
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Archivist Trophy Guide

Dying Light 2 Archivist trophy
PlayStation Bronze Trophy

25 G

Find all Collectible Notes.

here is the Dying Light 2 Stay Human Archivist trophy guide which will help you find all collectible notes of which there are 117. Whilst exploring the lands of Villedor, you may come across notes, such as safe codes, posters, newspapers, dog tags, and playing cards; also known as mementos, which offer lore about the game for you to dive into.

Activating survivor sense (R3) whilst approaching the collectible will make them easier to narrow down. There are a  total of 117 to collect for this trophy, some of which are semi-missable, so it is recommended that you go for these during Stage 1 in the main Dying Light 2 trophy guide so as to minimise clean up time.

They can, however, be picked up in co-op since they all require either a story quest or side quest. All missable mementos are noted in the table below, while you can find a third party video guide from another YouTuber who has a very good take on what you need to. Please ensure you subscribe to Warby Gaming and check their video out hereSo with that said, here are the missable Mementos throughout Dying Light 2:




GRE Quartermaster Pike – 1, 2 & 3.

Available after completing: The Ball Is In Your Court.

These three collectibles are found towards the end of the quest when you are prompted to search the area for the valuables, inside the two containers.

The Carriers Guild Assault.

Credit to AnkhFuNk for the video.

Carriers X: You must interact with the carrier at the metro station, available after entering the headquarters in the Central Loop.

After clearing out the enemies in the apartment block, the witness will tell you that your friend was chased into a nearby building. Go there and you will find this collectible on the table next to the bed.

Avery’s Map.

To Kill or Not to Kill, Unknown what causes the side quest to spawn.

After clearing out the enemies in the apartment block, the witness will tell you that your friend was chased into a nearby building. Go there and you will find this collectible on the table next to the bed.

Chris’s Dog Tags.

Credit to FragThePlanet for the video.

Found during the Broadcast quest.

During the mission, you will be tasked to find the power distribution room, where you will find a dying Leon. After speaking to him, enter the next room and you will encounter a zombie that you should kill and loot.

Note: Side with Frank for a future quest that has a collectible

The Ambush Tactic.

No Mercy: Side with Frank during Broadcast.

This collectible can be found inside the big open room of the church, close to the entrance and the burning barrel on the pew.

The Kill Order.
Infected Playing Card> Ace of Clubs> Howler.

Now or Never: Completing Space Cock will cause the compound to become inaccessible.

On the first floor of the compound, on the dining table, is where the first collectible can be found.

The second collectible is in the same room, under the stairs, on the table.

X13 collectibles are not missable as they will automatically be given to you upon completion. The prologue collectibles are also not missable as they can be found later on at any time.

Credit to Lewis_y123 for the video.

Once you have all 117 Collectible notes you will unlock Archivist.

That’s the Dying Light 2 Stay Human Archivist trophy guide complete, I hope the guide helped you find all Collectible Notes.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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