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Elden Ring Tibia Mariner Boss Guide

Recommended Level 30.
Optional Boss: Yes.
Area: Limgrave.
Closest Site of Grace: Summonwater Village Outskirts.
Rewards: x1 Deathroot, Skeletal Mitiamen Ashes, 2,400 Runes.
The Tibia Mariner whilst imposing at first is more of a threat to the Skeletons that are summoned than he is to you providing you always keep a look out for when he’s going to try and hit with the boat.

You can find the Tibia Mariner in the North West section of Limgrave just before going through into Caeilid in the Summonwater Village.

The Tibia Mariner will summon in skeletons every so often which can give you some hassle if you allow them to surround you so avoid this at all costs. If you put any of the skeletons down you will need to give them one final hit unless you have a Holy weapon equipped to ensure they stay down.

Attack wise he doesn’t really have a lot going for him as a boss with attacks including hitting you with his rowing oar which is also used to summon in the skeletons as well as rearing the boat up to slam you down on it. The problem for him is he will usually take out the summoned skeletons in the process of trying to hit you which is handy.

Every so often he’ll disappear from the arena then reappear somewhere in the local area so jump on Torrent and hunt him down getting a few more hits in before he disappears again.

Ultimately, you shouldn’t have an overly tough time taking down the Tibia Mariner providing you manage the skeletons as well as well not allowing the boss to get close to you then wear down his health bar to defeat him.

That’s where to find and how to take down the Tibia Mariner Boss in Limgrave.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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