
Dying Light 2 Stay Human Parkour Skills

One of the biggest plus points about Dying Light 2 Stay Human are the traversal mechanics centred around parkour. Whether you’re jumping over a car, climbing an elevator shaft or mantling up the side of a 300ft building, the climbing mechanics play a massive part of the experience. The more you climb, fall safely and run the more XP you will earn towards your Parkour skills. Every skill costs one skill point a piece and there are 24 in total, however, XP doesn’t come easily in the game so get climbing. The Dying Light 2 Stay Human parkour skills are as follows:

High Jump

Allows you to jump higher and reach higher ledges. Hold R1 to jump higher. Acquired automatically in the Prologue.

Active Landing

Skill required: High Jump.
Reduce fall damage and keep your momentum. Press Circle just before the landing.

Safe Landing

Skill required: Active Landing.
140 Stamina required. Increases the height from which you can land without taking any damage.

Landing Jump

Skill required: Safe Landing.
200 Stamina required. Jump instantly from an Active Landing. Press R1 when you hit the ground with Active Landing.

Firm Grip

Skill required: High Jump.
Make the last climb on Ledges even when your stamina is gone and briefly maintain your grip when you land on Ledges from great heights. Hold R1 while falling to grab a Ledge.

Fast Climb

Skill required: Firm Grip.
140 Stamina required. Move faster on Ledges when moving up and to either side. Use L3 while holding a Ledge to move.

Ledge Jump

Skill required: Fast Climb.
200 Stamina required. Jump while climbing on Ledges to get higher more quickly. Press R1 while climbing upwards.

Far Jump

Skill required: High Climb.
120 Stamina required. Use any obstacle to spring from it and jump further. Tap L1 while jumping over obstacle.

Double Jump

Skill required: Far Jump.
160 Stamina required. Reach even greater heights while jumping off obstacles. Tap R1 twice while performing a jump.

Rotate Jump

Skill required: Double Jump.
200 Stamina required. Turn 180 degrees during a jump. Press Triangle while in the air.

Sleek Runner

Skill required: High Jump.
120 Stamina required. Increase your speed while navigating tricky obstacles like slopes, balance boards, climbing pipes, wall openings, etc.


Skill required: Sleek Runner.
160 Stamina required. Slide while running to pass through low holes in walls and other passages. Hold Circle while running.

Slide Jump

Skill required: Slide.
200 Stamina required. Perform a jump directly from a Slide without losing any momentum. Press R1 while in a Slide.

Stealth Movement

Skill required: Sleek Runner.
160 Stamina required. Increase your overall speed and mobility while sneaking. Gain the ability to perform a Crouch Jump. Press L3 when crouched.

Crowd Runner

Skill required: Sleek Runner.
160 Stamina required. Run through a group of enemies without losing any momentum and lowering the damage you receive. Press L1 while moving forward.


Skill required: High Jump.
140 Stamina required. Temporarily increases your movement speed, which allows you to jump across wider gaps, reach higher ledges or run longer on walls. Press L3 while running to gain a brief burst of speed.


Skill required: Dart.
180 Stamina required. Dash for as long as your stamina lasts. Hold L3 while running to move faster, as long as you have Stamina.


Skill required: Dash.
240 Stamina required. Gain a brief burst of speed after performing specific parkour moves. Press L3 after Climb, Active Landing etc.

Enemy Jump

Skill required: Dart.
180 Stamina required. Jump off enemies while in Dart/Dash. Press R1 while Darting/Dashing at an enemy.


Skill required: Dart.
200 Stamina required. Bash through obstacles and enemies without stopping. While in Dart/Dash, press R2.

Tic Tac

Skill required: High Jump.
160 Stamina required. Run alongside vertical surfaces. Press and hold R1 while jumping toward a flat surface.

Wall Run

Skill required: Tic Tac.
200 Stamina required. Run upwards on vertical surfaces. Press and hold R1.

Wall Run Jump

Skill required: Wall Run.
240 Stamina required. Jump up while performing a Wall Run. Press and hold R1 while performing a Wall Run.

Wall Combo

Skill required: Tic Tac.
260 Stamina required. Combine Tic Tacs or Wall Runs into longer combos.

That’s all 24 parkour skills that are available in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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