
Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Trophy Guide. This guide will help you get through Devil May Cry 5 on every difficulty, complete every secret mission and collect every blue and purple orb fragment as you make your way through this fantastic fast paced hack and slash Action Adventure masterpiece.

  • Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC.
  • Trophies: 55: Platinum: 1, Gold: 2, Silver: 4, Bronze: 48.
  • Release Date: 12-Nov-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None, mission select is available for anything you need.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: None.
  • Difficulty Rating: 9/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%: 60+ Hours for veterans of the series. Easily 100+ for newcomers.

There are a lot of difficulty trophies in the game but they’re there for when you know what you’re doing and more importantly what to expect. On your first run, focus on getting to grips with the game focusing on the Devil Breakers as they can turn the tide of battle maximising your efficiency against both mobs and bosses. Have a good read of the guide below so you know what to expect or use chapter select if you have missed anything along the way.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Devil May Cry trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Devil May Cry
Unlock all trophies.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Let's Rock trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Let’s Rock!
Complete the game on Human mode as Nero, Dante, or V.

Human mode is available on from the start of the game and is the easiest difficulty in Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition. Use this difficulty to perfect your timings then once you have complete the game on Human mode, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Showtime trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Complete the game on Devil Hunter mode as Nero, Dante, or V.

Devil Hunter difficulty is available from the start of the game and features harder hitting enemies than in Human mode as well having more health. Complete all main missions on Devil Hunter to unlock your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Doing Daddy Proud trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Doing Daddy Proud
Complete the game on Son of Sparda mode as Nero, Dante, or V.

Son Of Sparda difficulty will unlock once you have completed the game on Devil Hunter difficulty and features new placement of enemies who are stronger than previous iterations, have 200% health and new moves at their disposal. Beat the game on Son of Sparda in order to unlock your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Dance with the Devil trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Dance with the Devil
Complete the game on Dante Must Die mode as Nero, Dante, or V.

Dante Must Die is the difficulty you have access to once you have completed the game on the Son of Sparda difficulty. In this game mode the enemies have 8x their usual health and you will die in 1 or 2 hits so make very good use of your dodging / blocking depending on who you play as. Ensure you farm millions of orbs so you can revive yourself when you die. Complete the game on Dante Must Die in order to unlock your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Stairway to Heaven trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Stairway to Heaven
Complete the game on Heaven or Hell mode as Nero, Dante, or V.

Heaven and Hell will unlock once you have completed the game on Dante Must Die and believe it or not is the easiest difficulty in the game as both you and the enemies all die in hit so just go through every mission shooting everything as you go. The bosses all die in one hit as well so as long as you get the attack in first, you will win against everything. Complete the game on Heaven and Hell to unlock your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Highway to Hell trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Highway to Hell
Complete the game on Hell and Hell mode as Nero, Dante, or V.

Hell and Hell unlocks once you have beaten the game on Dante Must Die and is the polar opposite of the Heaven and Hell difficulty as the enemies all have the same stats as they do on the Son of Sparda difficulty, however, you still die in one hit. This is by far the hardest mode in the game next to Legendary Dark Knight Mode and will require absolute mastery of each and every enemy and boss in the game.

Farm 10s of millions of red orbs to allow you to pay your way through the game essentially. Make good use of your Devil Trigger and very best of luck with it. Once you have completed the game on the Hell and Hell difficulty, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Fall From Grace trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fall from Grace
Clear the Prologue Mission as Nero, Dante, or V.

The Prologue, is as the name suggests, the first mission in the game and will teach you the basics of the game. When you get to Urizen, you are supposed to do to him at which point, the mission will then complete and your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Protect the People trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Protect the People
Defeat all enemies in Mission 01 as Nero, Dante, or V.

As the description states, you need go for this one as Nero, playing as Vergil won’t unlock the trophy. You will be able to defeat near enough all of the enemies as you progress through the mission, however, there are a couple of enemies that are off the beaten track. I’ll run through all of the enemies locations here.

