Elden Ring Margit The Fell Omen Boss Guide
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World, RPG, Souls.
Elden Ring directory.
Recommended Level: 50.
Optional Boss: No. Margit The Fell Omen is a mandatory story boss.
Area: Limgrave.
Closest Site of Grace: Castleward Tunnel.
Rewards: Talisman Pouch, 12,000 Runes.
Margit The Fell Omen is the first compulsory story boss you will face in Elden Ring and is a seriously challenging learning curve with swipes, weapon spawns, ranged attacks, jumping attacks, spins, combos and devastating power you need to get through.
Whilst you can go straight to Stormveil Castle and face off against Margit once you’re out of the tutorial area I strongly recommend against this and go off and explore Limgrave levelling up to at least level 50 to stand a better chance of winning. Margit The Fell Omen is a seriously powerful brick wall of a boss that you need to be, unless you’re a souls veteran at least level 50 with a good knowledge of how the fight works.
During the first phase of the fight, Margit will throw some daggers at you, swipe with his cane as well as perform some heavy spinning attacks meaning there is no where safe to get some damage in consistently. Your best strategy will be to summon in either Sorcerer Rogier who will be outside the boss fog to the right or use a summoning ashes which will give you a chance to heal if nothing else whilst Margit loses focuses on you.
In the second half of the fight (once his health bar is below 50%) things get really challenging as Margit will start employing a large hammer which can easily one shot you if it lands. Margit will swipe, slam and even do a jumping slam which can easily cleave through a full stamina and health bar in one hit.
Your only chance of success is to either keep levelling yourself up focusing on Vigor primarily to allow you to take more hits as well as to learn his moves as well as you can. Don’t be surprised if Margit downs you 10+ times before you start learning the patterns which even then are random at best and punishing at worst. He does, fortunately have a fairly low stamina bar which will enable you to get a critical hit providing you can land consistent heavy / jumping attacks. Whichever way you look at it though, Margit has been designed to be a serious challenge for souls veterans never mind people new to the series so just level up until you get to a point where you can down him.
That’s where to find and take down Margit The Fell Omen in Elden Ring, best of luck with the fight. It is designed to be a challenge.
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