Elden Ring Beastman Of Farum Azula Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World, RPG, Souls.
Elden Ring directory.
Recommended Level: 15.
Optional Boss: Yes.
Area: Limgrave.
Closest Site of Grace: Groveside Cave.
Rewards: Flamedrake Talisman, 1,000 Runes.
The Beastman Of Farum Azula is a Bloodborne style boss who is fast moving has high combos and a decent reach.
Enter the Groveside Cave then go to the right following the path to the boss arena.
The Beastman of Farum Azula is a fast moving, distance closing beast with a big sword in has hand. He will utilise powerful combos as well as a roar that can easily break your guard if you try and tank the hits without having to many points in Endurance so it’s best to roll out of the way.
Going in with a light to medium build will help as fat rolling will get you caught up in a combo that easily end your day.
Fortunately the Beastman has a small stamina bar so keep the pressure to guard break him where you can then get a critical hit.
Repeat this a few times to bring him down.