From the start of the mission, clear out the enemies up until the red double decker bus then head through and take out the 4 spiked tentacles and drop down to the platform below. From here, turn around and take out the enemy near the blue orb, head back on yourself ensuring you defeat the 2 green bugs and the 5 spiked tentacles before going through the archway where 5 more spiked tentacles will spawn. Take them all out then go through and defeat the Qlipoth Roots boss where, as long as you have taken out all of the enemies in the mission, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Where the Red Orbs Grow trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Where the Red Orbs Grow
Collect Red Orbs from an unexpected spot in Mission 02 as Nero, Dante, or V.

After you have defeated the first set of enemies in the mission, go through staying right pass the Ambulance. Near the end of the pathway will be a small ledge you can jump up to on your right leading into a small room. Once in the small room, smash the red orbs to unlock your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Reunion trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Clear Mission 03 as Nero, Dante, or V.

You’ll be playing through as Nero in this mission, it’s simple enough until you get to the boss. Ensure you run out the cathedral once the wall is smashed open to avoid a powerful attack and stay on Goliath’s back as much as you can. Take Goliath down to complete the mission, unlocking your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Backroad trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Destroy a certain wall in Mission 04 as Nero, Dante, or V.

Proceed through mission 4 as V crossing the train bridge and going through the warehouse to the street level. Ensure you have at least 3 bars of Devil Trigger then go to the building with the cloaked female holding a red skull and a candle which will be side on to you when you are on street level. Press L1 to have Nightmare smash through the wall where your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Break a Leg trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Break a Leg
Fend off a menace from above in Mission 05 as Nero, Dante, or V.

Continue through the mission as V to the warehouse. Once inside the warehouse, jump up to the platform on your left where a tentacle will come through the ceiling above you. Lock on to the tentacle with R1 then hit it with everything you’ve got. Once it has been defeated, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition End of the Line trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

End of the Line
Clear Mission 06 as Nero, Dante, or V.

You’ll be playing as Nero in this mission where you’ll have one opponent to take down, who is also the largest in the game. Attack the weak spots on the legs of Gilgamesh, allowing you to grapple up to the top of the boss where you can deal some decent damage. Avoid the spikes that come out then work your way back to the top again. Rinse and repeat until Gilgamesh has been defeated where you will complete the mission, unlocking your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Share the Pain trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Share the Pain
Clear Mission 07 with both Nero and V.

In mission 7, you can, at the start of the mission, choose to play as either Nero or V, play through as whoever you like then once the mission has completed. Go to mission select from the main menu then select mission 7 again, this time choose the other character and complete mission 7. Once you have completed mission 7 with both Nero and V, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Light in the Darkness trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Light in the Darkness
Clear Mission 08 as Nero, Dante, or V.

Play through mission 8 as Nero working your way through ensuring you take the enemies down as quickly as possible. When you are on either of the 2 platforms which has sections fall away until the platform falls down giving you a lot more enemies to take out in order to proceed. The boss in this mission is, Urizen, take out the crystal (Devil Trigger will help), he will then again defeat you where the mission will complete, unlocking your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Eagle Eyed trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Destroy a certain wall in Mission 09 as Nero, Dante, or V.

As you make your way through the mission, go pass the area where the Behemoth spawns. Ensure you have 3 bars of Devil Trigger available then take it out and head through to the next section. Jump up the ledges at the back of the area and look at the small poster. Press L1 where Nightmare will smash through the wall, unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition This Ain't Over trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

This Ain’t Over
Clear Mission 10 as Nero, Dante, or V.

You will be going through this mission as Dante, when you get to the boss fight, it will again be against Urizen. Smash the crystal to complete the mission unlocking your Trophy in the process.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Don't Mess with the Best trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Don’t Mess with the Best
Use proper timing to get a leg up in battle against the boss in Mission 11 as Nero, Dante, or V.

