
Dead Island 2 The Art Of War Side Quest Guide

Here is the Dead Island 2 The Art Of War side quest guide which will help you descend in to the Metro and take down the Darkest Before Dawn crew for Rosa, a friend of one of the gang members who has a lead on a weapons cache. This is a very tough side quest. The Metro is a tough area but this side quest cranks the difficulty up considerably. That paired with the environmental hazards, traps and tight fighting areas the subway presents I strongly recommend bringing your toughest weapons and a variety of Firearms along for this one as you’ll need them, especially in the final fight.

I recommend going through the Dead Island 2 side quests once you have completed the main story which is essential for The Art of War as it won’t become available until the credits have rolled so keep working through the game then head back to the Serling Hotel in Ocean Avenue when you’re ready for a challenge.

Quest giver: Rosa.
Rewards: 5,000 XP, Wildstyle Axe (Unique weapon), Superior Ranged Cremator Mod, Glass Cannon Skill Card (Numen deck).
Speak with Rosa on the top floor of the Serling Hotel then fast travel down to, The Metro and prepare yourself for a rough time of it.

Head through to the train cars and follow the path left to find a laptop on a counter to the right of the airlock you can go through on the left side of the area you can interact with. Now this laptop must be having issues as you will need to take down 3 very large waves of zombies including Bursters, Butchers, Crushers, elemental zombies and a lot of standard zombies in a fairly tight area which can be challenging, especially when the Burning Runners show up igniting any oil in the area cutting off more of the area you can work in. In total, the entire fight when I checked the footage back took just under 5 minutes to complete. We’re talking a heavy amount of zombies in this one.

After the laptop has loaded the Diego image, head through the airlock and take out the Bursters whilst trying to keep them away from the Caustic-X barrels either side of the area then continue through taking out the Hazmat Walkers at the end of the next tunnel.

Go through the train car where you will be tasked with finding the looting the train cars to find the stash. You need the most South Western train car which is heavily littered with traps and with have a Mutator disguised as a Walker at the end you need to take down. Once he’s dead, collect the Shotgun if you don’t have a better one then wait for the objective to change after the dialogue has rolled.

The next part of the, The Art of War side quest is very tough to deal with if you don’t have any Firearms so ensure they’re equipped and loaded before going through the door with the marker as you will be ambushed by the entire Darkest Before Dawn which includes several Burning Runners, an Inferno Crusher and a FIrestorm Slobber all of which are named zombies. Named zombies in Dead Island 2 are roughly twice as tough as unnamed zombies of the same type and hit twice as hard meaning you have to take them quickly or you will die. It’s just that simple. For me, I died twice trying to make the footage good for the video but then I just went in there and unloaded on them all with an Assault Rifle as the Inferno Crusher is a challenge without the other enemies along as well.

Take everything down any way you can then loot the DBD Chest Key and the Javier Is Disappointed phone from Little Ed who is the Firestorm Slobber where you can then go through in to the small storage room, unlock the Chest and collect your rewards.

That’s the Dead Island 2 The Art Of War side quest guide complete I hope it helps you take the Darkest Before Dawn crew down and loot their weapons cache.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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