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Far Cry 6 release date confirmed

It’s official. Thanks to a recent video from Ubisoft posted on IGN, we can now tell you that Far Cry 6 is due to release on 07-Oct-2021 which is amazing news. Far Cry 6 is set on the fictional island of Yara, based in the Caribbean which is heavily influenced by the Cuban culture and lifestyle down to the cars and areas in the world you can play through as you go up against El Presidente in an effort to join the rebel forces and work towards overthrowing the guv’nor.

The announcement video also showed off a lot more gameplay elements and the world itself which looks stunning and very detailed, especially for a Far Cry game which usually sticks to open world with small settlement areas made out of wood whereas Far Cry 6 is a bustling city setting full of life. Playing as Dani Rojas an ex-soldier who is caught up in the rebellion against the forces on the island.

Expect the usual Far Cry craziness with extreme weaponry, tactical combat, crafting, looting and hunting all making an appearance. And there we have it, that’s the majority of what we know about Far Cry 6 which, like I mentioned earlier, the Far Cry 6 release date confirmed as 7-Oct-2021. We’ll have more news on Far Cry 6 as it becomes available so check back soon.

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Take care of yourselves and we’ll hopefully see you on the next one.

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3 years ago

I’m so looking forward to this game!!

3 years ago
Reply to  Kayleigh

Same here, I’ve always liked the Far Cry series
Far Cry 6 looks like Far Cry on ‘roids