Dirt 5 DLC Pack 2 Uproar Trophy Guide
Author: ValeNort46.
Genre: Racing.
Dirt 5 directory.
Welcome to the Dirt 5 DLC Pack 2 Uproar Trophy Guide.
- Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One.
- Trophies: 5: Gold: 1, Silver: 1, Bronze: 3.
- Release Date: 30-Mar-2021.
- Missable Trophies: None.
- Glitched Trophies: 1: Dusk til Dawn.
- Online Trophies: None.
- Difficulty Rating: 3/10.
- Approx. time to 100%: 10 Hours.
This guide will help you drive 30 miles in the Duke Coupe and earn all 75 Medals in the Uproar career in the second DLC pack for Dirt 5.

Dusk til Dawn
Earn all 75 Medals available in Uproar
Please Note: Dusk Til Dawn is currently glitched, players are reporting that they have collected all 75 Stamps but haven’t unlocked their trophy. The Developers are aware of the issue and will have this fixed in an upcoming patch. Featuring a total of 25 new events to contend with you earn stamps for your finishing position on each event. A win is required to earn all 3 stamps for each event so play through and win all 25 events to unlock your Trophy.

In My Mirrors
Gain first place in one of the Main Events of Uproar
You will need to achieve first place in every main event as you make your way towards Dusk til Dawn.

Light Entertainment
Complete “Absolutely Smashing” Smash Attack event
The Absolute Smashing, Smash Attack event will need to be completed as you make your way towards Dusk til Dawn.

The Duke
Drive 30 miles in the Duke Coupe Off Road Mod
The Duke Coupe off-road mod is a Rally GT car so choose arcade from the main menu and then pick any event type and track you wish. Add Rally GT as the car class then start the event, pick the Duke as your car and compete that event. Repeat these steps until you drive 30 miles at which point your Trophy will unlock.

Win a Multi-Class race in career
There are several Multi-Class events throughout Uproars’ career, all of which will need to be completed as you make your way towards Dusk til Dawn.
That’s the Dirt 5 DLC Pack 2 Uproar Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the pack.
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