
Dirt 5 Trophy Guide

Welcome to the Dirt 5 Trophy Guide.

  • Platforms: PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One.
  • Trophies: 21: Platinum: 1, Gold: 8, Silver: 6, Bronze: 6.
  • Release Date: 06-Nov-2020.
  • Missable Trophies: None.
  • Glitched Trophies: None.
  • Online Trophies: 1: Everyone’s a Critic.
  • Difficulty Rating2/10.
  • Approx. time to 100%30 Hours.

Please Note: As of patch 1.04 the developers have lowered the requirements for Spare Some Change for Gas to drive 1,000 miles from 10,000 miles which will make the game a lot quicker to complete now. Dirt 5 is here and it’s time to rev your engines and get playing, the game brings you a wealth of game modes. Including a detailed career mode with plenty of events to work through and the new playgrounds where you can allow your imagination to run wild creating the best, fastest, technical courses out there. Here is the complete trophy guide to help you through this experience as smoothly as possible.

Dirt 5 Dirt Legend trophy
PS5 Platinum Trophy

Collect all other Trophies

Dirt 5 +10 HRSPRS trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Save your first customised livery

Choose garage from the main menu then select any car you wish. Next, choose the create option to enter the livery editor, make any alteration on your livery, for me I just changed a colour, however, Dirt 5 does bring a very good, in-depth livery customisation aspect to the game. Simply make and then save a change to a livery to unlock your Trophy.

Dirt 5 Fast Cars and Fancy Cards trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Fast Cars and Fancy Cards
Customise and save your player card

Starting from the main menu, choose profile then player card. You may alter any option that you like from within this menu then accept the change to unlock your Trophy.

Dirt 5 Jack of All Trades trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Jack of All Trades
Complete one of every type of Career Event

Click the link to go to the complete Jack Of All Trades Trophy Guide.

Dirt 5 Stuntmasta trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Score 30,000 or higher in a Career Gymkhana event

A Gymkhana is an event that rewards you for performing tricks and stunts so you will need to string tricks together. This can only be done in a career mode event so playgrounds are off limits, your aim is to get your multiplier up to 2 then find one of the purple zones on the course that rewards you for spins and with your 2x multiplier should net you the 30k easily enough. It might take a couple of attempts but once you hit the 30k target your Trophy will unlock,

Dirt 5 Graduation Ceremony trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Graduation Ceremony
Complete Chapter 1

See Now I Am the Master for more information.

Dirt 5 Extreme Acceleration trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

Extreme Acceleration
Complete Chapter 2

See Now I Am the Master for more information.

Dirt 5 Escape Velocity trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Escape Velocity
Complete Chapter 3

See Now I Am the Master for more information.

Dirt 5 Final Shift trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Final Shift
Complete Chapter 4

See Now I Am the Master for more information.

Dirt 5 Gonna Need New Tyres trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Gonna Need New Tyres
Complete a 100m drift

Every rally car in the game can drift but to get long drifts it’s best to use a very powerful car like a classic rally car then when driving at speed and coming to a long sweeping corner press Circle to apply the handbrake and start the drift. Applying more acceleration will keep the drift going until you exceed the 100 metre mark, unlocking your Trophy.

Dirt 5 Long Jump trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Long Jump
Jump 50m distance in a single jump

You will get this naturally through career mode, you need to go into a Stampede event called The Crusher. In this event you will come to a jump taking you over 50m so simply complete this event to unlock your Trophy.

Dirt 5 Spare Some Change for Gas trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Spare Some Change for Gas?
Drive 1,000 miles

Please Note: As of Patch 1.04, the requirements for this trophy have been lowered from 10,000 miles to 1,000 miles making this a lot more manageable now. This is the last trophy you should unlock in dirt 5. Ensure you have completed every career event, and have unlocked every other trophy in the game. Then it’s a matter of driving. A lot. Mileage can be earnt in any game mode, online or offline thankfully which makes this mildly less painful to get through. Choose a quick car that you’re comfortable with and a nice fast track then start clocking up the miles. Once you have gone pass the 1,000 mile target, your Trophy will unlock.

Dirt 5 Practice Makes Perfect trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Practice Makes Perfect
Complete 10 clean laps

If you touch the side of the track or another opponent then you have not completed a clean lap so this is best done by taking your time and driving slowly around the lap. You don’t need to win the race, you can complete a race in last place, as long as you have run a clean lap, that will enough of a requirement for this one. This can be done in any mode that involves a lap based event so if it doesn’t come naturally then choose arcade from the main menu and finish off your 10 clean laps. Once you have completed 10 clean laps, your Trophy will unlock.

Dirt 5 Superstar Story trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Superstar Story
Complete Chapter 5

See Now I Am the Master for more information.

Dirt 5 Checks and Balances trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Checks and Balances
Earn a total of $1,000,000

Earning 1 million credits may seem a bit daunting at first but thankfully career mode is very generous on its rewards and you can top your balance by participation in sponsorship events and have this trophy unlocked en-route to beating career mode.

Dirt 5 Blank Slate trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Blank Slate
Build and test your first Playground

Time to show the world what a playground should look like by creating your own and taking it for a test spin. Choose Playgrounds from the main menu then create, now choose any available arena and game mode to load up the blank arena. Next, choose the create option and add as little or much as you wish into the arena. Then with the Playground finished off you need to press Options to bring up the menu and choose the test option. At this point you will enter the car selection screen and your playground will load, once it has loaded your Trophy will unlock .

Dirt 5 Everyone's a Critic trophy
PlayStation Silver Trophy

Everyone’s a Critic
Rate a Playground

Select Playgrounds from the main menu then discover which will load up some of the many Playgrounds people have created, choose one of them and have a go around the Playground. After you have completed a Playground, you have the option of rating it by holding Cross to like it or hold Circle to dislike it. Either choice is fine, once you have rated the Playground, your Trophy will unlock.

Dirt 5 I'll Show Them I'll Show Them All trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

I’ll Show Them! I’ll Show Them All!
Unlock all Throwdowns in the career

Click the link to go to the complete I’ll Show Them, I’ll Show Them All Trophy Guide.

Dirt 5 Now I Am the Master trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Now I Am the Master
Complete the Superstar Finale of the Career

Make your way through the career completing and winning the races to advance through the game. With any of the 3 main events won go to the faith chapter where you will unlock the superstar finale which is a one on one ultra cross race, you need to win this race to unlock your Trophy.

Dirt 5 No Event Left Behind trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

No Event Left Behind
Complete every Career Event

Dirt 5 has a total of 125 Events, each one of these has 3 objectives that need to be completed, however, for this trophy, you simply need to complete the event finishing in any position. Try and aim for as high of a place as you can to help you on your way to level 50 and earning 1,000,000 credits. Once you have completed all 125 events your Trophy will unlock.

Dirt 5 Superstardom trophy
PlayStation Gold Trophy

Reach level 50, becoming a Superstar

Level 50 might seem a long way off at level 1 but it’s not that bad, the better you do in events the more experience you will earn and level up faster. You should earn this trophy on your way to No Event Left Behind, however, if you’re not level 50 by then simply re-enter any career event until you reach level 50 where your Trophy will unlock.

That’s the Dirt 5 Trophy Guide complete I hope it helps you through the game.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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4 years ago

I always imagined DiRT games to be quite hard and long completions. I know I really suck at driving games so this might be the first racing game that I complete xD

4 years ago
Reply to  Don

Hi, Don
You’re not wrong, some Dirt games are very challenging, fortunately, this one is definitely more on the easier side
Best of luck getting the gaming done
All the bet