Elden Ring Passive Rune Farming
Author: FuzionByte.
Genres: Action Adventure, Open World, RPG, Souls.
Elden Ring directory.
Elden Ring has a tough combat system where enemies attack you without remorse doing their best to send you back to the last Site of Grace you visited over and over again and that’s just in the first area. If you’re looking to complete the game you will need a lot of Runes which is Elden Ring’s version of XP or souls for those who played the Dark Souls series which can be earnt through taking down enemies where if they take you down you then need to get back to your Rune marker to reclaim your lost Runes. Fortunately, there’s a way to perform Elden Ring passive Rune farming with no combat required.
All you need in order to obtain 250,000+ Runes per hour is Torrent which is given to you at your third Site of Grace by Melina. Once you have Torrent go to the location below; Lenne’s Rise found on the East coast of Caelid.
Once you’re there (which can be done as soon as you have Torrent), look down the hill from the Site of Grace then make your way down where a ball will spawn.
This ball has some serious tracking and will look at ruining your day, fortunately though if you pan the camera around looking back up the way you just came you can see the ball. Now all you need to do is double jump forward back up the path you cam down against the cliff edge where the ball will fall off the cliff then pan the camera around looking at the ball to earn 1,925 Runes.
From here, open your map and fast travel back to Lenne’s Rise then repeat as many times as you want / need to. If you do this for a solid hour you will earn 250,000 Runes which can be a game changer in the early – mid game as it will grant you invaluable levels. Just be sure you level for the build you want as you will be committed until much later in the game where you can re-spec but you’ll have a good number of bosses and enemies to take down before you can do so. That’s how to earn 250,000 Runes an hour with no combat required. Let me know in the comments if you have a faster easier way of farming Runes in the early game.
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