Dragons Dogma II Announced
Author: FuzionByte.
Genre: Action Adventure, Open World, RPG.
The recent PlayStation showcase which aired on the 24th May 2023 gave us a smorgasbord of new games coming in 2023 and beyond. Among many others that I am hyped for, I think the game that touched my heart the most was Dragons Dogma II announced with a beautiful trailer showing off new spells, Pawns who are your summonable companions, interactive environments as well as a lot more besides including some gigantic bosses.
One of the things I am most looking forward to and it does say a lot for the state of gaming in general is Dragons Dogma II will only be on next gen consoles as well as PC of course so those of you with a PS4 / Xbox One will need to upgrade to next gen hardware in order to experience Dragons Dogma II in all it’s glory.
If Dragons Dogma II is anything like the first entry and I can’t think of a reason why it wouldn’t be, you will have a host of starting classes and playstyles where you can mix things up so if you like being a Knight and a Mage, you do you, if you want to go for a Ranged Stealth build who can wield heavy weapons then as long as you spec your character appropriately, have fun with it. That was what made Dragons Dogma such an amazing game to play as you can tailor your character how you see fit for any situation then, if the need takes you, summon in some high level Pawns which will then decimate your opponents.
You will no doubt be crossing sprawling plains, delving in to some Demon infested dungeons, crossing the ocean to far away lands collecting mythical weaponry, armour, spells, companions, experience and knowledge along the way. There is no release date for Dragons Dogma II as yet, however, it wouldn’t surprise me to see it either Q4 2023 or Q1 2024 as in the trailer at least it does look very polished so far.
As you can see, this is definitely one to watch! We hope to have more on Dragons Dogma II as it becomes available.
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