Dying Light 2 Stay Human Combat Skills
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Horror, RPG.
Dying Light 2 Stay Human directory.
Dying Light 2 can be a challenging game given the high number of enemies, enhanced zombies and bandits you will be up against not to mention some of the other nasties that only appear at night. As you make your way through the game taking down various enemies you will earn combat XP which then allows you to select new combat skills which make enemies easier to handle for the most part. You will need to kill a lot of zombies / bandits to earn just one skill point so choose wisely as you go through the game to maximise your efficiency dependant on your playstyle. The Dying Light 2 Stay Human combat skills are as follows:
Vault Kick
Jump over staggered enemies and follow up with a kick. Run towards a staggered enemy and press R1 to perform a Vault. Press R2 during a Vault to Vault Kick a nearby enemy. Acquired automatically in the Prologue.
Perfect Dodge
Skill required: Vault Kick.
Dodge at just the right time to stagger your enemy. Press R1 while moving back or to either side. A successful Perfect Dodge staggers an enemy.
Skill required: Perfect Dodge.
140 Health required. Use the momentum of attacking enemies to throw them to the side. When an enemy moves towards you, press Square and add a direction with L3. A successful Grapple staggers an enemy.
Grapple Throw
Skill required: Grapple.
180 Health required. Increase the momentum of enemies thrown with Grapple to knock them to the ground. Hold Square while performing a Grapple to increase its force.
Air Kick
Skill required: Vault Kick.
When dropping onto enemies from above, nail them with a power kick. While high in the air, look down at an enemy and hold L1 to execute.
Vault Power Kick
Skill required: Air Kick.
140 Health required. Add force to your Vault Kick and send enemies flying. Hold R1 while performing a Vault.
Head Stomp
Skill required: Vault Power Kick.
180 Health required. Headstomp enemies that lay on the ground. Focus on an enemy then press Square.
Skill required: Air Kick.
180 Health required. Perform a powerful kick while jumping. Run at an enemy, then hold R1 to jump and press L1 twice in the air.
Perfect Parry
Skill required: Vault Kick.
120 Health required. Perform a perfect block to stagger your enemy for longer and trigger a slo-mo effect that allows additional follow-up actions to be executed more easily. Press L1 just at the right time.
Block Projectiles
Skill required: Perfect Parry.
160 Health required. Block incoming projectiles like knives and arrows. Press L1 at just the right time.
Deflect Projectiles
Skill required: Block Projectiles.
240 Health required. Deflect an incoming projectile and send it back to your attacker. Press L1 at just the right time to deflect an incoming projectile and send it back to your attacker.
Block Charge
Skill required: Perfect Parry.
160 Health required. When blocking, charge at an enemy in front of you and knock them to the ground. Press Square when blocking.
Power Attack
Skill required: Vault Kick.
120 Health required. Perform a powerful attack that deals more damage, interrupts enemy attacks and blocks. Hold + release R2.
Skill required: Power Attack.
160 Health required. Perform a powerful attack that hits all enemies around you. Hold Triangle to charge a Power Attack and press R1.
Ground Pound
Skill required: Power Attack.
160 Health required. Perform a powerful attack while in mid-air. Hold R2 while jumping or falling. A successful Ground Pound staggers all enemies within a short range.
Skill required: Vault Kick.
160 Health required. Quickly take down an unaware enemy (requires a Knife). Press L2 while performing a Takedown.
Stab Followup
Skill required: Stab.
200 Health required. Automatically throw a knife at another enemy after performing a Stab (requires a Knife). Aim at another enemy during Takedown and press R2 to perform.
Ledge Takedown
Skill required: Stab Followup.
240 Health required. Quickly take down enemies by pulling them down from a Ledge. Press Square when hanging on the ledge below an enemy.
Precise Aiming
Skill required: Vault Kick.
160 Health required. Increase your aim with all ranged weapons. Press R3 while using a ranged weapon to execute.
Power Shot
Skill required: Precise Aiming.
200 Health required. Adds Piercing and bonus Damage to all Ranged weapon slots.
Serial Shot
Skill required: Power Shot.
240 Health required. Allows you to fire up to 3 projectiles at the same time. Press R3 to trigger Precise Aiming, then mark up to 3 targets and release to open fire.
Parkour Shot
Skill required: Precise Aiming.
220 Health required. Gain the ability to use ranged weapons parkouring. With a ranged weapon equipped hold R2 during parkour moves (jumps, tic tacs etc.) to aim more precisely.
Skill required: Vault Kick.
200 Health required. Smash enemy heads while dropping onto them from above. Press Square when looking at an enemy from above.
Smash Jump
Skill required: Smash.
240 Health required. Perform a jump right after Smash, giving you the opportunity to follow up with another aerial attack. Press R1 after smash.
That’s all 24 combat skills that are available in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.
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