lost and Found quest guide complete, I hope it helped you get a reward of nothing.
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