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Dead Island 2 Venice Beach Side Quests

Here is the Dead Island 2 Venice Beach side quests which will help you navigate this Crusher filled district which is a lot more in depth that you may first realise with a town, a beach, a Military zone, Sewers a gym and a lot more besides there is a great deal to do throughout Venice Beach. There are, in total, 5 side quests in Venice Beach all of which can be a rough time if you get caught short so always ensure your gear is fully upgraded, repaired and matched to your level to stand a better chance in working your way through the side quests themselves.

I do recommend leaving the Dead Island 2 side quests until after you have completed the main story where you will then not only have a much better understanding of how the game works but also have some pretty decent gear you will have picked up along the way. Also, some of the side quests in Dead Island 2 won’t become available until after you have completed certain story mission so keep pushing through the game until they become available.

If you work through the Venice Beach side quests in the order they are listed below you will have a much easier time figuring out what’s what as some of the side quests in Venice Beach require others to be completed first, especially Cold Pork which is required to unlock the majority of Venice Beach side quests. The 5 Dead Island 2 side quests in Venice Beach are as follows:

Cold Pork

Quest giver: Trent.
Rewards: 3,000 XP, $500.
Head to the Blue Crab and speak with Trent who will ask you to raid the Police Station for their guns they have left behind now the Officers have joined the undead Army. Make your way to the Police Station and proceed through to the armoury where you can loot a very powerful Assault Shotgun as well as grab a box of guns for the lads. Check out the complete Cold Pork side quest for everything you need to complete this side quest.

Cremains Of The Day

Quest giver: W.O. Rodriguez.
Rewards: 3,000 XP, $500, Rare Ranged Cremator Mod.
Head to the lifeguard tower in the militarised zone to the West side of Venice Beach, navigate your way up to the top of the tower whilst avoiding the traps then head down to the beach and ignite the 3 fire pits. Take down M.C. Spitzfire where you can then go back to W.O. Rodriguez concluding the side quest. Check out the complete Cremains Of The Day side quest for everything you need to survive this one.

Diaries Of The Dead

Quest giver: W.O. Rodriguez.
Rewards: 3,500 XP, Burst Fire Carbine Assault Rifle.
Once you have completed the Cremains Of The Day side quest go back and speak with W.O. Rodriguez who will ask you to find a USB containing the fallen Soldier’s letters home which are some of the most important items a serving Soldier can have. Find the USB stick in the convoy then fend off the zombies as you upload the letters out of Hell-A. Check out the complete Diaries of the Dead side quest for where to find and how to upload the Diaries for W.O. Rodriguez.

Organ Donor

Quest giver: Trent.
Rewards: 4,000 XP.
You will need to firstly complete the main story in Dead Island 2 as well as the Cold Pork side quest where you can then speak to Trent again beginning the Organ Donor quest which can be tough so ensure you have your bet gear equipped and matched to your level. Head over to the Strongman competition and take out the top 3 finishers who are all Crushers along with their large entourages collecting the oversized arm bone then make your way to the sewer overflow and take down all of the Bursters obtaining the burst gland. Check out the complete Organ Donor side quest for how to navigate through this tough mission.

Coast Guardian

Quest giver: Get close to the Lifeguard Hut to the South East of the military zone and South West of the Police Station on the beach.
Rewards: 3,000 XP, $300, Served Cold skill card (Abilities deck).
Firstly, ensure you have completed both the main story in Dead Island 2 as well as the Cold Pork side quest for Trent in the Blue Crab where you can then go to the lifeguard hut on the beach South East of the Military zone. Clear the zombies and speak with Burt who will task you with checking the Police Station and Venice Beach for survivors. Kill everything that stands in your way of success. Check out the complete Coast Guardian side quest to find out what you’ll be facing and how to conclude the final side quest in Venice Beach.

That’s how to complete all 5 Dead Island 2 Venice Beach side quests I hope the guides help you through everything awaiting you.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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