Essentially, you need to stagger Caveliere Angelo who is the boss in mission 11. To do so, keep the pressure on, get 3 bars of devil trigger and press L1 to activate your Devil Trigger. Perform a strong attack on Caveliere such as R1+Up+Triangle 3 times in a row whilst in Devil Trigger on Human difficulty where he will then stagger at which point, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition The Qliphoth trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Qliphoth
Clear Mission 12 as Nero, Dante, or V.

You will be playing through as Dante in mission 12, grab the Nidhogg Hatchling and proceed to smash the blood clots in the first part of the mission allowing you to gain access under the statue. From here, head through the area and take out the 3 Nobody enemies to complete the mission, unlocking your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Each In His Own Way trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Each In His Own Way
Clear Mission 13 as Nero, Dante, and V.

As it states, you won’t be able to unlock this trophy as Vergil so play through as Nero, Dante or V, whoever you choose, your Trophy will unlock at the conclusion of the mission.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Gotta Hurry trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Gotta Hurry
Clear Mission 14 as Nero, Dante, or V.

You will be playing through initially as a very weakened V, to have an easier time of it, work your way from left to right grabbing Shadow, Griffon then Nightmare. In the second part of the mission, head through to the end of the area to complete the mission, unlocking your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Slick Moves trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Slick Moves
Proceed with caution and avoid unneeded damage in Mission 15 as Nero, Dante, or V.

As you make your way through mission 15, you will have a choice of paths to take at the 3 junctions throughout. Ensure you take a right at the first junction which will see you avoid the spikes coming out of the wall then proceed through the rest of the mission. Taking damage from the enemies won’t void this trophy so as long as you avoid the spikes near the start of the level by taking the alternate path, your Trophy will unlock at the conclusion of the mission.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Obedience Training trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Obedience Training
Go on the offensive in a roundabout way in the Mission 16 boss battle as Nero, Dante, or V.

Play through as Dante then at the end of mission 16, you need to defeat King Cerberus without activating your Devil Trigger. Ensure you have the game on Human difficulty to make this a lot easier. Once you have beaten King Cerberus, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Back to Life trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Back to Life
Clear Mission 17 as Nero, Dante, or V.

As Dante, you will need to take down the true form of Urizen who can be very challenging even on Human difficulty, ensure you have plenty of red orbs so you can revive yourself if needs be. Make good use of your Devil Trigger and take Urizen out to complete the mission where your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Man on a Mission trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Man on a Mission
Clear Mission 18 as Nero, Dante, or V.

Playing through as Dante, you will need to take down Shadow, Griffon and Nightmare throughout mission 18. Ensure you have a good amount of abilities unlocked as well as having collected as many blue / purple orb fragments to give you a much better chance of completing the mission. Which, when completed will unlock your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Battle for the Ages trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Battle for the Ages
Clear Missions 19 and 20 without continuing as Nero, Dante, or V. (Heaven or Hell excluded)

Ensure you have maximised your health and Devil Trigger in order to stand a chance of unlocking this one. Facing off against Vergil as Dante in mission 19 is challenging enough, then fighting a more powerful version as Nero will take some serious skill in order to do so without continuing. Complete mission 19 without continuing then if you get to close to dying during mission 20, pause the game at the last second before you drop and quit the mission, go back in and try again until you complete mission 20 without being downed. Once you have completed both mission 19 and mission 20 without continuing, your Trophy will then unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Not Too Shabby trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Not Too Shabby
Perform a Stylish Rank S combo.

This will come naturally through the game.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Steppin up the Style trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Steppin’ up the Style
Perform a Stylish Rank SS combo.

You will be performing SS combo’s in the first third of the game.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Seriously Stylish Slaying trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Seriously Stylish Slaying!
Perform a Stylish Rank SSS combo.

