
Elden Ring Erdtree Burial Watchdog Boss Guide

Recommended Level: 15.
Optional Boss: Yes.
Area: Limgrave.
Closest Site of Grace: Stormfront Catacombs.
Rewards: 1,300 Runes, Noble Sorcerer Ashes.
The Erdtree Burial Watchdog can hit hard and has a good defence as well as fire and jumping attacks.

Getting to the Erdtree Burial Watchdog is more of a challenge than defeating it as you need to carefully navigate fire traps and mobs of Imps as you make your way through the Stormfront Catacombs.

Proceed through to the right then take out the Imps, continue through waiting for the fire to stop then sprint to the alcove on the right then stop immediately.

Wait for the next fire stream to stop then sprint to the next alcove on the right and climb the ladder.

Take out the Imps up here then carefully drop down to the left in the middle of the walkway to land on a statue then pull the lever to open the door.

Go back to the entrance and refill your flasks then head forward from the Site of Grace going through the now open door and through the fog gate to the boss.

The Erdtree Burial Watchdog can be a challenge if you’re not appropriately geared as it can hit hard and cause heavy fire damage as well. Ranged / mage based players will have an easier time of it and I recommend melee players go in with a decent shield.

The boss can close distance on you well by spinning in a split second bringing the sword down on your head as well as utilising spinning and jumping attacks.

Because of the spin there aren’t any safe places to stand so get in get a couple of hits then back away before another attack begins. Avoid the fire at all costs then, with some patience you can take the boss down.

That’s where to find and how to take down the Erdtree Burial Watchdog boss in Elden Ring.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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