
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Be The Legend Trophy Guide

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Be the Legend trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Be the Legend
Acquire all of Dante’s skills.

Here is the Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Be The Legend Trophy Guide. Dante will start the game with plenty of skills unlocked (pause the game then go to skills), you need to unlock the rest of his skills which requires a lot of red orbs, 4,574,600 of them. Farming red orbs is easiest with Dr Faust in Mission 13 (click the link to go to the Jackpot guide for more information). If you complete the game on Human / Devil Hunter, and purchase all of Dante’s skills in the abilities section, you will be stuck at 85% until you have completed the game on Son Of Sparda where the final ability will then be available for purchase. In addition, there is also a hidden skill tree which requires you to find a hidden weapon in mission 11, the Double Kalina Ann. Dante’s skills are broken down into 16 categories which are:

  1. Abilities.
  2. Devil Sword Sparda.
  3. Devil Sword Dante.
  4. Balrog.
  5. Cavaliere.
  6. King Cerberus.
  7. Ebony & Ivory.
  8. Coyote-A.
  9. Kalina Ann.
  10. Double Kalina Ann.
  11. Dr. Faust.
  12. Trickster.
  13. Swordmaster.
  14. Gunslinger.
  15. Royalguard.
  16. Sin Devil Trigger.

Here is a complete breakdown of the skills and how many red orbs they will cost to unlock;


Irregular full custom will unlock one you complete the game on the Son of Sparda difficulty;

  • Speed: 4,500.
  • Air Hike: 20,000.
  • Trigger Heart: 15,000.
  • Enemy Step: 45,000.
  • Get More Orbs: 50,000.
  • Ex Provocation: 3,000,000.
  • Irregular Full Custom: 100.

Total: 3,134,600.

Devil Sword Sparda

  • Stinger: 1,500.
  • Stinger 2: 8,000.
  • Million Stab: 4,000.

Total: 13,500.

Devil Sword Dante

  • Stinger: 1,500.
  • Stinger 2: 8,000.
  • Million Stab: 4,000.
  • Drive: 10,000.
  • Overdrive: 35,000.
  • Swords Formation: 5,000.
  • Swords Formation 2: 18,000.
  • Sword Formation 3: 40,000.

Total: 121,500.


  • Bantam Revenge: 5,000.
  • Fly Dragon: 7,000.
  • Updraft: 3,000.
  • Rolling Blaze: 15,000.
  • Ignition 2: 10,000.
  • Ignition 3: 40,000.

Total: 80,000.


  • Cross Line: 3,500.
  • Slipstream: 8,000.
  • Slipstream 2: 20,000.
  • Highside: 9,000.
  • Braking: 10,000.
  • Idling: 35,000.

Total: 85,500.

King Cerberus

  • Revolver: 3,500.
  • Revolver 2: 15,000.
  • Crystal: 8,000.
  • Ice Age: 35,000.
  • Long Revolver: 9,000.
  • Thunder Clap: 25,000.

Total: 95,500.

Ebony & Ivory

  • Charge Shot: 2,000.
  • Charge Shot 2: 5,000.
  • Charge Shot 3: 18,000.

Total: 25,000.


  • Charge Shell: 2,000.
  • Charge Shell 2: 5,000.
  • Charge Shell 3: 18,000.

Total: 25,000.

Kalina Ann

  • High Explosive: 3,000.

Total: 3,000.

Double Kalina Ann

In order to find the Double Kalina Ann, you need to go through mission 11 to where you get to the house then drop down to where you will need to smash the blood clots holding the Qliphoth roots in place (there will be 2 sets on the lowest level). From here the game will pan around to a small room with a photo, jump back up and turn around going back the way you came. Take the first right into a small dark room and go round to the back where you can collect the Double Kalina Ann:

  • Cascade: 5,000.

Total: 5,000.

Dr. Faust

  • Man In The Red: 8,000.
  • Hat Trick: 20,000.
  • Dr. Faust 2: 10,000.
  • Dr. Faust 3: 45,000.
  • Dr. Faust 4: 500,000.

Total: 583,000.


  • TS Style Level 2: 3,500.
  • TS Style Level 3: 10,000.
  • TS Style Level 4: 40,000.

Total: 53,500.


  • SM Style Level 2: 4,000.
  • SM Style Level 3: 18,000.
  • SM Style level 4: 50,000.

Total: 72,000.


  • GS Style Level 2: 4,000.
  • GS Style Level 3: 18,000.
  • GS Style Level 4: 50,000.

Total: 72,000.


  • RG Style Level 2: 3,500.
  • RG Style Level 3: 10,000.
  • RG Style Level 4: 40,000.

Total: 53,500.

Sin Devil Trigger

  • Sin Stinger: 9,000.
  • Sin Inferno: 18,000.
  • Demolition: 35,000.
  • The Luce: 40,000.
  • Quadruple S: 50,000.

Total: 152,000.

Once you have acquired every skill for Dante, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Be The Legend Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you acquire all of Dante’s Skills.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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