An SSS combo or a Smokin’ Sexy Style combo requires you to take out your enemies with a good amount of style which can be achieved by mixing up your attacks and weapons throughout a fight. Ensure you don’t get hit, as if you do it will drop your style rank down considerably. You should easily be able to rack up SSS combos using V and just spamming Square when you have plenty of enemies around you. Once you have performed your first SSS combo, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Secrets Exposed trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Secrets Exposed
Clear all secret missions as Nero, Dante, or V.

Click the link to go to the complete Secrets Exposed Trophy Guide.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition The Quick and the Dead trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Quick and the Dead
Defeat 5 enemies in 1 second.

This should come naturally as you play through the game, if it doesn’t then put the game on Legendary Dark Knight Mode and play through the Prologue mission as Vergil. Activate your Devil Trigger and spam Triangle to take down multiple enemies at once. Once you have taken down 5 enemies in 1 second, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Well I'll Be Damned trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Well I’ll Be Damned
Wield overwhelming power to exact an unexpected conclusion as Dante, Nero, or V.

You are required to take down Urizen in the Prologue for this trophy which is an incredible challenge, even on Human difficulty as you first need to take down the crystal before you can touch Urizen. Go through and complete the game where you will then unlock Nero’s main Devil Trigger which allows you to inflict heavy damage on the crystal, however, Urizen will still hit incredibly hard on Human as the game wants you to die in order for you to complete the mission.

A nice easy way around this and one you’ll have access to if you’re going for the Platinum is to go for this on the Heaven and Hell difficulty which you can unlock by completing the game on Dante Must Die. In Heaven and Hell you will be able to one shot everything, so as soon as the fight starts, spam Square to first take down the crystal then take down Urizen where your Trophy will then unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Hell of a Hunter trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Hell of a Hunter
Clear all missions with S rank as Nero, Dante, or V.

See Worthy of Legend for more information.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Worthy of Legend trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Worthy of Legend
Clear all missions with S rank on all difficulties as Nero, Dante, or V. (HoH, LDK excluded)

There are 21 missions as you make your way through the game and nearly every completion of a playthrough will then unlock a new, harder difficulty. In order to earn an S rank for the completion of a mission you need to be as stylish as you can, mix up your weapons and attack combos, ensure you use some firearm attacks during the combos to earn a lot more style points. Getting hit will drop your style rating significantly so try and avoid this at all costs, especially on Hell and Hell where you will die in one hit, massively impacting your final rating.

You won’t need to earn an S rank on any of the missions on either Heaven and Hell or Legendary Dark Knight Mode and unfortunately, you can’t use Vergil for S ranks as he simply doesn’t count towards this one. Ensure you have Nero, Dante and V maxed out abilities wise with full Devil Triggers. Once you have beaten the game on Dante Must Die you will gain access to the super devil trigger where you can activate it at will.

If you utilise this, you will automatically gain a D rating for any mission you complete regardless of how stylish / skilled you have been throughout so avoid this at all costs. Patience and practice will help a great deal here as you are going to need to master every enemy / boss in the game to become as stylish as can be. As you need to work your way through the games difficulty modes to unlock the next difficulty, I recommend going for S ranks on the harder difficulties first as if you can get S rank on Hell and Hell or even Dante Must Die. The rest of the games’ difficulties should be a lot easier. Once you have attained an S rank across all 5 difficulties in each of the 21 missions, your Trophy will unlock. Good luck!

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition I Believe I Can Fly trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

I Believe I Can Fly
Rack up a total of 60 minutes in the air by jumping or other means

Considering the amount of aerial combat you will need to do on your way towards the Platinum you will be quickly racking up airtime. If you’re looking at getting this done quickly, complete mission 16 then replay the mission a few times, given the amount of falling you need to do throughout the mission, you’ll have this one done soon enough. Once you have racked up 60 minutes of airtime throughout the game, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Nothings Impossible trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Nothing’s Impossible
Acquire all of Nero’s skills.

