Dead Island 2 Variety Is The Spice Of Death Guide

50 G
Variety is the Spice of Death
Complete the first tier of every Weapon Challenge.
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror.
Dead Island 2 directory.
Here is the Dead Island 2 Variety is the Spice of Death guide where I’ll help you complete the first tier of every Weapon Challenge. The Weapon Challenges can be accessed once you have arrived at Emma and Michael’s house and can be found by going: Payer Menu> Challenges> Weapon Challenges and require you to kill a certain number of zombies with a given weapon type for the most part. There is no shortage of weapons as you make your way through Dead Island 2 so ensure you mix things up to have less of a grind if you’re near the end of the game are still needing some more kills with a particular weapon. If you need ammunition you can find plenty throughout the game or buy some from the various Traders towards the end of the game. There are 10 Weapon Challenges to complete in game which are as follows:
Weapons Expert
Complete 1 weapon challenge.
Reward: $100, Equipped Weapon Damage +.
Complete any 1 Weapon Challenge from the list below with the shortest Challenge being finding a Legendary Weapon which also earns Ooh, Shiny!.
Batter Up!
Slay 50 zombies using any Curveball items.
Reward: $100, Equipped Curveball Damage +.
Curveballs can be found by going: Player Menu> Inventory> Curveball. Use any offensive curveball in combat such as Shuriken, Molotovs, Grenades, all of which are acquirable throughout the world so keep your eyes peeled and take out 50 zombies which will easily be done as you play through the game.
Crack Shot
Slay 50 zombies using Rifles.
Reward: $100, Equipped Rifle Damage +.
You will acquire Rifles and more importantly ammunition once you have taken down Nikki Gutte (the first Screamer) in the game.
Slay 50 zombies using Handguns.
Reward: $100, Equipped Handgun Damage +.
Handguns are a lot more common than Rifles as is the ammunition, although it isn’t infinite so take care and aim for the head to increase your effectiveness with Handguns. There are plenty of Handguns throughout the game, with the first one I found being on the middle landing craft at the beach in Venice Beach or you can regularly buy a Handgun from Traders.
Find a legendary weapon.
Reward: $1,000.
There are plenty of places to find legendary weapons throughout the game with the easiest being given to you once you have completed the main game and gone through the credits. Legendary Weapons have an orange glow to them and usually deal a bit more damage than Superior weapons. Finding a Legendary Weapon will earn you Ooh, Shiny!.
Shotgun Shogun
Slay 50 zombies using Shotguns.
Reward: $100, Equipped Shotgun Damage +.
Shotguns can be found in the mid-end game, however, the ammunition is rare. Fortunately you will be able to get one shot kills with the shotgun, especially if you aim for the upper torso which I recommend as its an easier target than the head given the size difference. There seemed to be a lot of Shotguns dropped by enemies in the Metro or you can buy one from the various Traders towards the end game when they become available.
Slice and Dice
Slay 50 zombies using Maiming weapons.
Reward: $100. Equipped Maiming Damage +.
A Maiming weapon is a weapon which is adept in removing limbs from the zombies such as a Crowbar, Axe, Machete etc. To see if a weapon is a Maiming weapon, go: Player Menu> Inventory> Weapons then look to the top right of the screen on any weapon to see what type it is. As long as you get 50 kills with Maiming weapons you will complete tier 1 which will more than likely be done through natural gameplay before you leave the Hotel near the start of the game.
Surgeon General
Slay 50 enemies using Headhunter weapons.
Reward: $100, Equipped Headhunter Damage +.
Headhunter weapons are especially useful for smashing skulls and are usually weapons such as, Steel Pipes and Rebars etc. To see what weapons you have which are classified as Headhunters go: Player Menu> Inventory> Weapons then hover over any weapon looking to to the top right of the screen to see the weapons classification. You should easily get the 50 kills before the mid game.
Swing Away
Slay 50 zombies using Bulldozer weapon.
Reward: $100, Equipped Bulldozer Damage +.
Bulldozer weapons are good for crowd control, especially dealing with groups of weaker enemies such as Shamblers or dealing decent damage against tougher zombies and are weapons such as Baseball bats etc. To see which of your weapons have the Bulldozer classification go: Player Menu> Inventory> Weapons then select any weapon where you can then look to the top right of the screen to view the weapon type. Ensure you equip a Bulldozer weapon then wade into a group of low level zombies to rack up the kills.
Think Fast
Slay 50 zombies using Frenzy weapons.
Reward: $100, Equipped Frenzy Damage +.
Frenzy weapons are fast, lethal weapons that deal heavy damage to single targets effectively. They can deal with mobs as well at a push and are weapons such as Claws, Swords etc. To see which of your weapons have the frenzy classification, go: Player Menu> Inventory> Weapons then look to the top right of the screen to see if it is a Frenzy weapon. Equip any frenzy weapon then get hacking taking down 50 zombies throughout the game.
Once you have completed all tier 1 challenges, you will then earn Variety is the Spice of Death.
That’s the Dead Island 2 Variety is the Spice of Death guide complete, I hope it help you complete the first tier of every Zombie Challenge.
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