Click the link to go to the complete Nothing’s Impossible Trophy Guide.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Be the Legend trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Be the Legend
Acquire all of Dante’s skills.

Click the link to go to the complete Be The Legend Trophy Guide.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Demon Breeder trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Demon Breeder
Acquire all of V’s skills.

Click the link to go to the complete Demon Breeder Trophy Guide.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Physical Perfection trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Physical Perfection
Upgrade your vitality gauge to max.

Click the link to go to the complete Physical Perfection Trophy Guide.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition The Devil's Own trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

The Devil’s Own
Upgrade your Devil Trigger Gauge to max.

Click the link to go to the complete The Devil’s Own Trophy Guide.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition A New Job trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A New Job
Accept a new job from Morrison after the Red Grave incident. (Dante only)

Once you have completed mission 20, the credits will roll where you can defeat enemies throughout. Ensure you defeat all of the enemies which appear. As long as you are successful, you will unlock a secret cutscene as well as your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Jackpot trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Collect more than 1,000,000 Red Orbs total.

The easiest way by far to farm red orbs is in mission 13. At the start of the mission, you receive a very useful firearm called Dr. Faust which is an enchanted hat which, when fully upgraded (see Be the Legend for information on levelling up Dr. Faust) will earn you hundreds of thousands of red orbs per run. Essentially, what you need to do is play through mission 13 to the fourth and final floor then, whilst in Gunslinger (press Left) spam Circle to spin the hat around your body where all enemies will then be wearing a Dr. Faust (hat).

Every subsequent hit will then earn you thousands of orbs which you can use to level up the various skills. You can repeat mission 13 as much as you need to in order to collect as many orbs as you wish, which you can use for either levelling up or essentially paying your way through the harder difficulties when you die. Considering you will need 12,000,000 red orbs just for all 4 characters’ Ex Provocation skill, you will easily earn this Trophy along the way.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Demon Destroyer trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Demon Destroyer
Defeat 1,000 enemies total.

You will easily be able to unlock this one as you make your way towards the Platinum. If you would like this done quickly for whatever reason, choose either Nero or Vergil then go through the Prologue on Legendary Dark Knight Mode where you will easily rack up 100+ kills per run. Whichever way you choose to do this, once you have killed 1,000+ enemies, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Rearm and Repeat trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Rearm and Repeat
Collect more than 100 Devil Breakers during missions. (Nero only)

This should come naturally as you play through the many difficulties required to 100% the game. If you are missing any Devil Breakers load up mission 07 and play through as Nero, you will collect a good amount of Devil Breakers throughout the mission and it’s an easy one on Human difficulty. Once you have collected 100 Devil Breakers throughout the game, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Dante the Gambler trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Dante the Gambler
Use more than 500,000 Red Orbs total with Dr. Faust.

Dr. Faust is a firearm weapon which is acquired at the start of mission 13 and requires red orbs to be used by pressing Square whilst in its primary state. Obviously, to be able to use more than 500,000 red orbs, you’re going to have to farm 500,000 red orbs which is done easily with the Dr. Faust firearm but in a different mode, Gunslinger. See Jackpot!  for information on how to quickly farm red orbs.

You can either bank 500,000 red orbs then fire them off by mashing Square or use as many red orbs as you have as and when you feel like it. The total will keep ticking over in any difficulty or game mode so the choice is yours which is useful, as is knowing that the red orbs that you fire with Dr. Faust, don’t need to hit a target to count towards the 500,000 fired. Once you have fired 500,000 red orbs with Dr. Faust, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Who Needs Weapons Anyway trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Who Needs Weapons Anyway?
Clear Mission 11 without equipping a weapon set for Dante. (Heaven or Hell excluded)

You need to complete mission 11 with only either the Devil Sword Sparda, Devil Sword Dante or Rebellion (all the same weapon essentially) and Ebony & Ivory equipped and nothing else. To do so before starting mission 11, go into Customize then tab right to Equipment, choose Swords and Set 1, move either Devil Sword Sparda, Devil Sword Dante or the Rebellion into slot 1.

Ensure the other 3 slots are empty, which you can do by clicking on for example slot 2 then select the red diagonal line. Do the same for the Guns tab ensuring Ebony & Ivory are in slot 1 and the other 3 slots are empty. Then go through and complete the mission, you can use your Devil Trigger if you need to and play the mission on Human difficulty to have an easier time of it. Then once you have complete mission 11 having fulfilled the above requirements, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Unarmed and Dangerous trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Unarmed and Dangerous
Beat Mission 07 without any starting Devil Breakers equipped. (Heaven or Hell excluded)

Once you get to Mission 7 as Nero, Dante or V, choose Nero for the mission then go the Customize option, tab right to Equipment. Click Edit then press Triangle to remove any Devil Breakers you have equipped and start the mission. Any Devil Breakers you find throughout the mission are fine to use just as long as you start the mission with no Devil breakers equipped. Then go off and complete mission 7 to unlock your Trophy.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Pet Protection trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Pet Protection
Clear Mission 05 without V’s demons getting stalemated. (Heaven or Hell excluded)

Stalemated is another term for running out of health, to prevent this during mission 5, play through on Human difficulty and make good use of Nightmare. Ensure you have a fully upgraded V to make this a lot easier and work your way through the mission. Once you have completed mission 5 without either Shadow, Griffon or Nightmare having been “stalemated”, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Sibling Rivalry trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Sibling Rivalry
Clear all missions as Vergil.

Vergil is available from the start of the game in the Special Edition of Devil May Cry 5. Put the game on Human difficulty or above then work your way through all of the missions, once the credits roll, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Concentrated Strength trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Concentrated Strength
Acquire all of Vergil’s skills.

Click the link to go to the complete Concentrated Strength Trophy Guide.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Heart of a Swordsman trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Heart of a Swordsman
Clear Mission 19 as Vergil without using any weapons other than Yamato. (Heaven or Hell excluded)

The Yamato, as you’re probably aware by this point is the sheathed sword rather than the glowing one. You need to turn off auto assist in the options menu to prevent you from automatically switching between weapons and avoid pressing L2 / R2 whilst performing combos. You are also unable to use the Mirage Blade (firearm) as you make your way through the mission so do this on Human difficulty to have a much easier time of it. Once you have completed the 19th mission using just the Yamato, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition A Legendary Return trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Legendary Return
Complete the game on Legendary Dark Knight mode.

Legendary Dark Knight Mode (L.D.K.M.) is not for the faint of heart or for those of who who are new to DMC 5. Ensure you have fully maxed out vitality and devil trigger gauges as well as all skills unlocked for either the 3 main characters or Vergil then get ready for a hard, hard fight. Whilst Hell and Hell is outrageously challenging due to you dying in one hit, L.D.K.M. will throw as many enemies on screen as the console can process and then some, where there were maybe one or 2 enemies in a usual difficulty, L.D.K.M. will have you fight 50 enemies. You also get enemies coming at you that weren’t previously present in the boss fights, significantly increasing the challenge. Work your way through L.D.K.M. one mission at a time then once completed, your Trophy will unlock.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition A Champion Rises trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

A Champion Rises
Clear the Bloody Palace with any character.

See Four Infernal Kings for more information.

Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Four Infernal Kings trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Four Infernal Kings
Clear the Bloody Palace with all characters.

The Bloody Palace can be accessed from the main menu after completing the main game on any difficulty and will see you need to fight your way through 101 floors of madness in one sitting. If you leave or turn off your console, you will be back to floor 1, however, you are able to pause the game in the Bloody Palace. You will have all manner of beasts, Demon’s and bosses to contend with throughout in a multitude of combinations so ensure you have fully levelled characters before you attempt this mammoth challenge. Once you have completed all 101 floors of the Bloody Palace with Nero, V, Dante and Vergil, your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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